Friday, August 30, 2024

This has actually aged rather well: my "no-response" letter to #DementiaJoe and the Pole Dancer:

I wrote and posted this a 2 years ago. I believe it's aged rather well: (Now that we've discovered the Pole Dancer was "the last one in the room(tm)" the blood is on her hands as well.

Dear Mr. President,
I’ve never written you; though I’ve commented repeatedly during your tenure and CC’d you in those comments to be sure… not that you or anyone else in your puzzle palace ever read them.
So I thought I’d take a moment to exercise the First Amendment while it’s still in force, which likely isn’t going to be much longer on your watch, and vent just the tiniest bit about what you’ve done since we were unfortunate enough to have you inaugurated.
Today, one of the many morons working for you (and My God, you managed to dig them up by the hundreds) tweeted the following:
Ned Price @StateDeptSpox • 56m
United States government official
The Taliban needs to meet its commitments and obligations in Afghanistan on freedom of travel, respecting basic rights of the people, upholding its commitments on counter-terrorism, not carrying out reprisal violence against those who stayed, and forming an inclusive government.
Now, as brain-damaged as you seem to be, even you know this will never happen. And I need to congratulate you on your accomplishment here… of having wasted a trillion dollars, thousands of lives of our young men and women, tens of thousands of lives of the Afghans, your successful efforts to provide an estimated $85 billion worth of weapons, ammunition and technology to a terrorist regime and all while you turn your back on those idiotic enough to believe us and help us as they sought the dream of the freedom we promised… but of course, failed to deliver.
Only a blithering idiot could have betrayed this country and their country as well this quickly. Only a thoughtless, vacuous waste of space could have made the sacrifice, the pain, the death and the agony of so many so meaningless… so fast.
And that’s what you’ve done here.
Every time one of your leftist sock puppets communicates like this imbecile Price did, the laughter and disbelief of our enemies deepens.
Even YOU know that the taliban don’t give a pop-corn fart in a tornado about commitments or obligations. See, they’ve got people to slaughter. They’ve got women to subjugate. They’ve got girls to get ready for genital mutilation. You know, THE EXACT SAME STUFF THEY WERE DOING BEFORE WE GOT THERE.
Let me clue you in on something the scum you gathered around you may have neglected to mention:
You got played. Like a 4th grader with a recorder. They would tell the idiots working for you what you wanted to hear and you clowns soaked it up like a sponge. They promised the moon plus $2 because they knew that they were going to create an ocean of blood from the people who are anything less than functionally illiterate, hard corps sunni old-school type.
You’ve sentenced the LGBTQ types to death by a series of wonderful ways to kill people that will likely make the ISIS “throw them off the roof of a building” technique look like a fender-bender compared to the 8-killed-in-the-intersection party THEY’VE got planned.
And what are YOU and YOUR people doing about it? Well, by golly, you’re sending out “strongly worded letters” like idiot stick’s tweet.
And, when they effectively tell you to fuck off by doing all of the things that you don’t want them to do, then what?
Well, come on smart guy; when they ignore us and laugh in our faces, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?
We all know the answer: nothing.
And now, you made these scum one of the strongest military forces on the face of the earth. You, Bozo. No one else.
In one fell swoop, you’ve reinforced the fact that once again, the word of America is meaningless.
Vietnam. Kurdistan. Iraq, and now… Afghanistan.
See, it’s not just us and the Afghans foolish enough to have helped us/believed in us that you’ve betrayed.
Allies from around the world sent THEIR young men and women over there to suffer as well.
And for what?
Many from other countries died. Many suffered and will suffer, physically and mentally. What do you tell them? What do you say when you look in their eyes and they ask you “why?”
Some 12 years or so ago, my son wanted to join the Marines for, of course, light weapons infantry (0311).
A product of the video game generation, many of the kids back then, and likely now, don’t understand that it’s the real deal, and there’s no reset button or cheats.
I sat him down and asked him not to do it. I told him “I would applaud your decision to enlist. Except for one thing.”
“It has to matter.”
“See, it has to matter. Because I can send you over there, but I can’t help you. I can give you some advice from my combat arms experience, but all of that was years ago for entirely different wars, since back then, no one had ever heard of the Taliban, or ISIS, or shia or sunni.”
“Here’s the problem. It has to matter. I can’t fix you if you die. I can’t put you back together if you come home in a box. I can’t grow you new arms or legs or eyes or ears."
"I can’t reach inside your head and fix a brain that will be altered in ways you simply cannot imagine."
"I won’t be able to fix your pain. And that’s why it has to matter. And I’ve got to tell you, this simply doesn’t matter enough, because in the end, it will most likely be for nothing.”
Turns out, I was prescient.
You need to know, Mr. President, if you didn’t already, that in the short time you’ve polluted the Office which you hold, you’ve done more damage than any 5 other presidents. You make me long for the days of Jimmy Carter, who, as inept as he was, at least meant well from the bottom of his heart.
Unlike you, Carter was a good man, overwhelmed by situations he simply was unable to adequately cope with.
You are epitomizing evil. You’ve weakened us geometrically with your social engineering bullshit. You’ve made us the laughing stock to our enemies while many of our allies shrink in horror at what you’ve made us become. And you picked a complete buffoon to be your VP, a woman I wouldn’t allow to run an elevator for me.
Much like you, come to think of it.
Your keepers must know that this cannot go on indefinitely. At some point, the Piper must be paid.
What then?
What do we do when you cause the next complete disaster? What do we do when YOU turn to our allies and ask for help and they say, no, not this time… I’ve got to color my hair or something.
What then?
Because I must ask you, Mr. President, considering the disaster your tenure has turn into, which far exceeded even MY low expectations for how much you were going to screw up this country; what happens with your next disaster? And the one after that? Or the one after THAT?
I want to know.
The Whole World’s Watching. And so are we.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

