Sunday, November 01, 2009

More of Laird's moroic idiocy on 1033.

We get that John Laird, who claims that he "hate(s) to sound like a cranky old coot here" while still managing to pull it off so frequently and painfully for the rest of this community, came out with more of his fringe-left quvatch on I-1033.

He blathers:
Westneat's conclusion: "Forget all the caterwauling about spending cuts. At its heart (I-1033) is a massive giveaway to the rich that does little to nothing for the poor" except, of course, deprive them of vital programs and services. According to six-year projections of the state Office of Fiscal Management, I-1033, if passed, would slash state revenue by $5.9 billion, revenue to cities by $2.1 billion and revenue to counties by $694 million.

Westneat added: "To their credit, both Gates and Allen appear to know this. They are trying to defeat Eyman's initiative … even though it would mean huge tax windfalls to them if it passes. I have a feeling it's because they actually believe that quote Gates repeats so much: 'To whom much is given, much is expected.' "
As I have frequently pointed out before, leftist tards are incapable of viewing these things in terms of what the people will save; they can only see it in terms of what it will "cost government," as if OUR government is not supposed to be "by, of and for the people."

The rank absurdity of his observation about Gates and Allen fighting 1033 is just that: rank and absurd.

Westnet tells us, according to this moron, that Gates would see a tax break of $571,000 while Allen would see a mere pittance in comparison: a break of $150,000.

Gates is worth a paltry $50 BILLION (That's BILLION, with a "b")

Allen is worth much less, and has to settle for scrambling to get by on $10 BILLION (also with a "b")

Allen goes through that much money in a week just to fuel his basketball team's jet.

In short, while clowns like Laird want us to be impressed with how much these stalwarts of altruism (Allen has made tens of millions off the taxpayers of this state and controls the Seahawks Stadium that we got suckered into sinking $400 million taxpayer dollars into) stand to lose if their fight is successful, because the two numbers sound SO BIG... the fact is that to these guys, it's the equivalent of pennies.

It's easy for them to give up what they would gain because relative to all of their massive wealth, the numbers are essentially meaningless.

Gate's wealth exceeds my own by a factor of, say, 100,000. That is, he is worth something on the order of 100,000 times more money than I am.

With my worth at, say, around $500,000, I have to provide roughly 1 percent of that worth in property taxes every year to a grateful state of Washington.

Were Gates required to do that... that is, were gates required to fork that kind of cash over, the equivalent percentage of his wealth would be.... $500,000,000 per year (1 percent of $50 billion) as opposed to my 1 percent of $500,000 or so.

In short, Gate's PROPERTY TAX BILL for ONE YEAR is roughly twice my net worth.

Taking it a step further, that HUGE, $571,000 tax break he's working to get rid of represents, well, let's see:

If he's worth $50 billion.... then $571,000 would represent .0001 or so of his wealth per year; or, as a percentage of all the money he's worth, something on the order of 10,000 times LESS than I will have to pay.

Relatively speaking, Gates is giving up the equivalent, perhaps, of the cost of a latte' every year by fighting this... if that.

So, I am not impressed by either Laird's Lies OR Westnet's Words. Compared to the rest of us... compared to those of us actually paying the lion's share of our state's budget... and particularly when viewed through the prism of the rank hypocrisy Laird exhibits with each of his whines and snivels about tax breaks given the massive tax break HIS employer got from a grateful leftist legislature, these lies are meaningless.

Why Laird insists on repeating them as if they made some difference... much like the "sky is falling" left sniveled about I-601, 695 and 747... is beyond me.

Frankly, that Laird opposes 1033 is reason enough for everyone else to vote for it.... because our courageous legislature would NEVER let these big cuts go through.... would they?

Because it's not like they can't throw it out as fast as we put it in.

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