Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Men beating women boxers senseless. Why don't women put a stop to it?

 Here's a video of a fake woman boxer beating the hell out of a real woman boxer. Of course it's outrageous. Of course it's insane.

And I felt terrible about it for a minute as the crickets continued to chirp from the feminist hypocrites and leftists everywhere.
But then I was reminded of this one fact: women and women alone have the ability to stop this insanity.
What would have happened if every woman athlete in the entire Olympics banded together and refused to participate as long as fake women were allowed to beat them senseless?
And I mean EVERY woman in EVERY sport.
What would the IOC have done?
They would have caved. Immediately. But they take women for granted because they can. And women are getting beaten to a pulp as a result.
It's on you, women. I don't feel sorry or angry at all now. If you want to get hammered like a nail competing with fake women, that's on you.
YOU can put a STOP to this. That you don't and you risk your life competing against men?
That's your choice. Riley Gaines
Video at the link: `

Israel has been busy... and now terrorists in the region have a leadership vacuum.

 (I am surprised that they took this long to begin the process of hunting down terrorist leadership. After all, remove the head of the snakes and in the case of terrorists, that might not kill the snake but it will sure slow them down.)

Leftists, including Kackling Kamala, have been making demands on Israel to appease their terrorist base. And I get that, they need the terrorist-supporting and illegal votes in November.

Another one bites the dust.

Here's the problem: a cease-fire only benefits the terrorists. And when it comes to voting, who else are the terrorist-supporters going to vote for if not #roundheels?

The equation from Israel's side is simple.

To stop (or at least drastically reduce) terrorist attacks, they have to destroy terrorists in both gaza and the west bank. The only thing a cease fire would accomplish is a pause to allow the terrorists to resupply and rearm.

Part of that process includes the elimination of those in charge of these Iranian clients.

And since Iran is backing these terrorists, it likely will require the elimination of some Iranians as well.

Iran has to throw a fit for internal consumption; who can forget their last "revenge tour" that proved to be a debacle?

I support Israel. Period. They let terrorists fire thousands of rockets from gaza into their country. And they let that happen without retaliation, save for some air strikes.

Until October 7.

In warfare, there is no such thing as a "proportional response."

In World War Two, for example, the Japanese Killed 2,403 military personnel and 68 civilians.

Our (including allies) retaliation included as many as 2.3 million soldiers and as many as 800,000 civilians against Japan.

In Germany, 5.3 million soldiers and up to 3 million civilians. And it is of note that essentially, Germany did not attack us to kick off a war.

Israel is fighting for their existence, which a part of the hamas charter indicates they should not have. When you fight for your survival, you will no more be concerned about the niceties when it comes to your enemies than the enemies who raped and slaughtered 1400 mostly civilians, wounding/injuring 4600 more and kidnapping 240 more for hostages were concerned about the niceties for their victims.

Is there a risk of a, heaven forbid, wider war? Of course. Should Israel ignore the leadership of the organizations attempting to destroy them? Of course NOT.

Israel is a nuclear power. For now, at least, Iran appears not to have achieved that lofty perch/Obama/Biden's best efforts notwithstanding.

Would those whining about Israel's response prefer that form of retaliation? What does everyone sniveling believe Israel would do if their national survival was at stake?

The vast majority of gazans claim to support hamas. The vast majority of west bankers claim to support hezbollah.

Well, here's the deal using our past responses:

"All the gazans are guilty of the crimes of hamas, on the same level as the leadership of the hamas - because they chose and did not stop their power when they committed crimes against humanity."

Here's the reality:

The IDF incursion would end tomorrow.

All the gazans/west bankers have to do is turn over every member of hamas, every hamas supporter, all weapons and all monies/aid hamas has stolen to the IDF.

Return all hostages (and the bodies of those hamas has killed)

Turn over anyone involved in the Oct 7 slaughter, even peripherally.

Agree to frequent inspections to make sure gaza/west bank end their attacks on Israel.

And understand that Oct 7 means permanent occupation. And "permanent" means "forever."

Do this, and the military action would end.

The choices are stark. The choices are simple.

It's up to the people on the ground.

And their continued support of hamas makes them equally culpable.

Meanwhile, Israel rightfully will continue to do their work. And the leadership of hamas hiding out in the 5 star hotels in Qatar should probably update their life insurance policies.

Their play time appears to be over.

Monday, July 29, 2024

The Olympics-Last Supper debacle and leftist US political issues.... what they have in common.

