Saturday, September 15, 2012

Brancaccio's anti-Madore jihad continues.

(FULL DISCLOSURE: I have not and likely will not be endorsing in this race.  I freely admit that I am totally opposed to Marc Boldt's re-election since he's completely sold out to the left, forgotten/ignored GOP principles, supports the CRC scam in it's entirety and wants to hang tolls around our neck for the next several decades that will destroy a great deal of small business in Clark County as a result.
NO candidate or campaign or anyone involved or in any way concerned with any candidate or campaign was aware of or approved or had input into this post.
Further, Marc Boldt is my brother in law, and I worked for him as his legislative assistant for 6 years while he was in the state house.)
I freely admit it: Marc Boldt's hard left turn and abandonment of GOP principles in favor of his downtown masters as he sells us out to get re-elected.... getting less then 30% of the vote in his own district... meaning 70% of the people he's SUPPOSED to represent DO NOT WANT HIM... has resulted in my open opposition to hsi re-election.
But the democrats and the democratian wants that re-election.  Badly.  As a result, Lou Brancaccio has mounted his own personal jihad in an effort to become Boldt's own PR firm... as if Boldt was paying them... if he had any money.
This has led to putting Madore and his campaign literature under EXCRUCIATING examination while saying and doing nothing about Boldt's multiple lies.... all, of course in the name of even-handedness.
So, a private property owner has mounted a Madore 4x8 on top of a Mielke 4X8.
The newspaper has thrown a fit that's last THREE WEEKS on this absurdly minor issue, again, ignoring Boldt's multiple lies that he's "fought" for me to have a vote on the CTran scam he supports, that he hasn't raised our taxes, that he's a Republican and on, and on, and on.
Clearly, like anything else on their agenda, there's no lie they won't tell... or in Boldt's case, overlook, to keep him elected to do THEIR bidding, instead of that of the people he is SUPPOSED to be representing.
Instead, what's important to these scum?
That someone put a Madore sign up over a Mielke sign.
Not Boldt's support of the CRC scam, tolls and loot rail; that unemployment under the last 8 years of Boldt's tenure has been double digit and that our economy here locally sucks.
Nope.  The slimeball of an editor focuses on a campaign sign.
Is it any wonder these clowns are again going bankrupt?
But we've also seen this punk bully exhibit OCD toward political opponents in the past.
Who can forget his obsession with me and Peter Van Nortwick... and even Brent Boger?  His newspaper has lied about me... done stories about me, ignored comments provided in writing from me... so, I suppose that this is just par for their particular course... and David Madore is just added to the growing list of those willing to tell, through speech or action, Brancaccio to shove it.
And Lou fixates on campaign signs... or any other sin, real or imagined, that Madore may commit... all, again, while ignoring the multiple lies of Marc Boldt.
Brancaccio's jihad against Madore now, where any pretense of fairness has long since left the building (like it has on so many other issues on his agenda) is an embarrassment to the community.
But then, so is he.

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