Saturday, December 30, 2017

Why Larry Hoff shouldn't be elected, Chapter 12

In addition to Hoff's total political inexperience and lack of involvement (I've been politically involved in this area generally for 29 years generally and the 18th District, my district, specifically for the last 14 years... and I've never heard of nor seen this guy until now) and the obvious RINO support from those such as Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers (D-Strategies 360) and Sen. Lynda "The Liar" Wilson (D-Tracy) who despise conservatives so much the Wilsons have dropped $2000 in on a guy who, to date, lacks the guts... or the knowledge... or simply the ability... to articulate any positions on anything, nor any ability to explain where, for example, he would have voted any differently than Gas Tax Rivers over the past 3 idiotic sessions she's been screwing us...

Or, he simply hasn't been told what... if anything... to write down AS his "issues.

I have, for example, REPEATEDLY asked him to articulate where... and how... he would have voted differently than Gas Tax Rivers.

To date, he refuses to even acknowledge me, let alone answer me.

We come to find out that major democrat funder David Nierenberg is writing checks and has, to date, dropped a paltry $4000 more on this clown.

Nierenberg was a the force behind the Madore Hate PAC last cycle that leftists and RINOs joined together to oppose conservative David Madore.

Let's take a look at those who've been getting cash from this leftist, shall we?

Jack Burkman, Washington State Democrats, Tim Probst, Brent Boger, Arch Miller, James McIntire, Sam Reed, Planned Parenthood, Democrat front group "Stand for Children" ($10,000), Julie Olson, Deb Wallace, Jim Jacks, Christine Gregoire, Paul Harris, Monica Stonier, Jimmy Moeller, Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, Clark County Democrats, Mainstream Republicans, Craig Pridemore, John Blom, Jay Inslee, Joe Tanner, Yes on I-1000 (Death With Dignity), Lynda Wilson, Pam Brokaw, Kathy Gillespie, Jay Inslee, Marc Boldt... and now, Larry Hoff.

So what David does is finance those who do things TO us... instead of FOR us.

And this, of course, is no exception.  It's also another in the growing list of reasons to vote for anyone not named Hoff.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Today's Gellatly Hypocrisy.

There are so very many, of course... but THIS one likely tops them all.

Der Fuhrer actually posted this little beauty on his CCRP Chair fantasy page.

 I kid you not.

After coming into Opinions of South West Washington and completely obliterating his and positive example he HOPED to project even further, maybe Davey should try and avoid moralizing.

But then, hypocrites do what hypocrites do.

And the irony of all of this?

Davey's "example" is despicable.  His "example" shows he shouldn't be elected dog catcher.  And the slime around him know it.

After all, what kind of "example" did he set by bringing in his strip club buddy to defend him a few months ago?  Was that supposed to instill confidence in this clown?

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Gellatly answers the question: If my Blog is so bad, then why did he use it to trash Crain?

He's out there still, beating the hell out of me and my little blog... the one that nobody reads... but everybody talks about.

Davey Gellatly appears to be a tad upset at what I wrote about him below.  So, he swings by a Facebook Group I'm on, "Opinions of South West Washington."

He trashes me and everything about me.  He shows his typical level of hypocrisy attacking MER, but holding himself out as if he's God's Gift and bears absolutely NO guilt over anything he alleges about me.

So, I ask what I always ask:

If my blog is such a piece of trash, then why did you, Davey, use it to trash Carolyn Crain?

(Another mystery is why Crain is so gullible she BELIEVES Gellatly's "explanation,")

Gellatly, NOT being he brightest bulb on the tree actually responded.  And his response?

Well, that hit a new height of stupidity, even for a clueless moron like him.

There ya go.  First, he admits he trashed Crain to me, then admits it's because he "didn't know me."

In Davey's own words, he felt fine trashing Carolyn Crain to a blogger that he claims he did not know.

Sheer, unadulterated genius.

Make sense to you?

Make sense to Carolyn?

How blind is her eye to the REAL Gellatly going to be now?

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

OK, Ladies, explain it to me. Tell me again why any of you can support David Gellatley

Of the more insane, idiotic things I've seen this year is the support by women of a guy with an extensive record, including TWO DUI's, a proven incompetent ego maniac who pisses on the rules whenever he feels like it and who, at base, treats women like crap.

A proven liar, a punk who threatens, so far with impunity; a complete moron that makes the party look like a joke by suing a PCO for an opinion expressed in a private email to a board member...

A total moron who publicly condemns and threatens me now... but had no problem trashing Carolyn "Fake Republican" Crain to me a brief few months ago...

A clown who single-handedly trashed the Lincoln Day Dinner who, while spending a fortune on Tomi Cleavage, a 24 year-old pro-choice kid made practically nothing from the largest fund raiser the party holds, lying about it before, during and after the fact.

In fact, here's a little more evidence from Gellatly's MySpace page (Who knew?)

Clearly, to the narcissistic-soaked brain of this moron, women only have one function.  All those pictures where he sees himself as God's Gift.

Married, at that.

In this era of Al Franken and Harvey Weinstein... why is this OK?  Why don't women care?  Why do you put up with it?

Are you people BLIND?  This hormonally driven juvenile shouldn't run an elevator, let alone a political organization of this size... and in fact, the outcomes show that he CAN'T run it anywhere, except into the ground.

Who can forget this articulate defense of Davy Gellatly by a friend of his, that HE brought in the defend him when he was getting clobbered publicly... one Adrian Kallimanis... bon vivant and strip club operator.

Screen capture of one of Gellatly's winged monkeys coming in to trash Davey's opposition.

Here's a few more from the photo album...

From where Davey's buddy Adrian works.  Nice that he's taking care of the paying customers...

Help me with this.

WHY is this OK?

I know none of you have the guts to answer, being RINO cowards and all (Notice that RINOs as a group not only lack integrity (They lie... a lot) but they also lack courage?)

Its a common trait.  You can smell it.

Here's the reality.  You fakes would come unglued if a conservative acted like this or even had this kind of a record.  You would lose your collective minds.  You know it.  I know it.  We all know it.

But you give this moron... and you all know, politically, he IS a moron... a complete pass.

No hypocrisy there, right?

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Major Egan, why'd you do it? (Originally Published 24 Dec 08)

I originally posted this 9 years ago today (24 Dec). I post it every year at this time because it bears repeating.

This story was in the paper... although, unfortunately, not on the Columbian web.

It is the story of a retired Army Major, one Thomas Egan; a veteran of 2 years on the Korean DMZ, a Master's graduate of the University of Oregon; a retired Oregon Army National Guard officer.
He was found dead, apparently frozen to death, next to a bottle of booze, in Eugene, Oregon within the past few days.
Unfortunately, the story speaks for itself. Sometimes, the desire to destroy one's self can overwhelm all other instincts.

I never knew you, Major, but we served in the Army together at the same time. I have no idea what happened to you, but I wish I did... and I wish it could have been fixed.

Tomorrow is Christmas. If you know someone who needs help, take the time and the effort to try and get that help to them. Major Egan had help available, but made bad choices when it came to using it.

As I look outside at the foot of snow, I ask myself:

"How many Major Egans are there?  Is there more that could have been done?

Probably not.

But I wish there had been.

Good bye, Major. From all accounts, you served us honorably and well. I never met you, but I won't forget you.

I could have been you.

Soldier’s death resonates
Homeless veteran froze to death though services were available 
(Eugene) Register-Guard

EUGENE, Ore — Thomas Egan was a scholar and a decorated soldier. He was also a homeless alcoholic whose life ended last week when he froze to death in Eugene during an unusually long and harsh cold snap.

His body was found covered in snow near the corner of West First Avenue and Blair Boulevard, a bottle of liquor by his side.

News of the demise of the longtime Eugene resident troubled many local veterans — especially those who knew that with some effort and some help, the man they called Major Egan could have had a roof over his head.

“The whole National Guard community is taking this very hard,” said Bud Dickey, a vocational rehabilitation coordinator with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ community reintegration service center in Eugene.

“It’s very disturbing for all of us, because Major Egan was retired and could have been drawing his (veterans’) benefits,” Dickey said. “He had options that he did not access.”

Egan collected monthly Social Security checks, but the amount was a pittance compared with the payments he was entitled to as a retired military veteran. When he turned 60 in July, Egan became eligible to receive $909 each month in National Guard retirement income, Dickey said.

Egan also could have applied for a separate pension check based on unemployability. “That would have gotten him an apartment if he wanted one,” said Jay Rea, a Springfield resident who served under Egan in the National Guard in the late 1980s. “I shed a tear when I heard he died,” Rea said. “It breaks my heart because he was the friendliest guy, and so smart.” A New York native, Egan joined the Army in 1971 after graduating from Quinnipiac College in Hamden, Conn., with a bachelor’s degree in history.

