Thursday, January 06, 2011

Announcing the "Herrera Lies" series: first up: I didn 't want to come back to DC.

Since Cathy McMorris parachuted Ridgefield Barbie back into this area after an 11 year, no-achievement, no private sector job absense, Jaime Herrera's words and actions have been marked with a level of pathological lying unheard of outside the criminal realm.

From the first and only time I ever talked to her and she had the balls to stand there and tell me that her decade-long absense was "the same thing as serving in the military," to her continuing lies about her job as a "senior legislative Assisstant," her lies about "being courted by the NRCC," her lies about her seatmate voting in her place so she wouldn't show as "absent," her lies about the content and motivation for her support of the SEIU mandatory uniionization of day care workers bill, to her lies about helping the democrats strip out the last $229 million from the state emergency fund... and up to now, her biggest lie to date when she lied to the commissioners during the appointment:

“Every step I have taken since high school has been preparing me for this. There
is not a job in the world I would rather have.”
Which explains perfectly why, a short time latter, she was running for the job should would have rather not had... since she already had the job she rather WOULD have.

Except anyone paying attention knew she was dropped in here for this reason and this reason only: to run for Congress.

That she lied about that is obvious.

In a public tenure marked by her pathological lying, Ridgefield Barbie's appearence on Hannity has set a new standard for this; her newest, greatest lie:
No, actually I didn't (Want to be in Congress). My husband and I, we actually made a cross country trek. We drove out here. On the way, we were reminiscing, when we made the decision to run, it wasn't because we wanted to live here in Washington, D.C.
Clearly, there is NO lie this empty-suit sock puppet for Cathy McMorris won't tell. Hopefully, Hannity finds out he got played and never invites this empty suited, cardboard cut out back on the show again.

LUNTZ: Now, the American are trying to judge, they're going to look you straight in the eye to
try to figure out whether you got what it takes.

CONGRESSWOMAN-ELECT JAMIE HERRERA BEUTLER, R-WASH.: Absolutely. And I expect them to. That's what we run on. I served here as a staff member actually before I went on to get elected.

LUNTZ: And you wanted to come back?

BEUTLER: No, actually I didn't. My husband and I, we actually made a cross country trek. We drove out here. On the way, we were reminiscing, when we made the decision to run, it wasn't because we wanted to live here in Washington, D.C. I'm from the West Coast, I like the West Coast. But we decided our country needed a course direction. We either change direction now or the future generations of Americans, my children's children wouldn't have the same America I had. And it was worth it to us.

Read more:

Meanwhile, Babs... stop lying, or you will have the shortest tenure in Congress in local history.

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.


  1. Victoria Taft had her on this afternoon. I guess she had her turn to wield the gavel today and the discussion over the gavel itself is one I hope to hear again.

    Oh, she hates the red carpet in her near empty brown office.

    I'm hoping Eric links to teh recording of the "interview" later on tonight.

  2. Gee, a "Republican" who hates red.

    No problem... I'm sure the grateful taxpayers will spend a small fortune to replace it. After all, to Barbie, what's a few thousand of our dollars?


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