By now, most of heard of the obviously deliberate degradation heaped on the Christian religion by Olympic organizers in Paris.

It WAS a deliberate parody of the last supper and it was a deliberate effort to denigrate the religions of literally billions of Christians. And everyone knew it, even the leftists in denial who bought into the organizers lame effort to tap dance their way out of it ("It's a thousand times easier to beg forgiveness than it is to get permission.") by claiming it was, in fact, some sort of tableau involving Dionysius, since they had some guy laying on a platter of fruit.
And leftists generally, immediately bought the bizarre excuse by organizers that the parody had NOTHING to do with "The Last Supper."
Yes, the fruit guy was part of it. But the much larger exhibition of drag queens and trans people making up the obvious effort to duplicate the painting was obvious.
So, those defending this hideous effort, who protested SOOOO loudly that it wasn't what we saw with our own eyes were, as they so frequently are, dead wrong.
And that's where US politics and the presidential election come into play.
In this era of a lack of total accountability, the American public has seen things, things the left now denies ever happened or that have been misinterpreted.
Literally for years, the leftists REFUSED to call the crisis of an illegal alien invasion the "crisis at the border".
MILLIONS of illegals from around the world have invaded this country. And the left not only lets them stay, they do nothing to keep them out and, in fact, continue to expand the illegal destination resort they've wasted billions of our dollars to construct.
That's a fact. An indisputable reality.
Like Biden's obvious dementia related issues, democrats would not acknowledge what our own eyes told us. In every problem confronting us, they would lie by commission or omission.
The economy is fantastic, we're told. Well, except for that problem of, well, now, 28% or so inflation, for example. Surely the "Inflation Reduction Act" with its horrific trillion dollar-plus wastes of money that the GOP House allowed would fix that problem.
Is it fixed?
I don't believe so.
The leftists were warned, literally for years, that Biden was falling apart. And now?
Now, after getting his head handed back to him in a basket HE built, they panicked and stuck us with a hopeless toad who has never once received any primary votes and who, charitably, can be called the worst Vice President this country has ever known and what?
We're expected to forget everything she's done? Every failure, Every embarrassment?
Just like those who watched the Olympics opening ceremony are expected to forget any of it happened or, the leftist preference?
Forget there even was an opening ceremony.
That is, I believe, part and parcel of leftist politics around the world generally and in this country specifically.
We are, instead, to sit back for a months-long Trash Trump Fest.
Ignore everything Kamala did or failed to do. Ignore her part in the obvious cover-up of Biden's decline which, if Trump hadn't exposed it, would STILL be their course of action.
Oh, we will hear and see talking heads and "news" beating the hell out of Trump over the next 3 months.
They'll point to his civil trial and criminal convictions. They'll ignore Biden's rape of Tara Reade and his propensity of showering with his daughter.
They NEVER remember that. It doesn't fit the meme. But it does prove leftist hypocrisy and our double standard of Justice.
The leftist claim, frequently stated and echoed is that no one is above the law.
10's of millions of illegals are above the law.
Open borders is above the law.
Sending billions in cash to a terrorist state like Iran, a state that is responsible for the death and maiming of 10's of thousands of American military personnel is above the law.
Stealing classified documents and leaving them in cardboard boxes in your garage is above the law.
Allowing illegal aliens to vote is above the law.
Taking bribes is above the law.
But leftists will tell us none of those things are happening.
Just like they told us the trans/drag queen rip off of the Last Supper never happened.
It did happen. But now? Now they lie to us about "being sorry."
They're not sorry. And if they are, it's only because it become so obvious that they couldn't lie about it any more. Like running another Biden, if they could figure out a way to do it, they would get it done.
What they've done TO us.... instead of FOR us.

When the organizers finally admit what we all know, it's the same as the leftists covering for Biden for so long finally admit what we all knew and is now inescapable.
As a brief aside, I do wonder who has actually BEEN president, since the hollow scarecrow holding the title obviously wasn't.
But the idea that we should forget about the horror of the Biden regime and Kamala's part in it? Her ongoing lies of omission concerning Biden?
That's not going to happen, considering we all buy groceries and gasoline, which their best efforts notwithstanding, are still horrifically overpriced.
And which will get much, much worse under a Kackling regime.

Friday, July 26, 2024

The 800 pound gorilla remains in the room.

For years now, Joe Biden's competence, mental acuity and abilities have been called into question by most honest observers.

And literally, for years now, leftists lied to our faces about his condition. Leftists including Kamala Harris.

Why did they lie to us?