He was stationed at the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea for two years, and was reassigned to the Oregon Army National Guard in 1977.

Earned master’s degree

Egan earned his master’s degree from the University of Oregon in 1983, and ultimately attained the rank of major with the National Guard.

He retired honorably in 1991, following a 20-year military career during which he was awarded several service medals and ribbons.

Dickey said Egan’s desire to drink made him ineligible for VA housing programs that require sober living.

Egan had declined to enroll in substance abuse treatment programs offered through the veterans agency, Dickey said.

According to those who knew him, Egan worked sporadically. He did some landscaping, and most years helped deliver telephone books.

Sometimes, he found an apartment to stay in for a while. At other times, he lived on the streets. In August, Egan spent two weeks at the Eugene Mission — which is less than one block from the spot where a passer-by discovered his body last week.

Mission officials said Egan never caused any trouble there, and could have stayed any time. Dickey said Egan has no relatives in Oregon, and tracking down members of his extended family on the East Coast has been proving challenging.

Dickey, who served five years with Egan in the National Guard, is helping to direct an effort to have Egan interred at the Roseburg National Cemetery.

“He will be buried as a veteran in a veterans’ cemetery,” Dickey said. “He was a good soldier, and we’re going to get him the burial he’s due.”

Friday, December 22, 2017

Another in the series of reasons why Larry Hoff shouldn't be elected dog catcher.

Look, I knew it was likely that for Hoff to line up the RINO support that's coalesced around him, Hoff would have to be Rivers' bitch.

What he fails to understand in the RINOs massive arrogance is that each of those who've "endorsed" him stands as a reason to oppose him.

This is Rivers' doing.  Both Rivers and Hoff know that on the issues, he's flat, dead, wrong for the 18th District.

And so is she.

Ask yourself: as far back as when Rivers first ran in the 2010 primary, is there ANY chance she would have been elected in the 18th had she came out and said, during that primary, that she was going to fight for THE largest gas tax and tab fee increases in this state's history?

And how far would she have gotten had she came out and told us first, that she was going to bend us over for $5.5 billion... with the subsequent massive increases in the state portion of our property taxes... to the WEA who apparently owns this former teacher, Rivers, like the 13th Amendment freeing the slaves was never passed.... and then second, lied about it... as Rivers as lied about it... claiming that our property taxes were actually going to go LOWER?

Earlier, I simply couldn't believe my eyes when Rivers came out with her latest lie in the Reflector story on her upcoming town hall propaganda fests and the paper quoted her press release thusly:
To me a big part of being a citizen legislator is knowing what is on the hearts and minds of the people I represent, and carrying those questions and concerns to the state Capitol,” Rivers said in a news release.
Yeah.  And then ignoring those "questions and concerns" when those who own her demand it.

Go to Hoff's web page, and look for issues.

You won't find any.  Lacking issues means that we should just support this clown because the local RINO gaggle says so?  Why?

If this idiot won't respond to me as a prospective constituent and he has no issues... then why is he even running?

To prove the point, I have tried various ways to contact Hoff.  And he's ignored them all.  I've asked him various questions to at least make an attempt to figure out if there's ANYTHING that Rivers has done that he, Hoff, would oppose.

I have been asking him, repeatedly, to respond to me publicly on his facebook page.  I've been making that ask for weeks.

He has yet to do so.  And moments ago, it became clear he won't answer, because INSTEAD of answering, this political coward just deleted my questions.

Of course, my questions point out the idiocy of his positions and that may have something to do with it... but nevertheless, I am a prospective constituent and he has a duty to respond to me, even if it makes him look like an idiot.

Here are a couple of the questions I asked which are now gone:

As I pointed out, a few moments ago, literally, my questions were deleted instead of being addressed.

Thus Hoff shows the cowardice typical of the RINO ilk, and isn't fit to be elected to 3rd grade hall monitor, let alone state representative.

And this, of course, is BESIDES his bizarre position that he supports the thing the 18th District hates most: the unneeded, unaffordable and unwanted replacement of the I-5 Bridge to bring loot rail into Clark County like his puppet-master, Rivers, wants.

To that end, it seems he at least answered my CRC scam question by whining about the I-5 bridge below.

The guts he showed was to delete my questions... like that will make them go away.

There's little difference between him, Rivers, Annette Cleveland and Jimmy Moeller.

I'm thinking the people of the 18th will figure that out come next August around primary time.

So, by all means, Larry... keep ignoring those wise enough to disagree with you as you keep doing what you're told.

I can see it all now... Rivers to Hoff:

"Larry, you won't need to do a thing.  Just stand there and smile like a RINO manikin; don't say anything meaningful, don't talk policy, don't answer any constituent questions, don't make any campaign pledges (like that you'll oppose any gas tax or tab fee increases) and stay away from the issues.  We'll fool the people into making them THINK you have substance and you're not my puppet... even though we both know better... and we'll drag you over the finish line and get you elected."

Of course, the reality is that by failing to answer, he IS answering.  He's showing the lack of integrity that Rivers is known for.  But he's also COMPLETELY following her orders and he wouldn't DARE to oppose her... and that's the kind of puppet Rivers wanted when she went out and recruited Shane "15% sales tax on food" Bowman to run against Liz Pike last cycle.

I always thought that courage was a part of the position you're seeking.  Clearly, he doesn't have it.

And out local collection of RINO thugs wouldn't have it any other way.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Remember McCauley getting fired? I found out the real reason.

Earlier, I had written:
We will likely never know the true reasons for McCauley's dismissal; because the "reasons" my moronic relation has told us so far are bogus on their face.
Sooner or later however, most everything in local politics either goes by me or through me.  That, of course, is the nature of information... right place at the right time.

The county bureaucracy is a disaster.  The insanity of the charter scam made it much, much worse, due to the elimination of elected officials as those who could hold staff directly accountable for their failures.

The hissy fit the leftists threw and the RINOs supported has turned the model T Ford that was county staff into a train wreck that rivaled AmTrak's effort in Dupont.

Think in terms of pushing a string.

If you look around... closely... what do you see?

The leadership of the staff is... well... missing.  The council is moving at the speed of set concrete in replacing these positions... and there's more to it than merely McCauley.  They remain vacant... and that incompetence begins and ends primarily with my brother-in-law, one Marc Boldt.

The local bureaucracy is a version of the deep state government.  Union and civil service protected... there's no incentive to actually perform well, period.

So they don't.

Among the worst aspects of the county clog are the turn arounds for permitting.

They're not just bad... they're legendary, reaching new heights of awful.

I've been told by a former high... who I trust completely... that the number one reason McCauley was axed was based on his inability to push that particular string.

The reason wasn't floated in the media, because the county did not want to draw attention to their ongoing, abysmal train wreck of an administration; particularly in the midst of massive, expensive delays in developments caused by the staff themselves.

SOMEbody had to take the fall.  And in this case, I'm told, that somebody happened to be McCauley.

Right or wrong, given the abysmal nature of permitting that McCauley inherited, it's not surprising that he was unable to improve these outcomes.  Given the BIA's staunch backing of my fringe-left brother-in-law, its also not surprising that they were demanding their pound of flesh.  Given the built-in protections of these positions and the complete lack of incentive to turn these permits around... efforts to replace McCauley will likely be as popular as the abortive efforts to replace the superintendent of Portland Public Schools... and that, was a nightmare.

Boldt's babble on this issue was typical of something approaching his extemporaneous remarks on any such subject, as I also wrote earlier:
The article that was sent to me where my brother-in-law made the mistake of "discussing" the firing of former county manager Mark McCauley quotes Boldt extensively as a case in point.

And Marc expresses a great many words which, at least to me, say absolutely nothing.

According to the article, there was no misconduct on McCauley's part. It's not that I've heard there was, so I can grant him that. But all of these many words of Boldt's attempting to explain it, essentially, say a great deal of... nothing. As a result, that pall will likely hang around McCauley regardless.

So, we can eliminate misconduct as a cause of his dismissal.

We can eliminate incompetence as the cause.

And we're left with "leadership," or the lack thereof.

The confusing aspect of this is that Boldt, who couldn't "lead" his way out of a wet paper bag, is attempting to justify this decision by claiming that somehow, McCauley's leadership didn't cut it.
Marc appears to be, well, fibbing.

And it wouldn't be the first time.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Leave it to Crain to make excuses for that moron she worked so hard to get elected as county chair.

Look.  We all remember Carolyn Crain getting her panties in a twist and putting her fake GOP organization together to help get my fringe-left brother-in-law elected to county chair.

But this takes the cake.

In yet ANOTHER in the series of the MANY tax increases he's either been behind or supported, the 4 Stooges raised our property taxes... again.

