Friday, March 06, 2020

Time to STOP trying to justify our opposition to the Sexxx bill

This was a response to a leftist trashing opposition to this insane bill.  (SB5395)

The premise here is that she wants to know what basis we have for opposing this idiocy and she'd "really like to know."

Here is my response:
No you wouldn't. Your mind is made up and you'll deflect anyone who wrote anything in response.
See, this issue is up to parents. I get that as a leftist, you believe parental rights are an arcane concept, and that as parents, you demand that we be totally responsible for everything our kids do, including financially responsible, while believing in simultaneously decreasing parental authority every way you can.

You assign adult rights to children and cut the parents out as part of your communist agenda.... all while we remain responsible for our kid's actions.  That attitude would fit in perfectly with Stalinists or Nazis.

Our theoretical 14 year old daughter gets an abortion without our knowledge. Complications set in, and we wind up taking her to the hospital, where she hopefully survives.

Who pays for that? Who helps the daughter that now may no longer ever be capable of having kids when she's an adult?

See, as parents, we don't have to justify any decision we make to you, or to government.

When we say "no" to this, then "no" it is.

And what this has accomplished, besides reinforcing the reality that schools are less for education and more for inculcation, is that it will result in a massive exodus from our horrific, non-performing schools that are pumping out illiterate cretins instead of educated adults.

In many school districts, we're lucky if 50% of kids perform at grade level, massive, unjustifiable, unconscionable pay raises notwithstanding, and this idiocy will take even more time away from what kids are in school to learn: math, reading, English and science.

Not that any of that matters to you.
That was my response and it needs to become our response.

We don't have to justify opposition to any bill or rule... because our opposition will not make any difference to their agenda.

That we oppose it is enough.  Why we oppose it makes zero difference to those supporting this.  So stop trying to justify or explain the basis for our opposition because there is NOTHING we can say that will convince any of them.

There is an initiative being written up to repeal this stupidity.  Let's focus our efforts on that.

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