Days ago, every leftist talking head in America lied to our faces. NONE of them questioned his condition, competence, abilities or awareness.

Joe Scarborough assured us not long ago:









Indeed. He wouldn’t say it. Yet, he knew he was lying when he DID say it. One wonders: why did Joe Scarborough lie?

Why did they put power ahead of the needs and security of this country?

Who, exactly, has been acting as president since it's clear the one we’ve got has morphed from Chief Executive to Chief Mushroom?

There's so many things democrats have lied to us about. Biden's condition is merely the most recent.

So now, we're expected to shove all of that aside and vote for the liars? The PROVEN liars?


Democrats, including Harris, have called voters stupid. Jonathan Grubber, architect of the horrific Obamacare plan (If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.) outright made the claim voters are stupid.

Are we?

Voters support candidates for a variety of reasons. Likeability plays a role. Getting that emotional connection. Overt manipulation. Taking the voters for granted, particularly the party of the self-admitted stupid, plays a role. Most importantly, as the democrats have shown, time after time, lying to the voters plays a role.

And as we ramp up to this November, I have to ask:

They lied to us for years. Repeatedly. They're ramming a candidate who never received a single primary vote, ever, down the democrat's throats... and we're now expected to believe them? 

Kamala Harris is a younger version of Joe Biden. She has the mental acuity of a guppy. She used her body in large part to achieve her goals. She is to the left of Bernie Sanders and Karl Marx.

She has lied repeatedly. She has sold herself out repeatedly. She has embarrassed this country repeatedly.


Why would anyone believe anything they say? Why would anyone believe anything Harris says?

Harris earning her political position the hard way with married California Speaker Willie Brown

Do they have a record of honesty and transparency?


Where's the Biden-Hur tape? Why do they still refuse to turn it over?

Harris is the candidate of crime, open borders, defunding police, homelessness and drug overdose deaths. She shilled for donations to free terrorist scum arrested as part of the riots which resulted in murders, rapes, assaults, burning, looting and destruction.

Voting for that lends credence to the claim that American voters are, in fact, stupid. We're lazy, we don't dig down, we don’t do the work, and we don't look at the record of what has actually happened on her watch and what will get even worse in the future should we suffer the misfortune of her election.

We have the government we deserve. But no one deserves the horror show about to be unveiled with Kamala's coronation.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Just a brief note as the next primary election rolls in upon us.

I became politically active in Clark County back in November of '88, I believe it was, when I volunteered for the Bob Williams campaign. I spent 30 years on that course.

I ended my active political involvement roughly 5 years ago with my final term as a PCO as I moved to Cowlitz County. Along the way, I served as a District Chair (17th) delegate to the county and state conventions, legislative assistant in Olympia and Executive Director of the State GOP. I consulted on campaigns for years (It was my business for 14 years) and won more than I lost. My degree is in government/political science.

Unlike some (Kathy McDonald or Jon Russell) I never sold out for a paycheck and, on occasion, walked away from money on the table.

There were candidates I refused to support or work for. They were crooks or liars. They were dishonorable. And when I found out, their party didn't matter. I was done. (Which, come to think of it, is why I opposed Jaime Herrera from the moment she was parachuted in here to run against Brian Baird)

I learned a lot and saw a lot, I observed the worst in people and occasionally, the best.

And the thing I regret the most is this: There is, essentially, an almost complete lack of accountability on the part of those we elect.

They have one job: to represent us. They are SUPPOSED to be our voice. And all too frequently, they forget all about us. They forget all about the promises made to GET elected as they become coopted in the positions we put them in.

They make horrific decisions that hurt us but benefit them directly. Some, like Steve Stuart, former Clark County Commissioner and current city manager of Ridgefield, NEVER represented us in his deliberations. Due to the almost complete lack of accountability of our electeds there was no need, and he admitted his position on video at a county council meeting:

"And I've said it before: I don't speak for the people... I will NEVER speak for "the people," I speak for Steve and some of you are going to agree with me and some of you aren't."

I give him props for telling the truth about THAT at least. But I'm pretty sure that's not particularly what the Founding Fathers had in mind back in the day.

I mention all of that to set the table for the most important thing I'm learned about campaigns.

When I first got here after I left the Army, (Nov '87) campaigns were, to put a point on it, quite different.

When people ran for office, they'd generally tell you with some specificity what they would do and what they wouldn't do.

Most of it was rather straight forward: pledges such as "I will not vote to raise your taxes."

Or "I oppose funding illegal aliens in our colleges." Or this classic: "I will oppose the CRC Scam."