Read for yourself the moronic effort Crain makes to actually DEFEND this leftist... this fake Republican... that she wanted so badly to win over a conservative:

The rank idiocy of Crain's babble speaks for itself.

Let's see: our property taxes were ALREADY set to explode next year, thanks to Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers bending us over for the WEA.

Costs of everything related to government has gone up; even reporting the sale of a car to the state via computer, which used to be free, now cost $8.75 and no human ever touches it.

Costs of permits, fees, driver's licenses, gas tax, tab fees... they're ALL blowing up.

So what does this idiot tell us?
The county council had not increased the tax base for several years. Before Madore took office they had not increased the tax rate for two years. COLA increases continued but tax rate increases did not. The cities have annexed some high end areas the county just finished upgrading the roads and infrastructure on spending a ton of money on improvements. At some point you have to say okay we need more money to meet the demand of the public requirements. A 6 year freeze on rate increases was the max. Also note that residential building does not provide enough money for the services they begin to demand so if you want a balanced budget and all the services you had better get the job growth happening here hard core. You also better figure out if you are a bedroom county or a working one and start voting for working because industry brings income into the county and that helps pay the bills which reduces you share of the overall cost.

First, she does what every leftist does: Blames Madore.

Then, this simple idiot babbles about the cost of living.  Of course, the idea that this train wreck of a bureaucracy should live within its means is simply beyond her extremely limited comprehension.

The reality is that our property taxes at the county level have gone up at LEAST 8% since Marc Boldt was first elected as a commissioner.

Sales taxes have gone up, gas taxes have exploded, fees have skyrocketed... and this moron tells us that, in effect, jacking up our taxes yet another percent... on top of the TWO percent he jacked them up last year.... in the face of all of the OTHER increases... "At some point you have to say okay we need more money to meet the demand of the public requirements?"

That's a total lie.

There has not been a shortage of revenue to the county.  We have hundreds of new, property tax producing homes and apartments being built.  The idea that now they take an even bigger percentage of what we make, when combined with all of the OTHER increases?

Here's an irony:  Crain also whines about a Comcast increase:

Someone want to explain to me WHY I have to call Comcast every single year and discuss their outrageous rate increases with them? Opening my bill this month my internet cable cost went from $61..99 to $81.99 per month in one month!!! Who out there has gotten a 33% pay raise in the last month?

Well, here's a clue, Crain: you don't like the increase?  Shut it off and go with someone else.

But we live here.  We've got no one else to go with.  And our property taxes are going to go up a HELL of a lot more than your piddling $20 a month for a service YOU don't HAVE to have.

Who lets this woman near a keyboard without a keeper?

Up is down, left is right.

When I read this crap, I gave a short prayer of thanks that this waste of space wasn't elected to dog catcher... and, of course, never will be elected to anything of importance.

There is no excuse for sticking it to us again... as Boldt has stuck it to us so very... many... times.

This is the kind of thing I KNEW he would do and said he would do many times.  And no matter how much lipstick Crain wants to put on her pig, he's still a pig.

Keep jacking up our taxes by a percentage... and pretty soon?

They'll be no percentage left.

Yet another reason to stay out of the Vancouver Soviet.

Thanks to the GOP-controlled state senate, local municipalities can feel free to tax vehicle owners into oblivion, and do so at a whim.

Take the Vancouver Soviet, for example.

I have yet to see a tax those scum didn't like: threatening a head tax if business didn't support an increase in tab fees and then, having blackmailed the local business community, smacking them with a head tax anyway.

Beginning next June, if you're unfortunate enough to live in the Cesspool of Vancouver, part of the cost for your idiocy will be the privilege of paying an extra $40 per year to put tabs on your vehicles.

Talk about throwing money down a black hole.

Look, I have no problem with a tax or fee increase under one tiny condition: that those demanding more of the sweat off of our brows ASK us.

Conveniently missing from this, yet another ability for government to screw us (thanks, Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers!)  was the requirement that these scum ASK us before these increases are implemented.

Even the daily democrat found it hard to overlook:
With little fanfare, the Vancouver Transportation Benefit District Board unanimously approved a $20 license tab fee increase Monday evening. The city council serves as the Transportation Benefit District Board to control vehicle fee revenues.
Like anyone is surprised.

Of COURSE there was "little fanfare."  Still stinging from the idiocy of their CRC scam debacle, they wouldn't want the opposition to such a stupid move to get time to organize, would they?

Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, who has governed over massive tax and fee increases and development on his watch, babbled thusly:
“Everyone needs to pay their fair share,” said Mayor Tim Leavitt. “If you’re working in our community, living in our community, you need to pay to keep our roads in fair shape.”
There's nothing "fair" about this, yet another rip off by the Vancouver Soviet.  It might have been "fair" had these slime ASKED to increase this tax.  But God-forbid that the people are EVER given the chance to say "no."  We can't have THAT, can we?

"Fair" has nothing to do with leftists scamming ever more money from our wallets.  They're insatiable, as leftists, socialists and neo-communists typically are.

As motorists, we pay hundreds of dollars in gas taxes every year.  As a government, is it the people's fault that The Liar would rather have wasted 10's of millions of dollars on unneeded and unaffordable new buses and funky bus stops so he could waste a million point five on each bus that now rides empty most of the time instead of making sure roads were fixed?

We're paying our "fair-share."   The problem is the amateur, clueless, typically drunk idiots show a level of incompetence rarely seen in the private sector in their handling of the money they DO get.

Well, Vancouver, you have the government you deserve.  In this case, the city council who just got done screwing you resembles a Taliban group more than a responsive, governing group that listens to, or even remotely give a damn about, what they people they would govern actually want.

And the leftist commenting under the article are, as expected, taking the "no big deal" approach.  One of the more ignorant babbles "It’s a 1x fee not 12. $1.60 a month."

You know... as if these various increases in taxes and fees don't build up in our wallets with the same cumulative effects as lead poisoning in our blood streams.

Over the past couple of years, thanks to the RINO-run state senate, we've seen massive gas tax and tab fee increases, increases in costs for citizens to have a driver's license, we're going to be HAMMERED with a massive property tax increase next calendar year, and now, the local cities are screwing the people sideways with their locally imposed tab fees on top of that.

And now, those wanting to bring the CRC/Loot Rail scam back to life want to add thousands to the cost of owning a vehicle if you have to commute... all to waste billions replacing a bridge that does not need to be replaced.

Who was it who once said "...a billion here and a billion there... pretty soon, we're talking real money?"

This is becoming a great time to move out of Vancouver... and out of Clark County.  The Cowlitz side of rural, outside the GMA boundary Woodland is looking better all the time.

Local leftist serial texter Sean Guard on his overdue departure as Washouganl mayor.

Leftist always cover for leftists.

He may be saying "good by," but most of us are saying "good riddance."

Sean Guard's proven and despicable behavior notwithstanding, local leftist mayors gathered around and sent the local serial texter out with style, befitting a mayor who, well, hasn't been convicted of impersonating a police officer and, currently, under investigation for his well know, rather bizarre text messaging that tends to make Sen. Al Franken look like something of a rank armature in comparison.

Soon to be replaced by another leftist who will ignore the will of those she governs, Molly Coston (supported by RINO's such as Brent "Rivers Lapdog" Boger instead of the Republican who ran against Costen, Clark County GOP PCO membership notwithstanding.), the train-sitting fake cop will soon become a distant memory.

Many of these same leftists were steadfast in their support of the whack-job mayor, who will finally, irretrievably be leaving government in a couple of weeks.  They routinely attacked the man most responsible for Guard's political demise, outside Guard himself.

None of them, to my knowledge, lauded Commissioner David Madore or Tom Mielke for their service... and niether of them engaged in this variety of low-lifer scummery.

Check this for some of Guard's more artistic efforts: (WARNING: Requires strong stomach.)

