Sunday, March 13, 2016

Thoughts on the CCGOP Convention.

First, I was struck by who blew it off.

Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers didn't bother to show.  Neither did her lapdog, Shane Bowman.

Also missing: Jaime Herrera and Bill Bryant.  And I didn't hear the shrill, incessant bitching and  whining of any of the Carolyn Crain automatons, as she... and they... blew the convention off.

And, of course, the PCO of precinct 605, that hardcore democrat brother-in-law of mine, Marc Boldt?

No where to be seen.

Herrera is far too much of a coward to show up in public and rub elbows with the untermenschen of the party faithful... because the party faithful have no faith in her.  Rivers failed to bother to show either as a sign of fear over her gas tax/tab fee betrayal or as a sign of misplaced contempt.

And since Rivers owns Bowman, Bowman will do whatever Rivers tells him to do.

River's PDC's are tattooed with donations from the pot world of Washington.  Maybe she's been over-sampling the products?

Don Benton got up and gave his "going away" speech.  It's kind of a shame that Rivers wasn't there to hear it: she would have vapor-locked.  He beat her to a pulp without mentioning her name.

Don't vote for someone who lies to you.  When they do, get them out of office as soon as possible.

That sort of thing.

The biggest hypocrite there was Brent Boger.

His best efforts notwithstanding, he was actually wearing an "I like Pike" sticker, and he made the claim to others that he was going to be "neutral" in her race, since he wants to still be "friends" when it's over.  Never mind that he's been overtly supporting Bowman by continuing his "all-things-Rivers" shtick.

Well, Bowman is one of Rivers' "things."

And it's that kind of gutless RINOism that makes me despise him now.

Because I can't overlook the irony of this RINO effort on his part:
Most of the time I devote to political campaigns this year will be on behalf of my Washougal City Council colleague Jennifer McDaniel. She is running for Clark County Council.

I have served with her for 3 1/2 years and knew her for sometime before that. She is smart, always prepared, conservative (but not rigid), compassionate, principled, and in touch with reality.
In short, Boger hates the conservative we know as David Madore.

So, on one hand, the CCRINO effort against Pike, which he will also assist in, is something he'll do quietly, behind closed doors... trying to get his "friend," Liz Pike to think he doesn't despise her as well.

On the other hand, his hatred of conservatives is so well defined and out there, given how the CCGOP administration has kicked him to the curb, given his multiple hissy fits and leaving the party with such fanfare and acclaim when, under Brandon Vick's leadership, they kicked Marc Boldt's ass out.

See, RINO's have this bizarre, situationally ethical construct of reality:

For those clowns like Boger, sticking to conservative principles in all instances is "rigid."

But for Boger, sticking to whatever HIS principles are today, or this week or month or at any point?

That's NOT "rigid."

Thus, what the RINOs are looking for is SITUATIONAL rigidity.  The variety of "rigidity" that allows them to be a rudderless ship, to do whatever they want, whenever they want, owing no allegiance to any particular political philosophy or voter group... the very thing that allowed... the very example of the "reasoning" behind Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers' betrayal of the voters of  Clark County generally and the 18th District particularly... her "business decision" that makes it possible for these RINO scum to break their word.

As a result, like any other leftist... particularly a delusional leftist who thinks he's a Republican... they can throw that tax increase switch, that fee increase switch, that grow government switch any time the mood strikes... because they "rigidly" want that option.

That, of course, is why so many leftists are kissing Boger's ass... except when it came time to elect him as a Court of Appeals judge or a county prosecutor.

Then, his leftist sycophants kicked his ass to the curb as much as the local GOP under Vick's control kicked Boldt's ass to the curb.

But, they kiss his hypocritical ass.  His insecurities notwithstanding, he is the quintessential example of the individual who stands for, effectively, nothing... except petulantly demanding to get his own way... no matter what else anyone thinks.

He showed that best with his Scott Weber scam, coming up with the idea for Weber to run for County Clerk on the rather unusual platform of striving to eliminate the position of elected County Clerk as a mainstay of his platform for election.

Of course, he did nothing to keep his word on that issue.

His lie to get elected is the same kind of lie to get elected that Rivers engaged in: tell the people what they want to get elected.

The irony of all of this is that those who support these liars would take these same issues and beat their democrats opponents to DEATH with them.

But because they're "friends" or something, they get a pass.

Some things never change.

I give Julie Olson props for showing up: she's been utterly worthless as a county councilor; voting like her name was Chuck Green, but she had the balls to show up.  Neither of the other 3 Stooges bothered.

That, of course, is the "inside baseball" stuff.  The nuts and bolts of it, in comparison to what I call the "Disaster of 2012," or the last convention in a presidential year, was simple: there was no comparison.

It started on time... more or less... a minimum of fuss or muss... Vance, (US Senate) showed up and he'll be losing again.

A group of other candidates for various positions showed up.

RINO candidates, like those running against Madore, got up and made no sense, provided zero reason to vote for them against Madore.

For the CCRINOs, it was a sad and pathetic performance.  For the CCGOP, it was impressive organizationally for the part I weas actually there to watch.