Thursday, November 26, 2009

A tough Thanksgiving

This is a dismal Thanksgiving in America. Sometimes, when you take an America-wide view, it's difficult to see any light in the tunnel not attached to a train.

I, personally, am fortunate in so many ways. But my concern isn't for me on this day; it's for my country.

So, to those of you serving, or those of you who have served; those of you in the freezing cold or the searing heat and everywhere in between; those who have gone on before having given the ultimate sacrifice to defend us; those who have shed their blood to allow us to engage in what we now consider to be the simple, mundane exercise like this one of putting my thoughts, feelings and fears down for the entire planet to read if they've a mind...

... I give you my deepest, heartfelt thanks. It's a small comfort, I know, but I never forget.

Those of us who've frozen or fried in defense of our nation rarely do.

To the cops.... to the firemen... to those staffing our hospitals, our power plants, even those working to bring us football games and the like instead of doing what I am going to be able to do: spend a day of celebration with family and friends, I give you my sincerest gratitude and thanks as well.

As Americans, the vast majority of us take this day for granted. As Americans, the vast majority of us take EVERY day for granted. As I sit here in my wonderful office, 16 years removed from homelessness, living in my car and later a Ridgefield gas station; to renting a room to renting a single wide trailer to renting a house to owning a home on acreage... I never take this grand experiment for granted, which is but one of the many elements in the equation that causes me to write with such rage.

As someone hard-wired to pay close attention, I have been one of those running around, doing everything I can to wake people up. When we're led by those less than honest and honorable; those who use us for their own ends and personal gain, and we, as their victims, seem to roll over and yawn, I just want to do a high-speed come apart.

When we're faced with dishonesty and corruption at every level, and the people KNOW about it, I am literally struck dumb at our apathy. I have become convinced that, like the tarantula stalked by the tarantula wasp, it is our apathy that will lead to our demise.

It would be easy for me to provide the standard-schlock Thanksgiving message. But I try to dwell in the House of The Truth. And the truth is, our outlook is bleak. And for those who read this without getting involved, you need look no farther than the nearest mirror to figure out how this could be happening to us... or, in short hand.... "Why?"

Happy Thanksgiving.

Major HT to Doug Ross @ Journal for the pic.

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