I like Ann. We have worked together on a number of bills and projects that effect all of our lives in SW Washington. I think she is a great Senator and a great person to work with! We differ on the CRC. She wants to kill it and I don't. I also disagree with Lou and don't think that pensions are a "sweet deal" for the vast majority of public (or private) workers but that's for another (and another, and another) article. I also believe that the issues around Sen. Benton's qualifications for the Clark County Environmental Director's job are thin, if non-existent and news because of it. Soooooo

I would like to announce that I am a candidate for the position of Clark County Administrator when Bill Barron leaves this Fall. I have as many qualifications for the job as Sen. Benton has for Clark County Environmental Director - maybe even more! Additionally, I'm also looking for full-time work that pays well and my public pension could use some work.

Even though this will be a political appointment based on friendship and like political philosophies, not qualifications for the position and the majority of the CCC is made up of Republicans, I expect that the "appearance' of fairness" is important to the County Commissioners. I therefore stand as good a chance as any other political appointee, perhaps even more!