Saturday, September 15, 2012

Why does the White House think we're stupid: MAG: The video didn't do it...

To the slime running the White House, the First Amendment is the First Suggestion.

What do you suppose their reaction would be if people were rioting in the streets around here, because someone burned a flag and stuck a Youtube video of that scene up on the 'net?

Here's a bulletin to the morons at the White House: the video, which has been around for weeks, didn't build that.

Bush didn't build that.

You did.

The scam the White House keeps running...
White House spokesman Jay Carney told the world that the violent protests in Cairo and Ben­ghazi and elsewhere were a “response not to United States policy, and not obviously the administration or the American people,” but were “in response to a video, a film we have judged to be reprehensible and disgusting.” Carney repeated the point for emphasis: “This is not a case of protests directed at the United States at large or at U.S. policy, but in response to a video that is offensive to Muslims.”
... is yet a continuation of the same deflection of responsibility for ANYTHING this administration has died over.

I say "died" because this nation lives or dies on the Administration's competence, skills and abilities.

To date, they have exhibited little of those... instead, making many long for the days of the incompetence of Jimmy Carter, a political Einstein in comparison.

Jay, it wasn't the video.  It IS, in fact, what you believe we're stupid enough to agree with you on: it was a reaction to your incompetent, pro-terrorist policies that have led to this Middle East debacle where, once again, you've managed to get American blood spilled and American treasure wasted... all while eliminating our prestige overseas.

MAG: The video didn't do it...

What about Obama's anti-Islam filmmaker?



UK, Tunisia, Sudan, Nigeria, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, India, Germany...

Spreads to Australia...


WH: Protests not directed at USA...

'We're very proud of the president's record on foreign policy'...

FLASHBACK: The Day I'm Inaugurated Muslim Hostility Will Ease...

'One of the proudest things of my three years in office is helping restore sense of respect for America around the world'...
It is Obama cowardice that has garnered this result.  It was his inability to see... or deliberate disinterest in the outcome... that his major support of the terrorist organization known as the Muslim Brotherhood TO TAKE OVER AN ENTIRE COUNTRY, would not, at some point, result in this outcome.

It was his disinterest in these attacks on our embassies and consulates, illustrated by a far more important schedule of fund raisers from which he did not miss a beat.

It was his failure to respond militarily; counted on, quite accurately, by the terrorists from a pattern started by Carter in Iran when this nation then, and now, did the unthinkable: failed to respond to these multiple acts of war.

But to Carter's credit, at least he didn't take the coward's way out and blame it on a video.

See, here's how it works: Obama is only responsible for any good outcome.  Since there hasn't been any good outcomes on his watch, however, that's a small list indeed.

And because that list is so small compared to his pages-long list of failures, he has to find ways to blame those massive and multiple failures on others... as if he was a victim... an innocent, ignorant, victim.

And we see the result: an abysmal economy with a real unemployment at around 19%, a foreign policy that's a shambles, American prestige at a huge, post World War 2 low... even worse than Carter.

But the idiot masquerading as a president either doesn't know... or doesn't care.

And our blood soaks their streets.

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