Thursday, January 06, 2011

This time, I'm siding with the union.

The democratian took the opportunity to whine about the firefighter's union to stick it to the city of Vancouver in contract negotiations... and this time, I'm doing what would typically be unthinkable for me: I'm siding with the union.

This isn't because they're special in that they are firefighters... although they are that.

It's because of what the city has done and is doing when it comes to THEIR paychecks... and in this instance, I'm referring to the pay and health care of the city council members and the two 6 figure jobs out to get filled... as if we couldn't get along without them.

Vancouver suffers from a variety of things besides the lying moron they elected mayor. They suffer from a complete lack of leadership and an abysmal failure to understand the nuances of the times we're living in.

As the democratian points out, the city had to take a whack this year of $14 million. In follow on years, that figure is bound to increase.

Had the city sold the Columbian Building to PeaceHealth, like they should have, they would not be faced with a budget shortage this year. The Firefighters don't operate in a vacuum. They observed Leavitt's stupidity in turning down that deal, although why anyone would actually want an office in downtown Vancouver is a total mystery to me.

But they also observed the city council turn down the opportunity to lead by example when they flushed the chance to start paying for part of their health care premium.

I warned at the time that they would come to regret that, because while many of the ignorant such as the democratian demand the Firefighters to sacrifice, that's an extremely difficult sell when your leaders won't join in.

And, in addition to that, the city is trying to fill two 6 figure jobs that don't need filling; Deputy City Manager and, as one commenter put it, a Minister of Propaganda.

The Firefighters, rightfully, ask themselves: Why should we sacrifice when those leading us don't and won't.

They shouldn't.

The complete vacuum of competency in the Mayor's office and those members of the city council who blew off an opportunity to lead are responsible for this; that is where the blame most properly belongs.

The city brought this all on in ways a blind man could see in a minute. Given the lack of leaders and leadership at the top, I cannot fault the Firefighters for climbing aboard the "Me Too" train.... just like those running the show have done.

And before the democratian babbles something like
"This me-first, me-only stance by the firefighters union might be just a manifestation of how unions operate (indeed, a union’s sole function is to demand money and benefits for its members at the exclusion of all other concerns) but it’s an awful way to build respect and admiration in the community."
needs to be aimed first at those running the show. THEY set the example... and the Firefighters are just following that example.

Don't whine now. Until those running the city show THEY are prepared to sacrifice and understand the times we live in, we have no right to expect the rank and file to pick up that gauntlet.

Cross posted on Tim Leavitt Watch.

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