  1. 07/20/2015 12:01PM
  2. Sean Guard:
    Holy heck, Batman! Nice mirror!
  3. Local Girl:
    Why thank you:)
  4. Sean Guard:
    I had nothing to do with it!
    Thank your parents!
  5. Local Girl:
  6. Sean Guard:
    Totally boring Monday afternoon
  7. Local Girl:
    It sure is...
  8. Sean Guard:
    Hate days like these
    feel so unproductive
    game of 20 questions?
  9. Local Girl:
    Go for it..🙂
  10. Sean Guard:
    new York city or Caribbean?
  11. Local Girl:
    Caribbean....all the way!!
  12. Sean Guard:
    your turn
  13. Local Girl:
    If you had your choice to live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  14. Sean Guard:
    St. Lucia
    steak or fish?
  15. Local Girl:
    Ice cream or gelato?
  16. Sean Guard:
    ice cream
  17. Local Girl:
    No way!
  18. Sean Guard:
    chocolate, vanilla or ????
  19. Local Girl:
  20. Sean Guard:
    LOVE me some cream!
  21. Local Girl:
    😉 football or basketball?
  22. Sean Guard:
    Torn, both
    skydive or parasail?
  23. Local Girl:
    Lol I figured
    Surf or snow ski?
  24. Sean Guard:
    snow ski or water ski?
  25. Local Girl:
    Snow ski
    Ocean or the mountains?
  26. Sean Guard:
    torn again...........but I am called to water.
    LOVEntains to just rest and contemplate
    read the book or see the movie?
  27. Local Girl:
    Ocean is my peace
  28. Sean Guard:
  29. Local Girl:
  30. Sean Guard:
    ha! Instant gratification, huh?
  31. Local Girl:
    Most definitely....
    Have to have it now!!!
  32. Sean Guard:
    I know that feeling WAY too well!
  33. Local Girl:
    Dogs or cats?
  34. Sean Guard:
  35. Local Girl:
    Good answer.....
  36. Sean Guard:
    one piece or bikini?
  37. Local Girl:
  38. Sean Guard:
  39. Local Girl:
    Lol .....I speak the truth
  40. Sean Guard:
    GOOD answer! Ha!
  41. Local Girl:
  42. Sean Guard:
    so, this one should be simple........jammies, t-shirt or buff?
  43. Local Girl:
    Sleep us suppose to be comfy
  44. Sean Guard:
  45. Local Girl:
  46. Sean Guard:
    there is a Goddess in the room!
    and bikini
  47. Local Girl:
    :))))) lol
    So funny
  48. Sean Guard:
    spit or swallow?
  49. Local Girl:
  50. Sean Guard:
    OMFG! She IS a Goddess!
  51. Local Girl:
    :)) lol
    Now your going to have to hang on while I do something real quick;) brb if your still here when I return....😉
  52. Sean Guard:
    No worries. Working on emails
  53. Sean Guard:
    pie or cake?
  54. Sean Guard:
    Cool Whip or the can?
  55. Sean Guard:
    heels or barefoot?
  56. Sean Guard:
    trimmed, shaved or natural?
  57. Sean Guard:
    I have bored her.........
  58. 07/20/2015 7:04PM
  59. Sean Guard:
    Did I offend? Not my intent.
  60. Local Girl:
    Not one bit:)
    Just got busy
  61. Local Girl:
    How are you
  62. Sean Guard:
    Good, continuing the day at home.
  63. Local Girl:
    Sounds relaxing
  64. Sean Guard:
    I don't even recall what the last questions were that I asked, but I am btting that you are WAY beghind!
  65. Local Girl:
    Lol yup
  66. Sean Guard:
    not relaxing. Still catching up
  67. Local Girl:
  68. Sean Guard:
    too busy lately, now playing wrap-up, catch-up
  69. Local Girl:
    Summer time.....I'm sure your crazy busy
  70. Sean Guard:
    lots of stress
  71. Sean Guard:
    too much
    little relief
  72. 07/24/2015 9:46AM
  73. Sean Guard:
    Good morning
  74. 07/29/2015 7:19PM
  75. Sean Guard:
    Happy Wednesday
  76. Local Girl:
    Right back at you 😉
  77. Sean Guard:
    Was today a good day?
  78. Sean Guard:
    10 more questions?
  79. 07/29/2015 9:01PM
  80. Sean Guard:
  81. 08/06/2015 5:33PM
  82. Sean Guard:
    If I ticked you off, my apologies. Not intended.
  83. 08/07/2015 10:03PM
  84. Local Girl:
    Not at all;)
  85. 08/08/2015 7:38AM
  86. Local Girl:
    Hope you got my message ?
  87. 08/08/2015 8:59AM
  88. Sean Guard:
    Yes, did
  89. Local Girl:
  90. 08/08/2015 7:56PM
  91. Local Girl:
    How are you?
  92. 08/09/2015 2:20PM
  93. Sean Guard:
    I am well. Long weekend. You?
  94. 08/13/2015 11:13AM
  95. Sean Guard:
    Happy Thursday
    So, pancakes or waffles?
  96. Local Girl:
    Happy Thursday to you!
  97. Sean Guard:
    I LOVE waffles!
  98. Local Girl:
    BLANK Message (no text sent)
  99. Sean Guard:
    Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump?
  100. 08/13/2015 3:26PM
  101. Local Girl:
    Donald Trump:) you??
  102. 08/13/2015 6:46PM
  103. Sean Guard:
    Haven't seen a candidate I like yet
  104. 08/13/2015 8:42PM
  105. Local Girl:
    Honest answer:)
    Steak or seafood?
  106. Sean Guard:
    Mmmm, may I have both?
  107. Local Girl:
  108. Sean Guard:
    Love shrimp, scallops, clams, lobster. Just not oysters Crab and lobster can be very sensual
  109. Local Girl:
    I love lobster!!! It is my fav
  110. Sean Guard:
    Me too
    Record is 8 tails
  111. Local Girl:
    They sure can
  112. Sean Guard:
    The whole melted butter, sucking on it......
  113. Local Girl:
    On my toes;)
  114. Sean Guard:
    And I BBQ awesome steaks
    You love your toes sucked?
  115. Local Girl:
    I bet you do
    I certainly do
  116. Local Girl:
    So wheres my steak??
  117. Sean Guard:
    Mmmm, good thing I like to suck and lick.....
    Just made awesome rib eyes on tuesday.
    Thick, meaty....
  118. Local Girl:
  119. Sean Guard:
    I would be happy to make you something succulent
    Dripping in goodness
  120. Local Girl:
    I would gladly enjoy that
  121. Sean Guard:
    Then we both would
    What does -------- love the most?
  122. Local Girl:
    Everything 😉 no joke
  123. Sean Guard:
    Everything.......pretty wide open door
    Anything you don't enjoy?
    bad question?
  124. Sean Guard:
  125. Local Girl:
    Lol no....not that I can think of anyway.
  126. Sean Guard:
    What brings you off the best?
  127. Local Girl:
    Usually it's having my nipples played with first and then I love be ate out;) you?
  128. Sean Guard:
    Mmmmm, I LOVE to eat pussy........for hours
    all positions
    me? Anything long and deep
  129. Local Girl:
  130. Sean Guard:
    can you orgasm from just havng your nipples sucked and nibbled on?
    yes. Hours.
  131. Local Girl:
    Yup....I sure can
  132. Sean Guard:
    mmmmm. Sucking nips and fingering your wet clit......
  133. Local Girl:
    I can orgasm from suckin cock.
  134. Sean Guard:
    You ARE a goddess
  135. Sean Guard:
    ----------, how large are they?
  136. Local Girl:
    Double D
  137. Sean Guard:
    Mmmmmm, nice. Firm?
    Ohhhh, fuck.!
    LOVE great tits
    Mmmm, let me taste that.......please?
    sit on my face for awhile?
    In need of an awesome massage. Can I pay you for that?
  138. Local Girl:
    You let me know when?
  139. Sean Guard:
    I do love to eat from behind.........
  140. Local Girl:
    When tomorrow?
  141. Sean Guard:
    you decide
    shower, oils and all?
  142. Local Girl:
    Probably around 2. Yup;) I'll message with exact time by 10
  143. Sean Guard:
  144. Local Girl:
    I'm closing my eyes for the night
  145. Sean Guard:
    what can I bring?
  146. Local Girl:
  147. Sean Guard:
  148. Local Girl:
    Sleep good;)
  149. Sean Guard:
    My cell, 360 9-- ----
  150. Local Girl:
  151. Sean Guard:
  152. Local Girl:
  153. Sean Guard:
    warning, my tongue s ere ct!
  154. Local Girl:
  155. Sean Guard:
    tongue is erect
  156. Local Girl:
    Lol love it;)
  157. Sean Guard:
    sleep well
    what part of town are you in?
  158. Local Girl:
    I'm up in sunset Ridge
  159. Sean Guard:
    looking forward to it
  160. Local Girl:
    Me too!
  161. Sean Guard:
    sure I cannot bring anything?
  162. Local Girl:
    I'll think about it..let you know! If you dont hear from me by 10:30 please text me
    Good night
  163. Sean Guard:k
    That second pic is stunning!
  164. Local Girl:
    Thank you. I have more.
  165. Sean Guard:
    gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous
    I can only cream of more!
    I mean.......dream!
  166. 08/14/2015 7:09AM
  167. Local Girl:
    Sean Guard
    Good morning
    I hope you slept well
  168. 08/14/2015 10:10AM
  169. Sean Guard:
    Are you really up for giving a massage today?
  170. Local Girl:
    Yes I am. I have kids home on summer break. Trying to figure this out. I work until 1. I was just going to message you.
  171. Sean Guard:
    where are you working?
  172. Sean Guard:
    what would you charge for a 90-minute massage?
  173. 08/14/2015 8:47PM
  174. Sean Guard:
    Was it a good day?
  175. 08/15/2015 1:51PM
  176. Local Girl:
    Hard long day:( my schedule is wide open monday. Let me know if your free;)
  177. 08/16/2015 7:24AM
  178. Sean Guard:
    What do you have in mind?
  179. 08/16/2015 10:16AM
  180. Sean Guard:
    what time is best for you?
  181. Sean Guard:
    Killing me with anticipation..........
  182. 08/16/2015 9:26PM
  183. Sean Guard:
  184. 08/17/2015 10:35AM
  185. Sean Guard:
    Ok, so I am thinking maybe you were just joking or teasing about today.
  186. Local Girl:
    Nope...not at all. Just getting home from vancouver. My schedule is free but this whole summer thing makes in home impossible. Thought my son would be gone by now for sand lake. Honestly thought he'd be out of here by 6 am this morning.
  187. Sean Guard:
    Whatdo you have in mind??
  188. Sean Guard:
    Bad question?
  189. Local Girl:
    I was going to ask what you have in mind?
  190. Sean Guard:
    You first!
    I don't want to assume anything!
  191. Local Girl:
    Lol nope. You;) or you gotta give me a minute until I stop driving. Might run myself off road
  192. Sean Guard:
    ok, waiting...............--------
  193. Sean Guard:
    my back is sore s hell.............
  194. Sean Guard:
    what time do you think is best for you?
  195. Sean Guard:
    I can think of a few fun things to do.
  196. Sean Guard:
    Let me know if you are up to doing a massage. If not, anything is fun. Favorite cocktail?
  197. 08/17/2015 8:58PM
  198. Sean Guard:
    Sorry it didn't work out
    Have you ever tried the private hot tubs for rent in Portland?
  199. Sean Guard:
    Prefer a bath or a shower?
  200. 08/18/2015 5:25AM
  201. Local Girl:
    Shower and yes I've heard of the hot tubs in Portland;)
  202. 08/18/2015 12:47PM
  203. Sean Guard:
    Interested in going to one?
  204. 08/18/2015 5:56PM
  205. Local Girl:
    Yes....absolutely. let's make it happen
    I'm off Thursday/Friday
  206. Sean Guard:
    Friday afternoon?
  207. Local Girl:
    After 3?
  208. Sean Guard:
    Sure. Leave washougal at 3 pm?
  209. 08/19/2015 7:43AM
  210. Sean Guard:
    Holy mother.....
  211. Sean Guard:
    Do you enjoy all of that being licked?
    More, more!
  212. 08/19/2015 7:30PM
  213. Sean Guard:
    May I call you?
  214. 08/20/2015 10:41AM
  215. Sean Guard:
    Still on for tomorrow?
  216. 08/20/2015 12:23PM
  217. Sean Guard:
  218. 08/20/2015 1:31PM
  219. Local Girl:
    I just saw you;)
    Dark.grey wearing a purple shirt?
  220. Local Girl:
    Yes on your message
  221. Sean Guard:
    Yes ma'am, that was me
    Where did I pass you?
  222. Local Girl:
    I was getting gas at minit mart
  223. Sean Guard:
    Sorry, I didn't even look around. My bad!
    What would you like to drink tomorrow?
  224. 08/20/2015 3:39PM
  225. Local Girl:
    It's ok....🙂 I love white wine. I'm not picky...
  226. 08/20/2015 5:49PM
    Sean Guard:
    You just let me know you would prefer to have.
  227. Local Girl:
    How's your evening
  228. Sean Guard:
    Good so far. Dinner. Has been a long day. Stressful.
  229. 08/20/2015 8:15PM
  230. Sean Guard:
    Earlier than 3 pm?
  231. 08/21/2015 6:34AM
  232. Sean Guard:
    Good morning
  233. 08/21/2015 8:48AM
  234. Sean Guard:
    Did you sleep well?
    Good morning...I slept great! I'm working but I will be in touch with you around 1, maybe a little earlier. Just to touch basis;)
  235. Sean Guard:
    Ok. Are we still on?
  236. Local Girl:
    I got called in this morning at 3 am. Yes I'm off soon.
  237. Sean Guard:
  238. Sean Guard:
    Can we go early?
  239. Local Girl:
    Trying as we speak.
    Stupid phone......ughhhhh
  240. Sean Guard:
    Ok, just let me know. They opened at noon, no idea how busy they get
  241. Sean Guard:
    How long would you likeo spend in the hot tubs?
  242. 08/21/2015 4:14PM
  243. Local Girl:
    I'm still working. I'm sorry
  244. Sean Guard:
    My loss, truly
  245. Sean Guard:
    So wanted to meet you
    And seriously wanted to taste you
    Is that bad to admit?
  246. Local Girl:
    No....because I feel the same way
  247. Sean Guard:
    What is your schedule tomorrow?
    You do know that I had prostate cancer and certain parts don't work, correct
  248. Local Girl:
    Yes I do know you had cancer. I'm off tomorrow but have to run to battleground early morning. Couple hours
  249. Sean Guard:
    The ball is in your court.
    I would love to give you a couple hours of fun, laughs
    Some relaxation and relief
    You just need to let me know if that works for you
    And what you would like to do
  250. Sean Guard:
  251. 08/21/2015 8:11PM
  252. Sean Guard:
    Still working?
  253. 08/22/2015 10:30AM
  254. Sean Guard:
  255. 08/22/2015 3:34PM
  256. Sean Guard:
  257. 08/24/2015 11:40AM
  258. Sean Guard:
    Happy Monday!
  259. Sean Guard:
    Was it a good weekend?
    Do you have time today to get a massage?
  260. 08/28/2015 8:17AM
  261. Sean Guard:
    Good morning
  262. Local Girl:
    Morning handsome;) been thinking about you. Checked on you yesterday because I hadn't seen any recent post
  263. Sean Guard:
    Busy days.
  264. Local Girl:
    I bet. A lot going on for you I'm sure.
    Is that new hot dog place good??
  265. Sean Guard:
    Too much going on. No down time
    It isn't bad. A bit spendy for a normal sized dog
    How are you?
  266. Local Girl:
    Ughhhhh...hate that. With the holidays around the corner I'm sure your going to just get busier too:( I'm super excited for winter. It's my first winter back home after 4 years.....I would love to get to know you more.
    Sneak away to Mt hood for dinner...hood river area is one of my favs.
  267. Sean Guard:
    Ball is in your court......
  268. Local Girl:
    I know it is...little worried maybe...😉
  269. Sean Guard:
    About?? What?
  270. Sean Guard:
  271. Local Girl:
    Lol no........not at all. Just very private. Extremely! Don't like anyone in my business;)
    I'm not talking about you. You can be all up in my business;) hahaha
  272. Sean Guard:
    So why are you worried? Trust me, even more private here.
  273. 08/28/2015 4:17PM
  274. Sean Guard:
  275. 08/28/2015 8:02PM
  276. Local Girl:
  277. Sean Guard:
    Glad to see you
  278. Sean Guard:
    And, once again we miss each other
  279. 08/29/2015 6:10AM
  280. Local Girl:
    You up?
  281. 08/29/2015 7:39AM
  282. Sean Guard:
    Up, yes. Just not on FB till now. How are you?
  283. Sean Guard:
    Are you there?
  284. 08/29/2015 10:37AM
  285. Sean Guard:
  286. 08/30/2015 12:34PM
  287. Sean Guard:
    I want! Today!
    Is that you getting stuffed?
  288. Local Girl:
  289. Sean Guard:
    Call me
  290. Local Girl:
    Nope. I'm here. Just trying to drive
  291. Sean Guard:
    Driving home? Can i buy you a drink?
  292. 08/30/2015 1:58PM
  293. Sean Guard:
    Feeling kind of foolish here
  294. Local Girl:
    Sorry I'm coming from sandy Oregon and it's pooring
  295. Sean Guard:
    Was that you in the video?
  296. Local Girl:
    Yes. But that was ex.
  297. Sean Guard:
    Lucky fucker!
  298. Local Girl:
  299. Sean Guard:
    Nice fuck
    Was he is your puss or your ass?
  300. Sean Guard:
    NAME Hidden..........
  301. 08/30/2015 7:00PM
  302. Sean Guard:
  303. Local Girl:
    Well hello...I'm finally relaxing
  304. Sean Guard:
    Good. ove to be there with you!