Straight forward. Easily understood. Boxes that could be checked. Promises made that could be ran on as an incumbent.

If the promises were kept.

Sometimes, these people we trust(ed) lied to us. The easiest example that comes to mind was Ann Rivers' Senate campaign back in the day, where she promised to oppose any gas tax or tab fee increases.

And she did.

Until she didn't. And then, she lied about WHY she didn't.

But, like most politicians, even today, she calculated that the voters of the arguably arch-conservative 18th District, who never would have elected her at all had she ran on a platform of increasing our taxes (which she did more than once) would not remember at ballot time, and she would be easily reelected.

And she was.

That was an example of zero accountability.

And along the way, the promises of campaigns changed. Subtly at first. Now, blatantly: Candidates (not just Rivers, pretty much all candidates) sank to the level of non-specific glittering generalities.

They would say or pledge something like "I support the 2nd Amendment"

What they rarely to NEVER do was tell you HOW they'd support it.

Would they run a bill protecting our rights? What would be in the bill? How would it work? What would it do? What bills would they stop?

That part gets left out. And it gets left out on purpose.


Zero accountability. The more specific candidates are? The easier it is to hold them accountable. Solution? Leave out the specifics.

As our ballots come to our mailboxes in our easy fraudulent mail-in-only voting system, I urge you to do the work. Do more than read the soap-sales garbage candidates put in the voter pamphlets.

Identify the issues important to you. Do the work to find out if YOUR representative represented YOU or OPPOSED you.

Otherwise, you have to settle for a Steve Stuart, never-been-a-voice -of-the-people type.

And that rarely ends well for us.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Today's quiz questions concerning the Trump assassination attempt:

 OK. Today's quiz questions.

How would this kid know that there would be no Secret Service on that roof? And why were there no Secret Service on that roof?

Secret Service shooters on the roof, weapons aimed in the direction of the assassin

The Secret Service had shooters on a roof that had this guy directly in their sights. Two of them were set up and looking right at him based on the picture

Why didn't they take him out before he fired?

The shooter, post neutralization

Multiple bystanders saw this guy climb up to the roof with a clearly seen rifle and notified police before the shooting took place, yet there was no response.

The body in the picture was just as visible before the shooting, but no one in authority could see it?

There can only be two reasons: rank incompetence by the Secret Service and other law enforcement present.... or... well... you fill in the blank.

There's no viable excuse for failing to have Secret Service on that roof. None.

How is this even possible?

Wow. Leftists who've fomented political violence against Trump and his supporters are suddenly thrilled he survived an assassination attempt they've wanted for years.

I'm shocked at leftists who've called Trump everything from a dictator to Adolf Hitler are now expressing how happy they are that he survived an assassination attempt that they've been fomenting for years.

Trump with blood on his face, reacts to getting shot.

Their actions and characterizations, like Biden's remark that "It's time to put Trump in the bulls eye" in a private call to donors on July 8th are what's responsible here

Now these same people that have clearly wanted him out of the picture are suddenly concerned about political violence (which many, like Vice President Kamala Harris; among many, many others have supported in the past) after their concerted efforts to engage in it.

There are still many questions to answer. But there can be no doubt that the left's tepid response to riots, looting, arson, assaults and several murders in the past, their incessant fear mongering and lies about another Trump presidency and language like that used by Biden in "his official capacity" played a role in this horrific murder attempt and in the destruction of a totally innocent bystander and his family.

Can you imagine... even remotely... what would be happening today if roles were reversed.... if Biden had been wounded... and Trump would have been found out as saying ""It's time to put Biden in the bulls eye?"

Political violence is a leftist specialty in everything from antifa and BLM riots to the assassination of police around this country.

Yesterday, before any of this happened, I posted my perspective on the state of the race and efforts to get rid of Biden. Here's the money quote:

"Biden doesn’t HAVE to do anything. And it appears there’s nothing anyone can do about it (forcing Biden off the ticket), short of the unthinkable things leftists would really like to do to Trump. And let’s face it, if something bad were to happen to Trump, hatred-fueled leftists would be celebrating in the streets."

They didn't disappoint.

Now then, the question becomes, how are those who've been pining for Trump's blood to be held accountable now that they've got it?

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Media delusion v political reality.

Much has been made about the “pressure” Biden is allegedly under to get him to acknowledge reality (he has little to no chance of beating Trump) and the negative impacts for the rest of the ticket (it’s likely that if Biden stays, the dems will lose the Senate and have zero chance to take back the House; and negative impacts for democrats will likely be felt all the way down to the local level) must be considered.

