Saturday, June 06, 2020

Crisis fatigue. Sick of the riots. Sick of the hypocrisy.

I have two perspectives that most reading this do not.

The first 10 years I was in school in Seattle... Elementary school, T.T. Minor on Capitol Hill, Sharples Jr. High and Franklin High School in South Seattle, those schools were predominantly black.

So, I discovered early on what racism was about.  But instead of being the racist, I was the victim.

I was also poor, a product of the welfare state.  I was a terrible student for a variety of reasons that had nothing to do with my race, of course. But the reality is that despite the color of my skin, I was an individual who ran into issues related to race, because of where I lived, my welfare state status and being a racial minority.

I won't bore anyone here with a recitation of the incidents, assaults, insults and the rest based on MY skin color.  Suffice it to say they happened.

My parents were what you might call "closet racists." they were never outwardly racist, you understand; they never "taught" me to be a racist.  And, in hindsight, I could have easily become one.

As I began high school, I began to look at options.  There was no money for college... but college is what I wanted.  Worse yet, I wanted the University of Washington. In terms of money and academics, the UDub might as well have been on Mars.  But, along came the Army.  Do an enlistment and get a VA education check for 4 years, enough to put you through.

It was my ticket out.

And it was a colorblind ticket.

You see, that benefit wasn't available to just white soldiers.  Nope.  ANYONE who enlisted could get the SAME ticket.

Just give Uncle Sam a minimum of two years, and voila!  A college education.

For years, I've been regaled by the media about how expensive college is; how bad student loan balances are.

Those who pursue Gender Studies deserve to be in debt is my perspective.

If you want it bad enough and can't get there any other way, then enlist.  I did.  And it worked.

But here's the reality:

Life isn't about race.  It's about choices.

My route to a successful life wasn't easy.  But seriously, is anything worth having supposed to be easy?

I went through a homeless stretch 30 years ago.  The climb back was long and arduous.

But I set goals, and I succeeded.  I had dreams and made many of them come true.

But I never listened to people like my high school counselor who told me the words burned across the front of my brain:
"Forget about a four year college.  You'll never make it."
Well, I made it.  Because I refused to accept defeat.  Because I refused to give up.  I refused to let others chart my course.

People who believe they are owed something special because of their skin color are wrong.  Horrifically wrong.

People who believe their failures are everyone else's fault are wrong.  Horrifically wrong.

WE are provided with an educational opportunity.  What WE do with that opportunity is up to us.

WE make the choices in life as to what we want to be and where we want to go.

No one else.

George Floyd made most of his own choices, which seemed to revolve around drugs and violence.

That is not to say he deserved a death sentence.  But his choices to become involved in drugs and violence ultimately put him into a position where the execution could be carried out.

Imagine what his life would have been if he had made other choices at other times.

Perhaps blacks do need to lecture those of other colors about how bad they've got it.

But in many instances, they put themselves in those positions.

How many drug dealers are out there with the support of their communities?  How many black police officers are assaulted verbally and physically by other blacks merely because they're cops?

How many black cops are killed by their fellow blacks?

But here's the thing: I'm sick of these riots.  I'm sick of 90% white crowds whining about "oppression" the vast majority of them know absolutely nothing about.  I'm sick of the looting and stealing that leftists and those in democrat government believe to be just peachy.

I'm sick of these morons ALLOWING these riots and then turning around and demanding federal aid from a government they now despise and ignore because they were far too incompetent to protect their cities and their citizens.

I'm sick of a brand of bigotry that ignores all other lives, but focuses on only one color set mattering.  I'm REALLY sick of white leftists professing guilt for their skin color as they are used like the useful tools they are to damage this country more and more every day.

I support color-blind justice.  But I supported that before this debacle began.

But I ALSO support the ignored black hundreds every year slaughtered by other blacks.  Those nameless, faceless kids now dead because none of these oh-so-morally-superior race baiters ever gave a damn about them.  None of these multi-millionaire athletes who've never known true oppression in the entirety of their lives lecturing us and #MeToo-ing the hell out of this "Hooray-for-me!" gravy train while many are demanding more destruction, more pain, more burning, more assault, more murder... even of their fellow blacks... if they happen to be wearing a badge... until it came to THEIR door step.

Take this example:

Who among these same prima donnas are crucifying the clown here who demanded this low income housing in Minneapolis burn to the ground until he looked out of his OWN housing one day and saw it coming for him?

No one.  He's black, you see.  He gets a pass.

So, here's the thing: with every day, I care less and less about what these people want. I will do nothing to support it or aid it.  I will tend to obstruct far more than I would tend to assist.

The governments at the state and city level that allow this insanity to continue are directly at fault.  They foster the destruction.  They aid in the looting.  They fail to protect their cities... and THEN have the balls to demand that WE all pay for it through our federal tax dollars.

No.  Hell no.  I'm sick of it. Sick of the riots.  Sick of the blatant, obvious hypocrisy.  Sick of the lectures.  Sick of the corporate pandering, where they'll write a few checks and then forget all about it.

But most of all, I'm sick of these same people overlooking the slaughter of blacks they COULD save... if they simply gave a damn enough to try.

Don't even talk to me about this shit until you clean up your own glass houses.  And don't even think for a moment that you're somehow morally superior to me.

Unlike you, I don't want ANY police officers to die or be hurt.  I don't want ANY housing burned down.  I don't want ANY stores or any other facility to be looted and then destroyed.

But you don't give a damn.... even when they're black.  In fact.... you killed them yourselves.

And while YOU can be happy about that, it'll be on your own.  I'll have none of it.


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