  305. Local Girl:
    Sooo wish you were....I could really relax;)
  306. Sean Guard:
    Mmm, yes
  307. Local Girl:
    What are you up to?
  308. Sean Guard:
    staring at computer
    thinking of you...............
  309. Local Girl:
    Busy day tomorrow?
  310. Sean Guard:
    Not too bad
    somewhat open
    so, was his cock in your pussy or your ass? It was tough to see.....
    LOVED those tits!
  311. Local Girl:
    Why thank you;)
  312. Sean Guard:
    Mmmmmmm, delicious!
    love to relax you on your knees with my face in your pussy
    VERY sweet!
  313. Local Girl:
  314. Sean Guard:
    so nice
    those big, full tits
    can you orgasm being butt-fucked?
  315. 08/30/2015 9:12PM
  316. Sean Guard:
    Killing me!
  317. Sean Guard:
    Total Goddess!
  318. Local Girl:
    BLANK Message (not text sent)
  319. Sean Guard:
    How large are they??
  320. Local Girl:
    Double d
  321. Sean Guard:
  322. Local Girl:
  323. Sean Guard:
    love to feel them up
    while behind you!
  324. Local Girl:
  325. Sean Guard:
    So, when are we going to make this happen?
  326. Local Girl:
    Kids are back to school the 2nd. What's your day look like?
  327. Sean Guard:
    I can clear my schedule
  328. Local Girl:
  329. Sean Guard:
    I think I only have a noon meeting in portland
    I will move my mtg
  330. Local Girl:
    My place...
  331. Sean Guard:
  332. Local Girl:
    I'll text you address
  333. Sean Guard:
  334. Local Girl:
    I'm heading to bed handsome;) sleep good
  335. Sean Guard:
    you too
  336. 08/31/2015 10:44AM
  337. Sean Guard:
    Good morning
  338. 09/01/2015 11:29AM
  339. Sean Guard:
  340. 09/01/2015 12:51PM
  341. Sean Guard:
    Will tomorrow happen?
  342. Local Girl:
    We said 11 right?
  343. Sean Guard:
    or whatever works for you
  344. 09/01/2015 3:40PM
  345. Sean Guard:
  346. 09/02/2015 6:31AM
  347. Sean Guard:
    Hopefully see you today?
  348. Local Girl:
    Do you have a meeting today?
  349. Sean Guard:
    On my way to it now, done by 10 am
  350. Local Girl:
    BLANK Message (No text was sent)
  351. Sean Guard:
    I'm hoping to feel your healing hands
    But you have not said yes yet, or sent me an address
  352. Sean Guard:
    I am hopeful
  353. 09/02/2015 9:01AM
  354. Sean Guard:
    Just leaving my meeting in downtown Portland
  355. 09/02/2015 10:10AM
  356. Sean Guard:
    Killing me!
  357. Sean Guard:
    I can take a hint, it is ok.
  358. Local Girl:
    Lol stop. Not true. Started working at 3 am today. Getting out of here now. Going home to make sure the coast is clear.
  359. Sean Guard:
  360. Local Girl:
    Does everyone in town know your rig?
  361. Sean Guard:
  362. Local Girl:
    BLANK Message (No text was sent)
  363. Sean Guard:
    I can park a block or two away if you are concerned
    Just let me know
  364. Sean Guard:
  365. Sean Guard:
    Just message me here on facebook.
    So, not today or just later today?
  366. Local Girl:
    Later today
  367. Sean Guard:
    Let's go grab a cocktail in the meantime
    Or take a couple bottles of wine and go sit somewhere
    drink a bottle and hit the hot tubs at 3 PM with the other bottle
  368. Sean Guard:
    wine, wine, wine......
  369. Sean Guard:
    Love to see you in lingerie.......
    and out of it!
  370. Sean Guard:
  371. 09/02/2015 3:22PM
  372. Sean Guard:
    My loss today.
  373. 09/03/2015 10:38AM
  374. Sean Guard:
    AMAZING dream about you last night............
    09/03/2015 2:10PM
  375. Sean Guard:
    Can I buy you a drink today?
  376. 09/04/2015 8:08AM
  377. Sean Guard:
    Crushed. Just sayin
  378. 09/04/2015 11:28AM
  379. Sean Guard:
    Watching one of the most amazing ass-fuck videos I have ever seen......
  380. 09/05/2015 3:47PM
  381. Sean Guard:
  382. 09/08/2015 8:21AM
  383. Sean Guard:
    Sorry it is not working out.
  384. 09/08/2015 10:20AM
  385. Sean Guard:
    Was it fun for you??
  386. 09/08/2015 2:04PM
  387. Sean Guard:
    Prefer Timberline Lodge, but no one to go with me......
  388. Local Girl:
    Hmmmmmm;)Ocean Shores on a canal that's dog friendly. House is about 12 years old. It's beautiful.
  389. Sean Guard:
    Can I take you with??
  390. Local Girl:
    When are you going?? I do love the ocean
  391. Sean Guard:
    I just need a serious get-away and down time.
    This is for the whole family, but could use another break
    Thinking of taking the travel trailer to Belknap Hot Springs
    just swim in hot water for 3 days
  392. Local Girl:
    You should totally rent this house for your family.
    Kayaks, paddle boats can use to play in the canal. Garage I'd full of games.
    That's sounds amazing
    I'll get you Greg and Jennells number. Hes a game warden. Good people.
  393. Sean Guard:
    YOU sounded amazing.
  394. Local Girl:
    😉 blushing
  395. Sean Guard:
    At least you can be in my dreams........
  396. 09/09/2015 11:52AM
  397. Sean Guard:
    Home today?
  398. Local Girl:
    BLANK Message (no text sent)
  399. Sean Guard:
  400. 09/09/2015 5:38PM
  401. Sean Guard:
    Maybe not.....
  402. Local Girl:
  403. Sean Guard:
  404. Local Girl:
    How are you
  405. Sean Guard:
    Good, just got home. You?
  406. Sean Guard:
    And, she goes silent
  407. 09/11/2015 2:47PM
  408. Local Girl:
  409. Sean Guard:
  410. Local Girl:
    How is your friday?
  411. Sean Guard:
  412. Local Girl:
    Ughhhhh....just getting home from work and jumping in shower. Not to bad. Went by fast
  413. Sean Guard:
    Hmmmm.....jumping in the shower........join you?
  414. Local Girl:
    😉 I wish
  415. Sean Guard:
    love to massage you
  416. Sean Guard:
    May I come and lick you off?
  417. 09/21/2015 10:26AM
  418. Sean Guard:
  419. Local Girl:
    Well hello stranger....
  420. Sean Guard:
    I hope that you are well
  421. Local Girl:
    I am great. You?
  422. Sean Guard:
    Trying to be as great as you are!
  423. Local Girl:
    It's easy..😉
  424. Sean Guard:
  425. Local Girl:
    Lol going?
  426. Sean Guard:
    My apologies again if I made you uncomfortable in any way.
    yes, I help run it
  427. Local Girl:
    Not at all.....I just get busy. You do huh?
    I'll be there
  428. Sean Guard:
    I was the one who got it started with Amnesia. It was aperfect partnership
    Busy also means that you need breaks. Relaxation. Relief......
    Have you had any relief lately?
    I should ask, have you ENJOYED any relief lately!
  429. Local Girl:
    Nope:( to much work and no play!
  430. Sean Guard:
    Sorry to hear that...............
    If I can ever..........
    My tongue would love to take a stroll......
    Some wine this afternoon?
  431. Local Girl:
    I probably won't be back through town until 5:30ish??
  432. Sean Guard:
  433. Local Girl:
    BLANK Message (No text was sent)
  434. Sean Guard:
    love to kiss those nipples/........
    listen to you orgasm
  435. Local Girl:
    BLANK Message (No text was sent)
  436. Sean Guard:
  437. Sean Guard:
    I will bring you a towel!
  438. 09/21/2015 6:35PM
  439. Local Girl:
  440. Sean Guard:
    I will only be able to dream about it
  441. Local Girl:
    Dreams are AMAZING .....
  442. Sean Guard:
    Good god have I had some about you!
  443. Local Girl:
  444. Sean Guard:
    No.....I want to taste!
  445. Local Girl:
    Going for a short night run
  446. Sean Guard:
    Hmmm, meet you?
  447. 09/22/2015 9:12AM
  448. Sean Guard:
    My loss. Again.
  449. 09/25/2015 8:35PM
  450. Sean Guard:
  451. 09/28/2015 10:42AM
  452. Sean Guard:
    Good morning
  453. 09/29/2015 9:24AM
  454. Sean Guard:
    Hmmmm. Should I say Good Morning, or just skip it........
  455. 09/29/2015 5:31PM
  456. Local Girl:
    Good evening;) I'm happy you said good Morning
  457. 09/29/2015 9:02PM
  458. Sean Guard:
  459. 09/30/2015 6:32AM
  460. Local Girl:
    Hopefully I'll see you this weekend
  461. 09/30/2015 7:49AM
  462. Sean Guard:
    I will be there
  463. 09/30/2015 9:10PM
  464. Sean Guard:
    Alone tonight?
  465. 10/01/2015 8:43AM
  466. Local Girl:
  467. 10/04/2015 7:07PM
  468. Sean Guard:
    Never saw you over the weekend
  469. 10/05/2015 9:18AM
    Local Girl:
    I saw you..didn't want to bug you. Actually avoided you. Thought you saw me a couple times...
  470. 10/05/2015 10:23AM
  471. Sean Guard:
    Avoided me?? Why?
  472. 10/05/2015 6:25PM
  473. Sean Guard:
  474. Sean Guard:
    Have I offended you, ----------?
  475. Local Girl:
    Not at alll
    Sean Guard
    Why avoid me?
  476. 10/07/2015 1:17PM
  477. Sean Guard:
  478. 10/16/2015 10:14AM
  479. Sean Guard:
    Why did you avoid me at Oktoberfest?
    10/16/2015 5:20PM
  480. Sean Guard:
  481. Local Girl:
    Well.hello there handsome
  482. 10/18/2015 1:28PM
  483. Sean Guard:
    You avoided me?
    Sean Guard
  484. 10/18/2015 8:11PM
  485. Sean Guard:
  486. 10/19/2015 8:38AM
  487. Local Girl:
    Come on....we're not past that yet;)
    I avoid everyone....i avoid drama at all cost! I just didn't know what i should do:-(
  488. 10/19/2015 9:43AM
  489. Sean Guard:
    My loss. I just didn't know why you would avoid me.
  490. 10/27/2015 8:05AM
  491. Sean Guard:
    I keep remembering that video of you getting fucked in the ass........Mmmmmm
  492. Local Girl:
    BLANK Message (no text sent)
  493. Sean Guard:
    Oh, good morning!
  494. Local Girl:
    How are you??
  495. Sean Guard:
    I am well, thank you. I hope you are as well
  496. Local Girl:
    I am.....i just got asked to do a photoshoot. Not a real clean shoot lol
  497. Sean Guard:
  498. 11/06/2015 11:48AM
  499. Sean Guard:
  500. Local Girl:
    How are you?
  501. Sean Guard:
    Good. You?
  502. Local Girl:
    Im great.... its friday!!!
  503. Sean Guard:
    and sunny
  504. Local Girl:
    I know! Makes me smile
  505. Sean Guard:
    How's the love life?
  506. Local Girl:
    Lol i dont have a love life! No desire to have one either. To fresh out of my first heart break and my LAST;)
  507. Sean Guard:
    Ok, so just sex???????
  508. Local Girl:
    That's more like it. Great!
  509. Sean Guard:
    Just use my face and tongue.....anywhere you would like it
    But I scare you........
  510. Local Girl:
  511. Sean Guard:
    How come I scare you?
    What is your favorite position to orgasm in?
    Has to be at least one that really gets you off
  512. Sean Guard:
    Good golly you disappear in a hurry! Giving up!
  513. Local Girl:
    Sorry:( just super busy. My phone isn't charging....bummer!
  514. Sean Guard:
    I will stop flirting
  515. Local Girl:
    Please don't...I never said anything about that 🙂 i didnt!
  516. Sean Guard:
    I don't want you to be uncomfortable
    Thought maybe we were looking for similar things
    No worries
  517. Sean Guard:
    Enjoy the sun!
  518. 11/07/2015 2:27PM
  519. Local Girl:
    How are you? Its soooooo yucky out
  520. 11/10/2015 7:50AM
  521. Sean Guard:
  522. Local Girl:
    Right back at you;)
  523. 11/19/2015 3:21PM
  524. Sean Guard:
  525. Local Girl:
  526. Sean Guard:
  527. Local Girl:
    Not much you?
  528. Sean Guard:
    Even less than that!
  529. Local Girl:
    Hahaha that made me smile
  530. Sean Guard:
    Good. Glad to know I can.
  531. Local Girl:
    Sure can
  532. 11/22/2015 11:21AM
  533. Sean Guard:
    Happy Sunday
  534. 12/09/2015 10:50AM
  535. Sean Guard:
    Good morning
  536. 12/21/2015 9:02AM
  537. Sean Guard:
    Was nice to see you!
  538. Local Girl:
    Was even nicer to see you. I'm glad you recognized me:)
  539. Sean Guard:
    Of course I would recognize you, silly!
  540. Local Girl:
    Lol you never know. I see you a lot in your f150.
  541. Sean Guard:
    I get around a lot
  542. Local Girl:
    Yes you do
    What are you up to on this rainy day?.
  543. Sean Guard:
    answering emails so far
    will be a sow day
    Me too
    No. Wet is fun, but not rain wet.
    Just GETTING to soaking wet can be a lot of fun
    yummy. I love that my tongue can stay hard for a couple of hours!
    LOVE to eat!
  544. Local Girl:
    Serious? No joking?
  545. Sean Guard:
    No joke. My fav part
  546. Local Girl:
    I will be completely alone from Jan 8th -16th
    Couple days next week too
  547. Sean Guard:
    Hmmmmm. Is that an invite?
    Love to eat while you are on your back, on your knees from behind or sitting on my face
  548. Local Girl:
    Yup. Jan 8th-16th is a for sure.
    Fuck!!! Yummy
  549. Sean Guard:
    and love sucking nipples
  550. Local Girl:
    Thats a must for me! I love my nipples played with.
  551. Sean Guard:
    Good. I bite...........
  552. Local Girl:
  553. Sean Guard:
    and I spank
  554. Local Girl:
    Damn! Please do..
  555. Sean Guard:
    Please don't mind my finger sliding up your ass as I eat out your pussy and pinch your nipples
    I hope you do
    I'd love to suck an nibble your little clit.....
  556. 12/21/2015 11:03AM
  557. Sean Guard:
    Totally a gorgeous Goddess!
    Praying you have some great lingerie I can take off with my teeth!
  558. 12/21/2015 12:07PM
  559. Sean Guard:
    You are having second thoughts......
  560. Sean Guard:
  561. Sean Guard:
  562. Sean Guard:
  563. 12/21/2015 9:16PM
  564. Sean Guard:
    Apologoes. Thought when you mentioned today........
  565. 12/22/2015 11:50AM
  566. Sean Guard:
    Happy Tuesday!
    Lol. I am 3 blocks to the east of you
  567. 12/25/2015 1:29PM
  568. Local Girl:
    BLANK Message (No text was sent)
  569. 12/27/2015 2:32PM
  570. Sean Guard:
    happy holidays
  571. 12/27/2015 8:32PM
  572. Local Girl:
    You too
  573. 12/29/2015 6:06AM
  574. Local Girl:
  575. 12/29/2015 9:58AM
  576. Sean Guard:
    Good morning!
  577. Local Girl:
    How are you
  578. 12/29/2015 11:28AM
  579. Sean Guard:
    Good. Slammed with 2 events the first two weekend of February. Stress time!
  580. Local Girl:
    You still going to come see me the week of jan 8th-16th??
  581. Sean Guard:
    Yes, ma'am!
    What do you have planne?
  582. Local Girl:
    More like what excites you the most???
  583. Sean Guard:
    Ha! Everything!
  584. Sean Guard:
    Keep in mind I still have a cock that doesn't get erect. I can do something, though
  585. Sean Guard:
    Ihave injections
  586. 01/04/2016 2:58PM
  587. Sean Guard:
    Holy Jesus!
    So full and such wonderful nipples
  588. Sean Guard:
    Love to fondle and suck on them until you cum..............
  589. 01/04/2016 6:26PM
    Sean Guard:
  590. 01/04/2016 7:44PM
    Sean Guard:
    Can you do a great massage?
  591. 01/10/2016 2:41PM
  592. Sean Guard:
    Lovely Sunday
  593. 01/14/2016 11:16AM
  594. Sean Guard:
    Guess you decided againt this week.
  595. Local Girl:
  596. Sean Guard:
    I have heard nothing.
  597. 02/20/2016 8:49AM
  598. Local Girl:
    Sean missed a video chat with you.
    February 20, 2016 8:49 am
    Call Again
  599. Local Girl:
  600. 05/17/2016 9:56AM
  601. Sean Guard:
    Happy Tuesday
  602. 05/17/2016 6:46PM
  603. Local Girl:
    Happy Tuesday right back at you;-)
  604. Sean Guard:
  605. 06/05/2016 3:59PM
  606. Sean Guard:
    You looked good the other day
  607. 07/02/2016 9:04AM
  608. Local Girl:
    Awwwww thank you. Its almost your birthday!!!
  609. 08/02/2016 11:54AM
    Local Girl:
    I got a question for you.
  610. Sean Guard:
    Hi, girl
  611. Sean Guard:
    Still there?
  612. Local Girl:
    I am renting the house by -------...------- cut my hours 3 weeks ago because myself and 2 other new hires were the first ones to get hours cut. Well now im 600.00 short out of 1100.00 on my rent that is due on the 5th. I have NEVER been in this situation. Do you habe any ideas?
  613. Sean Guard:
    Good question.
  614. Local Girl:
    I work hard to provide for my kids as a single mom. I see all these drug addicted women getting money or help and i can't even get it
  615. Sean Guard:
    Not a lot I can think of off hand
