Thursday, April 21, 2011

Your whining about gas prices is swell and all, Senator. But what are YOU going to do about?

Never one to let a good crisis go to waste, democrat US Senator Maria Cantwell deigned to swing by with one of her infrequent visits to our corner of the state to let us know that, once again, she's upset about gas prices.

Of course, the last time prices got this high, the left uniformly blamed Bush II.  But he doesn't seem to be president any more, although he's blamed for the outcomes of democrat incompetence and programs as if he actually still held the title.

So, Ms. Cantwell, perhaps best known for her tryst with one Ron Dotzaur of democrat consulting fame... poorly, mostly... the week before Dotzaur married some other woman... her ongoing silence on the Mohegan/Paskenta/Barnett/Cowlitz/ megacasino that may blight our local landscape; her lack of effort to get the Fed to pay for the unneeded, unwanted, and horrifically expensive I-5 Bridge/Loot rail project and her typically faithful leftist bent of a voting record... swung by for a chat.

It won't make any difference, of course, but the local democratian has to give her a few thousand worth in free publicity because, well, she's a democrat.

Yeah, I know.  They do the same thing for our vacuous congresscritter.  But then, they typically sound the same so maybe the rag is confused?  Whatever.

And what has Cantwell done about the high gas prices that are a product of Obama's administration?

Well, she's written a letter.  And what a HUGE difference that's made.

Man.  That's gonna show 'em.

What a buffoon.

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