So the Pole Dancer and her Stolen Valor Neocommunist finally agree to a scam interview.

Pathetic. Pre-recorded. Scripted. Polished to make her look good. And still, it was a full-on disaster. She looked hung over. Pure cowardice. Fits in well with the Pole Dancer and No Balz Walz. Imagine this level of cowardice facing down China... Russia... muslim terrorists. Oh.... wait. That's what we've got now. How's that working out for us?

The Native American Privilege Card?

More waste of millions from Washington State taxpayers. Not that leftists care.

Since their is no risk of "rising sea levels" (Just ask Barrack Obama with his purchase of a seaside mansion a few years ago) and the likelihood of a tsunami roughly the same as winning powerball, THIS is yet another waste of millions. To, of course, be followed by several million more taxpayer dollars to do something designed to provide this "tribe" with brand new housing in some other location.... not because they HAVE to move... but because they WANT to move.
Where do I get MY Native American Privilege Card?
They want to move?
Swell. I want to move as well, because I might get flooded out by the Columbia River.
Where's MY $3 million? The tribe in question appears to be the Quinaults. You know, the SAME Quinaults who have this thing right on the seaside known as the Quinault Beach Resort & Casino? With casino income, why the hell do they need a dime from us? How many times and in how many ways are these people getting paid off? Are they going to scam the taxpayers of this state to pay them to move their casino as well?

Here's the FB story:

Just a quick reminder from 2017: Hold candidates accountable for their lies: the myth of the 20% Rule

A brief reminder from 2017 and Clark County Politics:

Saturday, June 10, 2017
The "support a candidate when you agree with them 80% of the time" rule.
The 80/20 commandment had a fundamental flaw: Frequently, the 20% you disagree with is far overarching over the 80% you do agree with.
For example, the GOP senate's betrayal of the people of this state happens around 5% of the time. But the issues they've betrayed us on... and are about to betray us on... are among the biggest political issues confronting us at the state level today.
We know what those issues are, so I won't repeat them here, but I would point out that if I agree with a politician 99% of the time, if that politician lied their way into office, dishonored us once they assumed office, ignores us while IN office... then I don't care what their claimed party affiliation is, I don't want them in office.
If that official disagrees with me on a fundamental principle, then I am going to oppose them: let's say, for example, that the 1% we disagree on is a constitutional right. Let's say, for example, that my Senator, who has proven she is not above lying or betraying her district, decides that she's going to support the efforts ongoing today to disarm us... even though, the REST of the time (as if) we were in complete agreement.
Should I just ignore that assault?
Let's say that I fought every day the CRC was alive and ultimately it died. Suddenly, one of the leaders of that effort has been bought out, Like Rivers has been bought out and so many others have been bought out... and she becomes instrumental in resurrecting that monster. If successful, her efforts will result in a giant sucking sound where the special interests she now works for are busy vacuuming hundreds of millions of dollars out of this county for the next 4 decades.
Should I just ignore that?
Should we ignore the reality of $700 million getting sucked out of this county because, for example, my Senator, who ran on a platform of opposing the largest gas tax/tab fees increases in this state's history was corrupted enough to ignore her pledge, made in writing, when the time came?
Am I to ignore that kind of corruption? Am I to continue to vote for someone who will lie to my face when the time comes? And how many more opportunities does she get to screw us?
I get that the 11th Commandment and 80/20 formula make nifty bumper stickers. But that we allow those running... or elected... to lie to us without consequence?
I don't think so.
The kicker, you see, is what's IN that 20% you suggest we should disregard. We're not talking about getting upset over, say, adding a fourth light to traffic signals or passing a state law making the Sasquatch the state animal (A waste of thousands of dollars... taxpayer dollars, I might add.)
We’re talking about major issues that have and will impact our lives negatively forever. We're talking about caving to the special interests that own too many of these people like the 13th Amendment was the 13th Suggestion on the issues that really, really, genuinely matter.
80/20 is an absolute. When I was working for the WSRP as executive director, one of the first things I learned was there are no absolutes. And when an elected official that I sweated for, funded, bled for putting up signs, stayed awake in the wee hours for, spent hundreds of hours to get and keep in office acts like none of those principles matter?
This goes beyond the issue of personal betrayal; after all, what's a decade in the overall scheme of things?
No, this is about the issue of accountability. When they lie, betray, sell out, ignore us?
Then they've got to go... and should never have been elected in the first place... 20% notwithstanding.

Monday, August 19, 2024

I continue to be astounded that leftists don't believe children are undergoing permanent sterilization and mutilation in the name of fake gender changes.

It never ceases to amaze.

Whenever this issue comes up on social media, a battalion of leftists will continually comment that it's all lies, it's Republican nonsense and that it never happens.

Guess what?

It DOES happen, it HAS happened and it will CONTINUE to happen.

Here in Washington State, the legislature signed the Pro-Child Groomer Bill, where children can be, literally, taken by the state who will then LIE to the child's parents concerning the child's location and the procedures they're undergoing.

Regardless of the parent's wishes.

For the unfortunates who claim children aren't undergoing life-long mutilation and sterilization, you're wrong.
Exclusive of the child-kidnapping laws of Washington State, here's how it was/is going down in Texas: Jay Inslee Sen. Marko Liias Washington State Senate Democrats Washington House democrats

Saturday, August 10, 2024

One of the major pitches from the left, aimed at minorities that I see, repeatedly, is that they have to vote for Roundheels because she's "black" and a woman.

I don't give a damn if she's green. I don't care what her reproductive organs are. What I care about is what she's done and what she wants to do. What I care about is the Plan.
Where is it? WHAT is it?
She's been part of one of the worst Administrations in American history with disastrous consequences that will take decades to recover.
In this instance, what would be the response if Trump or his surrogates were going around claiming you have to vote for Trump because he's white? Or male?
How is the Kamala voting requirement any different from a similar requirement for Trump?
I know what Trump will do because he's done it. I'm reminded most every time I buy something. It's the same standard I apply to ANY politician at ANY level, including the Mattress. I know what Roundheels will do because of both what she HAS done.... and what she has failed to do.
Why is it that those things don't seem to matter?
How is it that a demand that one color voter votes for the same color candidate not racist? How is it that one gender voter vote for a candidate because of that gender not misandrist? Here's an example: click the picture below.


Leftist billionaire and state elected corruption. Caught in the act. UPDATED:UPDATED:UPDATED Billionaire effort to strip the initiatives off the ballot.

