Saturday, June 23, 2012

memo to Katya Delevar: documentation that Ron Paul supports gender-based abortion.

Earlier today (Saturday) Katya Delevar, local Ron Paul coordinator, requested documentation that Paul supports gender-based abortion.

I indicated that I would be happy to oblige:
So... why did Ron Paul vote for gender-based abortion?
Just wonderin'... and just sayin'.
On the motion to suspend the rules and Pass, as amended: 
The Prenatal Non-discrimination Act (PRENDA) of 2012. 

Paul was one of SEVEN "Republicans" to vote for this well known, Chinese social engineering philosophy.

Why did Paul vote this way?  Who knows?  Why does that clown do anything he does?  It sure doesn't look to me like the "Campaign for Liberty" gives a damn about the "liberty" of those yet to be born.

The question is this: if his followers are so-called "pro-life Republicans," what are THEY going to do about it?

I, for one, would do everything I could to get this guy out of my government.  Or any other "Republican" who voted FOR this nonsense.

Which just goes to show what I've been saying all along: the Paulbots are as "Republican" as one of my Cavalier Spaniels.

Unfortunately, Katia, I don't have you email address, or I would have sent this to you directly.  I hope this will do... and, when next we meet, I look forward to hearing what, if any, difference any of this made to you.

My guess is none.


Anonymous said...

Katya Delevar said...


Here is my email address. Thank you for this information. I have found my answer to why Ron Paul did what he did and I am still supporting Ron Paul.

K.J. Hinton said...

Katya, forgive me, but I never expected anything else.

There are just certain things, however, that candidates and those elected do that will forever end my support of them politically.

On my side of the ledger, for example, Allen West, who requested the reinstatement of the dreaded earmark in the House, showing that he can be corrupted by the system just like the most rabid leftist.

LTC West is a hero. He made a name as a combat leader that I could never have hoped to approach, sacrificing his bright, shining career for the sake of his men.

And then, he went to congress.

And that was that.

Locally, Marc Boldt, my own brother in law, has my steadfast and lifelong political opposition because since he was elected to the commission, he has been a complete leftist sellout.

The fact is that at this point, considering your investment in Paul, he could molest a girl scout troop and you'd still support him.

I never expected any less from one of his strongest followers... but that's just one of the things that makes me different from you: Talk, is cheap. Deeds last forever. And Paul's vote was unacceptable under ANY circumstance. And how ANYONE could believe such a person with such a philosophy to be worthy of election to anything, let alone the presidency, is a mystery I will never solve.

Further, the voting machine doesn't give a damn why you vote "yes" or "no." A "reluctant yes" counts the same as the most "rabid yes," just like the strongest no counts the same as the weakest.

If Paul had a problem with the bill, he could have... should have... run an amendment to fix it.

Did he?

Well, if he did, then it's not mentioned anywhere that I can see. And you can bet the democrats who voted for this as a block certainly did not do so out of Paul's bizarre attempted, but failing, justification for voting to kill unborn babies based on their gender... which is the precise... and ONLY outcome of his vote, "reasoning" notwithstanding.