Monday, February 12, 2018

The Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers drinking game.

Imagine my non-surprise when Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers sent this out:

Obviously, she's feelin' the heat.

There is only one reason Rivers is doing this, and that's because she's getting her ass caved in for causing us to pay these massive property tax increases while claiming to be a Republican.

ANY serious conservative running against this fringe-leftist who's betrayed us on the gas tax and tab fees that she lied about when she promised to oppose them in order to get elected, betrayed us on the CRC/Loot Rail Scam and now, betrayed us on our property taxes... could CRUSH this clown who has, since at least 2015, simply... lost... her mind.

She has voted much more like Jim Moeller than the conservative she markets herself to be.  This, for me, is ritual political suicide.

Remember that this is the cretin who's shilling Larry Hoff to replace Liz Pike in the House.

And that brings us to the Ann Rivers drinking game.

We all know what drinking games are with politician's speeches are about.

Some of these people get up and give a speech, or in Rivers' case, a string of arrogant, smarmy excuses, in a sorry attempt to justify their idiotic legislative actions that either hurt their constituents, like these massive property tax increases that Rivers' running buddy, Sen. Lynda "Property Tax" Wilson (D-Tracy) told us weren't going to happen... (that are the actual cause of this dog and pony show that Rivers was forced to make happen.)

So NOW, she's setting up her dog and pony show in a DESPERATE effort to turn off the heat that has become a full, rolling boil.

She will make excuses.  She will lie.  She will tell you they HAD to do this and do it this way.

NONE of that is true.

This is basically a result of two things: the first is the so-called McCleary decision... and the second, was the RINO senate's decision to cave to a Supreme Court that has zero power or ability to force the legislature to legislate... any more than the legislature can force the Supreme Court to adjudicate.

Everything anyone going to any of these humma humma, whoop whoop bullshit sessions is going to be played.  Rivers, however, has become an arrogant, petulant bitch who attacks her critics IF she responds to them at all.  And she cannot help herself in that regard... she literally can't control it and it REEKS wen she's in public.

What SHE is GOING to do is to arrange to bring in several defenders who will try and take the heat off of her.  She'll likely bring in electeds who will blow smoke and say what a great job she's doing because she wants this fire out and she wants it out NOW.

The problem?

She's lying.

There was no excuse for this.  None.  This woman was negotiating this budget scam and WHILE she was doing that, the democrats hired her at Strategies 360, a DEMOCRAT campaign firm... no conflict of interest there, right?  Is it any wonder her efforts resulted in several billion dollars more getting ripped out of our wallets?

So, here's the drinking game:

Whenever she uses the word "had,"  That's a drink.
"We HAD to do it, because the Supreme Court ordered it."
Whenever she uses the phrase "business decision," that's a double. 
"It doesn't matter what party I was in, this was the best thing we could do and like any other business decision, I went ahead and made it."
Whenever she mumbles the word "leadership," that's a triple. 
When you're in leadership, sometimes you've got to make the tough decisions."
She is, in effect, GOING to pee on our legs and she is then, with a smile, GOING to tell us it's raining.

Here's a little pre-show preparation for those going.

The first video was her post gas tax/tab fee betrayal where essentially, about every word she utters on the video is a lie.  Note her hostile response to the question, her arrogance and hatred towards me particularly... a mere constituent.

The message from Gas Tax Rivers was clear: don't even think of opposing what I do, no matter how much I lie about it.

For the next prep session, check out this video that clearly shows both Wilson and Rivers lying to the Clark County Republican Precinct Committee Officers this past June:

Watch these videos and be prepared.  There is nothing she won't do to get past this.  Nothing she won't say.  She'll be prepped with graphs and handouts and the whole thing.

An she will lie through her teeth.

Expect the media... well, the democratian and the Reflector, anyway... to cover this in a YUUUUGE way... reporters will likely show up at Battle Ground and maybe the Camas Post Rectum, which is an wholly-owned entity of the democratian, if memory serves.  They'll want to cover for a fellow leftist.

Just remember: don't drink and drive.

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