Thursday, January 06, 2011

More from the moron zone: Repealing DADT during a war is crippling enough... now let's shrink the number of troops.

So, in addition to destroying the military, it looks like that empty-suited, Anti-American racist bigot in the White House is now out to destroy the country.

In case it's escaped his attention, we are in a war. Do you get that, Berry? We're in a war. And as moronic as risking military catastrophe by unleashing the gay community on combat units actually is; as stupid and unconscionable as telegraphing arbitrary withdrawal dates can truly be; shrinking the size of the military while we're at war has got to top the cake.

Is there places the military can be cut? Of course there are: like any other government civilians, the DOD civilians can face a 25% pay cut; a massive benefit cut and a massive numbers cut. It seems to me that these cuts are announced as a response to the right-leaning votes from those who will be cast out, and that the LAST thing we would want to do in the circumstances confronting us today is to reduce our fighting capability while the wolves of Iran, Russia, China and North Korea are circling the gate.

In fact, there's an argument that Charley Rangle's draft bill should be brought back up and passed, because we have no where NEAR the number of troops we need under arms.

Idiocy wrapped in criminal stupidity.

From the Washington Post:

Pentagon to cut spending by $78 billion, reduce troop strength

By Craig Whitlock

Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 6, 2011; 2:31 PM

The Pentagon will have to cut spending by $78 billion over the next five years, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said Thursday, forcing the Army and Marine Corps to shrink the number of troops on active duty and eventually imposing the first freeze on military spending since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The surprise announcement from Gates was a reminder for the military establishment - which has benefited from a gusher of new money over the past decade - that it will not remain exempt from painful austerity measures that federal lawmakers say will be necessary to control the soaring national debt.

In a news conference to announce the cuts, Gates said he hopes that "what had been a culture of endless money . . . will become a culture of savings and restraint" at the Defense Department.

Gates had hoped to spare the Pentagon from the budget ax. Over the past two years, he cut dozens of expensive weapons programs and more recently sought to persuade lawmakers that the military had adopted a newfound thriftiness that would justify small but steady percentage increases in the size of its budget for the foreseeable


Is it any wonder why the slime of the world are pushing the envelope? They know that like Carville said:
"If Hillary gave up one of her balls and gave it to Obama, he'd have two."
But then, Barry never served. Why should he care?


  1. Ridiculous doesn't even begin to address this utter stupidity.

    Cut civilian staff in the Pentagon, along with any union affiliation they may have and generous benefits offered.

    Each of them is paid much better than our Troops and don't have to face any danger, other than maybe a paper cut.

    I'll never fully understand why Democrats, who once professed love of our country, goes out of their way to bring us defeat after defeat to foreign powers.

  2. I bet they wouldn't be voting this way if terrorists were shooting at them.


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