That’s the media delusion.

This is the political reality:

“Pressure” is a force. Force is used to move something or cause something to happen.

What happens when force is applied to an immovable object?

Well, nothing.

Biden won the primary. No one knows anything now they didn’t know during his primary races.

That democrats refused to publicly acknowledge it; that they attacked anyone in any position pointing out his obvious dementia-related issues and his inability to string together and maintain a coherent thought is key.

As recently as June 16th, leftists at the White House lied to us about “cheap fake videos” for example.

They weren’t cheap. And they weren’t fake.

For months his obvious infirmities were characterized as “elder abuse” by many observers, including this one.

But none of that matters now.

Joe Biden has all, or the vast majority of all the delegates to the national convention.

Biden doesn’t HAVE to do anything. And it appears there’s nothing anyone can do about it, short of the unthinkable things leftists would really like to do to Trump. And let’s face it, if something bad were to happen to Trump, hatred-fueled leftists would be celebrating in the streets.

So when the media continues to insist there’s “pressure” being applied to Biden, it’s unlikely he knows the extent of it or cares. Because as damaged as his brain may be, there’s enough left for Biden and his handlers who would sell their own children to maintain their hold on power, he knows those delegates are chained to him, and there’s zero mechanism available to cut those chains unless HE, Biden, allows it.

The reality is that where it counts, there’s no pressure on him at all.

He owns those delegates. The democrats, refusing to acknowledge any remote reality insisted on voting for Biden in the primary.

What’s the upside for Biden if he withdraws?

People babble about “his legacy” but the guy is circling the drain and if there was a bulletin in the next minute that he had died during a nap, would any of us be surprised?

Conspiracy theorists would go nuts for obvious reasons. Leftist have shown a propensity to engage in 3rd world politics whenever the mood strikes vis Trump, why wouldn’t they do the same to this obstacle to continuing in power?

But regardless of how Biden “leaves this mortal coil,” it becomes apparent that he’s not long for remaining with us. How many 82 year olds in his condition do?

In short, does anyone really believe he cares about a “legacy” that he will only be aware of for a short time, win OR lose?

And do we not all know, if not admit to ourselves, what that legacy will be?

He will not be known for his incessant lies in office (Inflation reduction Act my right butt cheek.) He won’t be known for showering with his daughter or sexually assaulting Tara Reade or refusing to acknowledge a grandchild from the stripper Hunter “Laptop” Biden impregnated.

He will be known and remembered for his brain-damaged policies and his ACTUAL brain damage while the left continued to maintain HIS finger on the nuclear trigger.

And win or lose, that’s all he’ll be known for regardless.

There is no “pressure” on Biden to do anything. He’s surrounded by people far more concerned about THEIR best interests than they are the country’s. And it’s been that way since day one of his regime. And it will take decades to repair the damage he has caused.

So, no. No pressure, and that’s why he will be on the ballot this November. Looking at it from his perspective, which none of the naysayers do, what has he got to lose?

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Will today FINALLY be the end of #DementiaJoe?

 #DementiaJoe has what's known as a "big boy" press conference at 2:30 PDT.

Talking heads are claiming that if (when) DJ screws this up, it will be the absolute end of him politically. Will it? Will he continue to hang on?

Keep in mind the fact that even if they run a 25th Amendment on Biden and remove him from office?

Biden's delegates still have to stick with him unless he releases them.

It's just a shame that leftists CLAIM to be all about "democracy," and then are quickly willing to trash it when they believe circumstances justify trashing it... Like whenever anyone disagrees with them, or wants to speak out against them.

Then? All bets are off.

The leftist primaries are over. Their people have spoken.

The reality is that these same people are panicking not because Biden's continued hold on office puts this entire country at risk.

They're panicking because they've been lying for years and they've finally been caught.

As recently as June 16th, these same people were calling the videos of DementiaJoe "Cheap Fake Videos" when we all knew they were as real as Hunter Biden's laptop, which they ALSO lied about and censored us for over a period of months.

That leftists are proven liars is obvious. Their failure to address this issue, if for no other reason than to have a plan in a can they could pull out and execute (You listening GOP? This ALSO applies to YOU) speaks to a level of astounding incompetence and self-denial. Isn't it about time the leftists paid the price?

This afternoon will likely be a disaster for DJ. But will it make any difference? If he hangs on after this, can we expect some serious medical problem... a stroke or some other medical episode to accomplish what Jill fears the most?