Friday, September 27, 2013

When Republican Senators lie: Lindsey Graham

September 27, 2013
On Friday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., issued a tweet touting his vote to defund Obamacare, but a number of people took him to task, Twitchy said, calling the embattled Republican a liar. While Graham did vote with other Republicans to defund Obamacare, he joined a number of Senate Republicans in voting for cloture -- a key vote that allowed Majority Leader Harry Reid to put funding for the massive law back into the continuing resolution.

"I proudly voted to #DefundObamacare and am proud every Senate GOPer united in support of the House-passed #DefundObamacare provision," Graham tweeted.

"With Dems in control of Senate we needed Dems to join with the American people who want Obamacare stopped in its tracks," he added some time later.

But those tweets didn't sit well with quite a few people.

"[S]top lying.....we all know what you did," one person said.

"Enough with your lame excuses. You failed the American people," another person said in response.
Twitchy called Graham's messages "unbelievable."

It's bad enough that the Senate GOP is, in effect, supporting this massive rip off... now, one of those most responsible, tries this smoke and mirrors con job?

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