Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Judge rules against reinserting tube.

As noted, I have taken the position that neither Congress nor the president should interfere with the Schiavo case in Florida.

At the Congressional level, that position places me in a distinct minority. In the House, of those voting (and by no means did everyone vote on the matter) only 58 present voted “no,” which is a fairly overwhelming defeat to those sharing my perspective. But opposing this effort places me directly in the middle of the political mainstream of this country, where 60% of those polled yesterday in a FOX News poll opposed congressional/presidential involvement.

In an unlikely turn of events and a sign that they vote their respective districts extremely well, Congressmen Brian Baird (D –WA3) and Dave Reichert (D-WA8) crossed party lines and voted against their respective caucuses (Baird voting “yes” and Reichert voting “no.”) on the matter.

That huge silence from our esteemed ultra-leftists in the Senate notwithstanding (Great moral courage there, eh?) the involvement of Congress in this matter was of extremely questionable Constitutionality. It indicates a Congress that is willing to go places they have no business going.

I reiterate that neither the Congress nor the President should get involved in this matter.

Life is important. But no individual life is more important than the rule of law.

It’s 4:10 a.m. as I write this. My thoughts now are for Terry, her anguished parents and her publicly vilified husband. Her family has been forced to cope with what for most of us would be an unimaginable horror.

And it’s time to let her go.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005 · Last updated 3:48 a.m. PT
Judge won't order Schiavo tube reinsertion


TAMPA, Fla. -- A federal judge on Tuesday refused to order the reinsertion of Terri Schiavo's feeding tube, denying an emergency request from the brain-damaged woman's parents.

Bob Schindler, lower left, looks on
in this artist rendition as George
Felos, attorney for Michael Schiavo
addresses Judge James Whittemore,
right, during a Terri Schiavo hearing
Monday afternoon March 21, 2005 at
the United States Courthouse in Tampa,
Fla. Judge Whittemore didn't rule on
whether Terri Schiavo's feeding tube
should be reinstated or not. Man above
Bob Schindler is unidentified. (AP
Photo/Peter Cowie)


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