Monday, July 29, 2024

The Olympics-Last Supper debacle and leftist US political issues.... what they have in common.

By now, most of heard of the obviously deliberate degradation heaped on the Christian religion by Olympic organizers in Paris.

It WAS a deliberate parody of the last supper and it was a deliberate effort to denigrate the religions of literally billions of Christians. And everyone knew it, even the leftists in denial who bought into the organizers lame effort to tap dance their way out of it ("It's a thousand times easier to beg forgiveness than it is to get permission.") by claiming it was, in fact, some sort of tableau involving Dionysius, since they had some guy laying on a platter of fruit.
And leftists generally, immediately bought the bizarre excuse by organizers that the parody had NOTHING to do with "The Last Supper."
Yes, the fruit guy was part of it. But the much larger exhibition of drag queens and trans people making up the obvious effort to duplicate the painting was obvious.
So, those defending this hideous effort, who protested SOOOO loudly that it wasn't what we saw with our own eyes were, as they so frequently are, dead wrong.
And that's where US politics and the presidential election come into play.
In this era of a lack of total accountability, the American public has seen things, things the left now denies ever happened or that have been misinterpreted.
Literally for years, the leftists REFUSED to call the crisis of an illegal alien invasion the "crisis at the border".
MILLIONS of illegals from around the world have invaded this country. And the left not only lets them stay, they do nothing to keep them out and, in fact, continue to expand the illegal destination resort they've wasted billions of our dollars to construct.
That's a fact. An indisputable reality.
Like Biden's obvious dementia related issues, democrats would not acknowledge what our own eyes told us. In every problem confronting us, they would lie by commission or omission.
The economy is fantastic, we're told. Well, except for that problem of, well, now, 28% or so inflation, for example. Surely the "Inflation Reduction Act" with its horrific trillion dollar-plus wastes of money that the GOP House allowed would fix that problem.
Is it fixed?
I don't believe so.
The leftists were warned, literally for years, that Biden was falling apart. And now?
Now, after getting his head handed back to him in a basket HE built, they panicked and stuck us with a hopeless toad who has never once received any primary votes and who, charitably, can be called the worst Vice President this country has ever known and what?
We're expected to forget everything she's done? Every failure, Every embarrassment?
Just like those who watched the Olympics opening ceremony are expected to forget any of it happened or, the leftist preference?
Forget there even was an opening ceremony.
That is, I believe, part and parcel of leftist politics around the world generally and in this country specifically.
We are, instead, to sit back for a months-long Trash Trump Fest.
Ignore everything Kamala did or failed to do. Ignore her part in the obvious cover-up of Biden's decline which, if Trump hadn't exposed it, would STILL be their course of action.
Oh, we will hear and see talking heads and "news" beating the hell out of Trump over the next 3 months.
They'll point to his civil trial and criminal convictions. They'll ignore Biden's rape of Tara Reade and his propensity of showering with his daughter.
They NEVER remember that. It doesn't fit the meme. But it does prove leftist hypocrisy and our double standard of Justice.
The leftist claim, frequently stated and echoed is that no one is above the law.
10's of millions of illegals are above the law.
Open borders is above the law.
Sending billions in cash to a terrorist state like Iran, a state that is responsible for the death and maiming of 10's of thousands of American military personnel is above the law.
Stealing classified documents and leaving them in cardboard boxes in your garage is above the law.
Allowing illegal aliens to vote is above the law.
Taking bribes is above the law.
But leftists will tell us none of those things are happening.
Just like they told us the trans/drag queen rip off of the Last Supper never happened.
It did happen. But now? Now they lie to us about "being sorry."
They're not sorry. And if they are, it's only because it become so obvious that they couldn't lie about it any more. Like running another Biden, if they could figure out a way to do it, they would get it done.
What they've done TO us.... instead of FOR us.

When the organizers finally admit what we all know, it's the same as the leftists covering for Biden for so long finally admit what we all knew and is now inescapable.
As a brief aside, I do wonder who has actually BEEN president, since the hollow scarecrow holding the title obviously wasn't.
But the idea that we should forget about the horror of the Biden regime and Kamala's part in it? Her ongoing lies of omission concerning Biden?
That's not going to happen, considering we all buy groceries and gasoline, which their best efforts notwithstanding, are still horrifically overpriced.
And which will get much, much worse under a Kackling regime.

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