UPDATED:UPDATED:UPDATED Billionaire effort to strip the initiatives off the ballot.
It would seem that a leftist group of billionaires, including Nick Hanauer, Bill Gates and Steve Balmer, funded 2 separate lawsuits against the Washington Secretary of State to have the Lets Go Washington initiatives taken off the ballot this November.
The case made it all the way to the State Supreme Court and neither Secretary of State Steve Hobbs nor Sideshow Bobby Ferguson, the Attorney General and governor wannabe, never told anyone.
it would seem that the suits blasted through from a superior court to the court of appeals and then to the Supreme Court without public notice and without notifying Let's Go Washington, the organization behind the initiatives.
If a reporter researching another case and stumbling across THIS case hadn't found out, and then called Brian Heywood, who organized and funded the LGW effort to ask for comment, they NEVER WOULD HAVE KNOWN until it was over.
The claims were, apparently, that the process used to determine signature validity was "flawed."
The Court, for their part, and stunningly enough, voted unanimously to throw out both lawsuits, and the measures will remain on the ballot.
It is unknown how this could have been kept so quiet beyond the likelihood that @letsgowa was not a party to the suit, or why neither Hobbs or Sideshow never said anything... even though we all know the most dangerous place on earth is the space between Sideshow and social media.
But we can guess.
The measures are I-2066, stopping the natural gas ban, I-2109 repealing the capitol gains tax, I-2117, ending the hidden gas tax AND I-2124, opting out of the state's mandatory state-run long term health care coverage act.
This is an absolute example of leftist corruption.
This apparently just broke at 7:00 pm tonite (Friday).

Friday, August 09, 2024

The Walz issue and feigned ignorance by the left.

Leftists claim to have a problem with "attacking Tim Walz" over his "military service." (Quoting a snippet of a CNN sob fest:

"One of the things I think is at what point military service did become a liability?"

At no point.

The liability is when you lie about it or exaggerate it for some political gain.

Tim Walz has, on many more times than on a single occasion, done that very thing.

So even asking the question begs another question: are leftists generally and media-leftists particularly, stupid?

Let me make one thing perfectly clear: if roles were reversed, these same leftists playing ignorant would be beating J.D. Vance and Trump TO DEATH with these SAME allegations. They'd attack his integrity. They'd be asking the exact, same questions about Vance that veterans around the planet are asking about Walz.

I've been both an NCO (Army Staff Sergeant) and commissioned officer. I totally get what it takes.

I enlisted at 17 (day after my 17th birthday, come to think of it) as well during Vietnam, for active duty. I was a Recon Scout in the 3rd Infantry Division. My first enlistment was 4 years.

I was not sent to Vietnam mainly because the Army wasn't shipping 17 -year-olds in 1972. It wasn't an option.

I do not know what Walz's motivation(s) were for abandoning his unit, then on orders for Iraq. Nor do I care.

But the reality of his situation based on the timing of those actions alone are certainly subject to examination.

As the unit's Sergeant Major, he HAD AN OBLIGATION TO HIS TROOPS. PERIOD. And he knew it.

He lied about his obligated term of service; acceptance of the rank of Command Sergeant Major (E9) required an automatic 2 year extension to the 4 years he had reenlisted for.

He deliberately failed to complete his schooling and, as a result, was administratively reduced in rank back to Master Sergeant (E8).

The bottom line?

He was THE senior ranking enlisted soldier in that unit. HE set THE example for ALL of the other NCO's in that battalion.

And the example he set was exiting a unit deploying to combat in Iraq. THAT is abandonment.

So, in complete response to the question?

The 24 years he was in uniform is not the issue. Had he not lied/exaggerated about his rank, his position, and his claims of what amounts to combat? This wouldn't even have been on the radar, although I will point out that both Bush and Quayle were beaten to a pulp by a fringe-left press over THEIR Reserve/Guard service.

THOSE are the issues. And he deserves the same negative attention for it that you know damned well the left would be heaping on Vance if this had been the other way around.

Just remember: democrats simply don't care that he lied. If they did, Dick Blumenthal would have never been elected and twice reelected to the US Senate after lying about his alleged service in Vietnam.

This isn't difficult. And the leftists asking this question already know the answer. They do not move their ball forward by acting as if they can't understand it.

The only thing they care about is making this go away. And they will attack anyone that keeps it alive.

Meanwhile, Walz gets zero accountability for his actions. And they wouldn't have it any other way.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Efforts are underway to try and "unify" the state GOP after the results of Tuesday's primary.

That's an extremely long putt.

Right or wrong, the effort to trash Semi Bird was, occasionally, over the top. 

