Monday, December 28, 2009

So... are you all feeling any safer?

Time's up, Mr. President.

I've got to ask you: What's your self-delusion brought us?

Half of the folks you've released from Gitmo are now engaged in terrorist operations against us.

The scumbag who tried to blow up the plane? Clearly an enemy combatant... and yet you treat him like an American who tried to steal some luggage.

YOU continue to operate in a mental vacuum while you stupidly try to get us to actually believe that these actions are just the efforts of a misguided few instead of an extension of millions that want to kill us.

Well, Mr. President... here we are. Your fellow fringe left whack jobs used to snivel that Bush policies didn't make us feel any safer.

You sent your Secretary of Homeland Security out to lie yesterday when that moron told us that "the system worked," when you know damned well it didn't.

For God's sake... will you tell us the truth about SOMETHING.... ANYTHING? Just for the sheer thrill of hearing it?

I don't "feel" safer now, Mr. President. In fact, I don't go anywhere without my .45, thanks in part to your moronic efforts.

Here's a brief reminder, written back in September. Time is up, Mr. President. Iran is some Bad Boys. What you gonna do when they come for us?
Leftists and other Iran supporters are all about a "measured response." They want "sanctions" and other garbage like that to get Iran to behave on the nuclear issue... and, perhaps, others as well.

Can someone.... anyone... tell me when "sanctions" have EVER worked.... ANYWHERE?

What did "sanctions" do to Saddam and his policies? What did "sanctions" do against Japan? What have "sanctions" done against the NorK's?

The reason that Iran is ignoring the rest of the world, particularly now, is because they rightfully believe that the rest of the world lacks the will to DO anything to stop them.

Iran believes that they hold their foot on the oil hose in the middle east. They believe that the rest of the world is powerless and terrified because of the threat of cutting off our oil.

The simple idiot in the White House plays into that perfectly by refusing to open up every possible area in the United States for exploration and drilling. As a result, we've done NOTHING to gain energy independence... and ARE doing nothing to gain that independence... precisely as the Iranians and the rest of the oil producers KNOW we won't.

So... why should Iran behave? Why should they end their military nuclear program, when they know we lack the will, if not the capacity, to FORCE them to do end it?

We have a gutless leader in the White House, incapable of taking the tough stand and equally incapable of making the case to the American people that we ALL need to sacrifice in the name of our security.

He doesn't want to be the bearer of bad news. He doesn't want to be the next George Bush.

And many of us are going to die as a result.

"Sanctions?" Iran treats such threats with the contempt they deserve. The Russians will say anything, but do nothing. The Chinese will foster Iranian intransigence under the "confusion to our enemies" rule... and Americans will continue to die.

Yeah.... sanctions. Sanction the hell out of these people, and watch them laugh out loud at our rank stupidity... while they continue to build their nukes.
And here's another one for your viewing pleasure:
A small poster has been making the rounds on the net over the last few days. It shows George Bush in a rather humorous pose and the title under the picture is "Miss me yet?"

I'm not exactly sure. But if the question were asked a different way, something like: Given the latest news concerning Iran's drive to get a nuke, would you rather have George Bush or Barack Obama at the helm? that answer is easy.

And it ain't the empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot, either.

We have an unpleasant task in front of us. The question here is this: does the ball- less moron that's president get it? Does he have what it takes to do what needs to be done?


I'm not 100% sure that Bush would have what it takes, either. But I think he would be much more LIKELY to have it.

First, Obama and the Russians are too stupid to figure out that WE are number one of their target list... not Israel.

I'm pretty sure that Obama's lack of depth and his built-in anti-semtism, as repeatedly illustrated by his nazi preacher, would oh-so-secretly thrill the empty suit if Israel were the target... and if Iran's chief nutberger actually would blow Israel away.

The trouble with that, however, is Whackjob isn't all that keen on creating 2 to 4 million martyrs at one time.... martyrs that would be laid at his feet. His strategic problem is that he, Whackjob, cannot pop a nuke in Israel without killing hundreds of thousands of Arabs.

But killing millions of Americans? Killing millions of Russians? Why, that's a whole different kettle of fish.

What to do.... what to do.

The scumbag running Iran is fully capable of killing millions.... of us. He's shown his nazi-like tendencies when it came to murdering his own people in cold blood while they were protesting... mostly to the amazingly deafening silence of that idiot in the White House. A dictator capable of slaughtering his own would feel no compunction in slaughtering anyone else.

One wonders: has the thought occurred to the fringe-leftists infesting the White House that all of Whackjob's bluster about Israel is a feint? Is this scumbag's hatred, aimed at Israel, designed in it's entirety, to make his actions "acceptable" to the empty suited idiot running the show in DC?

Question One: Will that idiot we call "President" do anything that will make any difference?

Question Two: Does he fully understand the threat?

Question Three: Does he know what needs to be done?

Question Four: Will he do it?



No and,


The ACORN in chief has spent all of his time paying those who got him elected off, and wasted considerable time on health care reform that is going no where.

During the entirety of the campaign, and years before, the left whined and sniveled about how tough our military was having it. They cried, and bitched about how long and how many tours our ALL VOLUNTEER FORCE had to spend in Iraq.

OK... the leftist scum took power in 06. Their moron became president 9 months ago.

What have they done to fix this?


So now, we're faced with an inability to immediately respond with the force we need for our own security.

Yeah, the leftists ALL knew how to do it SO much better.

Except they didn't.

Unfortunately, we have little ability to put boots on the ground. Further, at this point, we lack the guts/will on the part of the simple-minded idiot running the show. Because of leftist game playing, where NOTHING was done to address this scenario, we only have one choice: Does this country become fully committed to end the threat of Iranian nukes?

Or do we, as I suspect the Coward-in-Chief ultimately will, just accept it as a fate-accompli?

That is the temporary, short-lived solution. That is, putting off the ultimate problem will keep us comfortable for a little while longer.

But then what?

If we fail to act... THEN what?

The now-acknowledged presence of this SECOND (the first was bad enough) nuclear facility DEMANDS action.

FAILURE to act sends a message... just like making the tough decision sends a message.

We must mobilize the entirety of the Armed Forces of the United States.

We must immediately re-implement the draft, to include women.

We must NOT count on our "allies" to help us; we must be prepared to go it alone.

We must NOT allow Russia or China to threaten us out of doing what must be done.

Yes, I know. It will take away some of the comfort that we've experienced for the past 8 years; when we SHOULD have mobilized as a society and a country to defeat the threat; had we done so back then, we wouldn't be facing an Iranian nuclear threat NOW.

But the time to act is NOW.

And our failure to act NOW will cause rivers of American blood to flow later. Not much later... but later.

So the leftist idiots can bury their heads farther and deeper into the sand... so that when these scum get around to hurting us.... they will hurt us really, really, bad.

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