Saturday, September 15, 2012

Initiative/Ref/Resolution/Prop endorsements

(FULL DISCLOSURE: I have not and likely will not be endorsing in this race.  I freely admit that I am totally opposed to Marc Boldt's re-election since he's completely sold out to the left, forgotten/ignored GOP principles, supports the CRC scam in it's entirety and wants to hang tolls around our neck for the next several decades that will destroy a great deal of small business in Clark County as a result.

NO candidate or campaign or anyone involved or in any way concerned with any candidate or campaign was aware of or approved or had input into this post.

Further, Marc Boldt is my brother in law, and I worked for him as his legislative assistant for 6 years while he was in the state house.)

There are 4 initiatives, 2 resolutions and 2 advisory votes on the ballot: Homosexual Marriage (R 74),  Charter Schools (I-1240), 2/3rd's leg vote for tax increases (I-1185) and the Doper Bill (I-501); Debt Commission Implementation concerning debt limits (ESJR 8221) and Investments by UW and WSU (SJR 8223)

I oppose the homosexual marriage bill.  Big money, the kind the fringe left opposes for the right, is shoving this thing where the sun don't shine.  Homosexuals have exactly the same rights I do this second: neither hetero nor homosexuals can marry the same gender... or siblings... or children... or goats.  And I'm sure there are people who object to all those prohibitions... and that is just too damned bad.

I oppose the Doper Bill, a complete waste of time, effort and energy.  Dope will be no more legal to possess or smoke if this passes than it is now.  And the lies the pro-side uses tell me that, well, they were smoking dope when they put their campaign together.

I support the 2/3rd's restriction that Jim "My middle name is Hussein" Moeller hates so much, as indicated by his disdain for the people of his own district for having the temerity to sue them for voting yes on this effort in the past.

I support charter schools.  The WEA and their minions have done more damage than any other cause to our children today.  They are a failure in the classroom who would sell out the children in a second for a pay raise and to avoid classroom accountability.

I oppose the latest CTran rip off and object to not being allowed to vote on it, my brother-in-law's (Marc Boldt's) lies to the contrary notwithstanding.

I support the Debt Commission implementation because, unions oppose it and unions only give a damn about themselves.

I oppose the UW/WSU investment scam because of the leftists supporting it, including one of the slimiest people in earth, Bill Gates Sr, chief shiller for the state income tax.

I support the repeal in the advisory vote on ESB 6635,  $170,000,000 tax increase on certain financial institutions.  It's always moronic to jack taxes in a down eeconomy.

I support the repeal in the advisory vote on SHB 2590, a $24,000,000 tax increase for merely possessing petrolium products.

These positions are simple, and agree or disagree, it's where I'm at on them.

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