Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Some democrats got mad spin skillz, yo!

Over at the loyal opposition blog, the spinmeisters have been working overtime. Hundreds of words that effectively amount to: It’s a great idea for democrats to use the legislature to attack their political opponents directly and it’s perfectly OK for government to directly compete with the private sector (laws or regulations notwithstanding) even when we all know it’s illegal.

In their first brain-fart, they publish an op-ed from our own socialist democrat Rep. Bill Fromhold (D-49) and Sen. Mark Doumit (D-19) where they whine (Man…. Democrats whine a LOT) about getting spanked for using the legislature to punish their political enemies, which is the effect of their blatant bill attacking the BIAW.

They’ll tell you, and their leftist sock puppets will agree with them, that the retro program is a terrible injustice to the members. So… they have a DUTY to “address” the issue.

The problem is that neither one of these idiots, not their toadying supporters acknowledge or admit that there are OTHER retro groups that members could belong to; that involvement in the BIAW is PURELY voluntary, and that the Membership of the BIAW WANTS them to expend those funds the way they have, which is to further the cause of business and to battle leftist socialist such as Fromhold and Doumit to keep government from delivering a crushing tax, fee and regulatory burden.

You see, what you HAVEN’T read… and what you WON’T read is this: “We were snowed under with complaints by member businesses in this organization. They DEMANDED a change, and we’re just answering the call.” (You know… Much like they’ve ignored the union members shafted by their unions over the use of their dues for political purposes)

So, these two neo-comm ultra-leftists are fixing a PROBLEM THAT DOESN’T EXIST!

Nah. No payback here. No political motive… Nothing like that. Can you even begin to imagine the outcry if the Republicans had done this to the unions when they controlled both Houses?

And then we segue’ to there second gaseous eruption where the neo-comm support the continued violation of the law and violation of the principle that government should never compete directly with the private sector.

Oh…. They give us a bunch of “reasons,” but none of them are relevant. If it were to help out the poor, they would require means testing, which they also oppose. If it weren’t direct competition with the private sector, then they would demand that the PUD shop spin off and become a private company…. Forced to pay the entire myriad of taxes and fees that every other business they compete directly against must pay.

But the leftists don’t care about that. All they want is to expand their influence, their size, and take care of their true constituency while they shaft the private sector.

And no amount of spin can cover that up.

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