Monday, February 14, 2005

Seattle Weekly: Eyman has good ideas this time?

Normally, the media pillories Tim Eyman every chance they get. Well, here's a refreshing change:

Seattle Weekly POLITICS

Eyman's Good Idea 

by Geov Parrish 
Tim Eyman, the initiative guru liberals love to hate, is back. After a lackluster 2004, during which he backed a failed gambling measure that was far afield from his usual turf, Eyman will in all likelihood have two initiatives on the ballot in 2005. 
Oddly enough, both are good ideas.
Who'da thunk it?

Eyman isn't perfect. That the left hates him is a good sign, because, generally, when the Left hates someone that is because that person is usually a conservative, almost always of the fiscal variety and certainly of the social variety.

I'm a fiscal conservative of the strictest order, and the fact is that the Left hates Eyman because he's reduced their drug of choice: taxpayer dollars. (Does the left hate the WEA because of their billion-dollar boondoggle initiatives that were unfunded and that they continually snivel about?) So, as a rule, when the Left hates you, it's because you're doing the correct thing.

In this case, the Left will oppose Eyman because first, both of these efforts are common sense that will do a great deal to politically rehabilitate Eyman; second, I-905 will actually strengthen the voice of the people, a voice hated by the Left when that voice doesn't happen to dovetail with their agenda of the moment and third, I-900 will result in the, to-the-Left, ever-threatening reduced size of government and, you guessed it, less money for their multiple, myriad and oft-times unnecessary and unneeded programs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get some, Timmah!