We are typically a "feelings" based society.

It was clear to me months before any of this started that Bird never had a chance. He had no money and essentially zero name recognition, particularly in the Puget Sound region... which, like it or hate it, is where elections usually are won or lost.

Had we never heard of his military record, good or bad, he still would have lost.

But had we never heard of his military record, chances of unity would be much greater today than they, in reality, have any chance of approaching.

Which is none.

On June 26th, having given this a great deal of thought, I wrote:


Here is my professional opinion of the outcome.

The GOP candidate in the general will be the former Congressman.

When the GOP-endorsed candidate gets clobbered in the primary, two things will happen.  First, the GOP base will stay home in droves for the general. There will be zero ways to incentivize the base to throw their support behind a candidate who, along with his surrogates, never misses the opportunity to belittle the soldier’s supporters... and who, all while the non-endorsed candidate, when he was in Congress, on the surface at least, has a voting record in office that would make Patty Murray smile.

Think in terms of Jaime Herrera voting to impeach Donald Trump in that totally unconstitutional congressional kangaroo impeachment court… or Liz Cheney/Adam Kinzinger's democrat efforts on the Jan 6 Committee.

But the exact, same, thing would happen if the Soldier won. The leftist Republicans would refuse to vote for him, making the outcome inevitable and a replay of the Culp campaign 4 years ago.

Second, by committing political hara-kiri, the state party will have been reduced to the political laughing stock of the PNW.

Far too often, even those actively engaged in the political realm fall victim to the “is he like me” syndrome instead of the “can he win” syndrome.

That’s what happened here.

Conservatives are frequently unable to separate the two because a major part of conservatism all-too-frequently involves feelings instead of political reality.

That is not to say that conservatives are wrong in their thinking as to what is the best course of action of those available. But that IS to say that frequently, conservatives as a group forget that they make up, perhaps, 30% of the electorate. And in this state? Likely even less.


In all of this, we can see the symptoms. No one realistically believed Reichert could win statewide. The Establishment hacks that put him up to it are the same hacks that supported the democrat over the Republican in the 3rd Congressional District 2 years ago and spent millions to torpedo him, which they did successfully.

The GOP establishment would rather have a democrat win than a conservative Republican.

Sadly, my professional opinion in all of this is that absent some major October Surprise, this election is already over. And my professional opinion is not the result of any bias for or against anyone. It is my assessment of politics in this state.

Were I wrong in this assessment, leftists would be rioting against their city governments. Seattle has turned into a sewer. Tacoma may even be worse. Most every city of any size in this state, including Vancouver, refuses to act to end crime, homelessness, drugs and everything that goes with it. And the majority of these cities continuing to foster these outcomes all have the commonality of leftist dominance in city government.

Even Lynnwood has city council members involved in drag queens for 2 year-olds. Grooming is obvious and open. And who’s doing anything about it?

ANGER is required to replace incumbents or titular incumbents.  And it’s just not there at the state level. It SHOULD be. But it isn’t.

And as a result, the winner in this state will not be a Republican.


Some reading this may disagree. But I believe that the harder Reichert supporters pushed (against a guy who had no chance to win anyway, IMHO), the less likely there was any chance Reichert could win as I believe many... far too many... will refuse to vote for him based on how they believe he treated Bird and how, effectively, his surrogates, formal or otherwise, treated Bird's supporters.

The "let's make nice" attempt is needed. But it will also fail.

In the future, the party needs to take a deep, hard look at itself. Before it can figure out how it can win, they need to figure out why they keep losing.

And for close to the last 40 years, the magic key has eluded them.

That does not mean become "democrat light." Nor does it mean "out-democrating the democrats" as the GOP has done all too frequently in the name of "bipartisanship."

As a former executive director for the state GOP, and a senior legislative staffer in Olympia, like the saying goes "I know a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two." But frequently, people in politics in this area and this state don't like what I have to say because it moves them out of their comfort zone.

Next time around, determine a candidate's "win-ability quotient."

THEN figure out if they support enough of the platform that the party, in turn, can support them.

But it does no one any good to put forward a candidate who checks every platform box, but who has none of the equipment; from money, to knowledge, to know-how to name familiarity to get it done.

And leave how you, as a party, "feel" about them out of it.