Monday, April 16, 2012

More idiocy from Herrera: Clark County Residents Support Light Rail Vote.

So, Jaime has figured out (as if she didn't know... hell, my Cavalier Spaniel knew) that we want a vote on loot rail.

We WANT a vote on ALL of this garbage... NOT just light rail... so did Herrera have to waste $31,000 of our taxpayer dollars for a campaign piece masquerading as a "mail survey" to figure that out?

If Herrera had a clue, she could make all funding for this project conditional on a county-wide vote.

No vote?

No funds.

So far, her half-hearted, amateurish efforts have accomplished absolutely nothing except to prove that her efforts are, well, half-hearted and amateurish.

One question: If Murray were to make this conditional, do you think SHE couldn't get it done?

Of course she could.

And now that Herrera finally "knows" what she already knew... 

What is she going to DO about it?

My guess?

Absolutely nothing.

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.

1 comment:

Lew said...

Pure pandering and taxpayer paid effort to put her name before voters, to remind them she is there while she pretends to be doing something worthwhile.

If I recall right, she claimed to be against extending light rail to Clark County when she parachuted in to take over Curtis' seat in 2007.

Now, she seems not so much against it.