    Didn't know you were at -------
    Let me see what I can think of quickly
    What thoughts have you had?
  616. Local Girl:
    Yes...i work in the cut fruit program in the back
  617. Sean Guard:
  618. Local Girl:
    Ive had a ton of thoughts.
  619. Sean Guard:
    What things can you do quickly?
    Rent is due friday?
    Restaurant serving? Cocktailing?
  620. Local Girl:
    I know....
    Where and how that fast
    Im scared. Ive never been scared.
  621. Sean Guard:
    I wish I was still doing private cocktail events. Gals were making $500 a night to serve drinks
    Some of the things I have seen gals do are not safe
    Lingerie house cleaning, etc.
    Big, fast $$ but not safe
  622. Local Girl:
    Me just makes me angry and sad all at the same time that addicts can blow their money every month every month but still get help. They should drug test everyone
  623. Sean Guard:
  624. Local Girl:
    If it was with someone safe i wouls do it
    Do you have any guy friends you trust
    That are intrested in that but wouldnt hurt me?
  625. Sean Guard:
    Is -------- your landlord?
  626. Local Girl:
    Yes she is
  627. Sean Guard:
    Me, but I have a house cleaner
  628. Local Girl:
  629. Sean Guard:
  630. Local Girl:
    But i cant be late on rent
  631. Sean Guard:
    For, anyone. Not hooking, but
    Oily rub dowbs
  632. Local Girl:
    I dont know how to go about doing any of that.
  633. Sean Guard:
    You might see more than you like
  634. Local Girl:
    Lol....we talking you and i?
  635. Sean Guard:
    Girlfriend referrals
  636. Local Girl:
    Craigslist scares me
  637. Sean Guard:
    Lol, not sure you want to go you and i
    Then it comes down to private referrals
  638. Local Girl:
    Where would we be able to do this at though?
    I trust u
  639. Sean Guard:
    Your place with those you know, or their place if not
    I offered before, but no interest from you, silly!
    You need fast $$$
    Is ------- your landlord?
  640. Local Girl:
    Yes ------- is my landlord. Well here i am now interested lol
    I was a heart broken mess
  641. Sean Guard:
    Sol. Smiling out loud
    Will ------- give you a few extra days?
  642. Local Girl:
    She might if she knows its coming
  643. Sean Guard:
    Let me see what I can do. Craving human touch, but I don't control our bank acct
  644. Local Girl:
    Make a miracle happen.
  645. Sean Guard:
    She would notice a few hundred missing, even a hundred
    I don't want you stressing
    You just don't want to be in a position of doing hand jobs or blow jobs for the $$$
  646. Local Girl:
    To bad you cant tell her its for someone that came to you and needed help. Im a good person. Everyone knows that.
  647. Sean Guard:
    I know. You know women, though.
  648. Local Girl:
    And we could still touch eachother
  649. Sean Guard:
    Oh, God!
  650. Local Girl:
    Sean....i have never been this worried and scared in my life.
  651. Sean Guard:
    I just sent a note to a friend that I loaned $300 to. I'll see if they have it together. Gets you some closer.
    If that helps
    I also have a large expense report to put in tomorrow.
    Check likely next week
  652. Local Girl:
    You are the best....I was afraid to even mention it to you.
    Its not easy being a single mom. I get NO HELP. I do it a on my own.
  653. Sean Guard:
    Silly not to ask
    Happy to help if I can
  654. Local Girl:
    Im happy to help you if i can lol
  655. Sean Guard:
    Nice. So, since my cancer surgery, I no longer get erections, have no sperm, and my cock is half the length it was!
    Can still cum, though!
  656. Local Girl:
    Really? Does it feel the same when you cum?
  657. Sean Guard:
    Pretty close. Either just rubbing my head or suckling. Kinda odd, I know
    Thank God my tongue can still get erect and I have all 10 fingers!
  658. Sean Guard:
    I have $300, just need to get it in hand
    If it helps
  659. Local Girl:
    Im back
    Omg thank you so much
    Sorry for the delay. Just got off work
  660. Sean Guard:
    Glad you got off......lucky girl
  661. Local Girl:
    Wrong kind. But i love to get pff
  662. Sean Guard:
    Let me get the $300 in hand by friday
    You and me both
    Actually, I just love getting women off.
  663. Local Girl:
    Ok that is perfect. We both know this stays between us.
  664. Sean Guard:
    My utmost goal!
    But, not saying you might even be interested in that, so let's get you the cash
    Is there anyone you can borrow the other $300 from
  665. Local Girl:
    Im trying. But im so not the kinda women who ask to borrow money. I trust have never caused problems with me and vice versa.
  666. Sean Guard:
    Not my style and no place in life for that
  667. Local Girl:
    I dont want to just sleep with just anyone for 300. I dont know. Or am not attracted to
  668. Sean Guard:
    I don't want you to think of yourself as a hooker
    So, call this a loan and you decide from there
  669. Local Girl:
    I dont feel i am. I feel like i asked someone i have built a realationship/friendship with over the internet that i trust. Ok deal!!!
    I wish i could think of someone else i trust. To ask for the other 300
  670. Sean Guard:
    Too many times doing favors are taken wrong by bad people
    No idea what you are even comfortable with.
  671. Local Girl:
    I wish this would all just come together so i can relax.
  672. Sean Guard:
    Well, relax. It will.
    Have a nice cocktail
  673. Local Girl:
    Cock tail
  674. Sean Guard:
    Serious. Take a bubble bath. Close your eyes
    Cock IN your tail! Yummy!
  675. Local Girl:
    Im going to. I promise
  676. Sean Guard:
    I used to love a good, long ass fuck
    So tight and,warm
    So fucking tight
  677. Local Girl:
    Is that really how it feels??
  678. Sean Guard:
    Yes, amazingly tight and hot.
    No matter how much lube
    And so taboo that you nut off too fast
    Few women really enjoy it, even if done right. Too dirty for them.
  679. Local Girl:
    Nothing wrong with that
    I like it
  680. Sean Guard:
    Mmmm, beads
    I love being pumped there now and then, or at least I did. No prostate now
    Ever make a man come instantly by fingerings his prostate?
  681. Local Girl:
  682. Sean Guard:
    So explosive
    He was patient and gentle?
  683. Local Girl:
    Sean missed a call from you.
    August 2, 2016 1:44 pm
    Call Again
  684. Sean Guard:
    You called?
  685. Local Girl:
  686. Sean Guard:
  687. Local Girl:
    I didnt mean to call
  688. Sean Guard:
    Did your butt dial me?
  689. Local Girl:
    I did butt dial you
  690. Sean Guard:
    Smart butt
  691. Local Girl:
  692. Sean Guard:
    I didn't want to say smart ass
    Ok, in seattle. I am headed for i5 south.
    We need to confirm a time on Friday to get you the $300
    I will ask tomorrow on my expense report to be expidited
    I am glad I can help you, helping you to relax some. Breathe deep, -------.
  693. Local Girl:
    Im trying hard. Soooo hard. Im getting in the bath now.
    Drive careful.
  694. Sean Guard:
    Enjoy the warm water. Let your fingers wander
  695. Local Girl:
  696. Sean Guard:
    To taste you right now
  697. Local Girl:
    I am yummy. I cant say that for sure.
  698. Sean Guard:
    May I tonight?
    Taste you
  699. Local Girl:
    Where at though? House full of kids.
  700. Sean Guard:
    My office downtown?
  701. Sean Guard:
    Your right, bad idea
  702. Sean Guard:
    Was just a thought
  703. 08/02/2016 5:35PM
  704. Local Girl:
    Not a bad thought?
  705. Sean Guard:
  706. Local Girl:
    I cant tonight....ughhhhh
  707. Sean Guard:
    No worries
  708. Local Girl:
    So when?
  709. Sean Guard:
    You tell me. Should have the cash by thursday
  710. Local Girl:
    Probably. Then we can meet too that day. If you can.
  711. Sean Guard:
    Just find a place
  712. Sean Guard:
    What do you have in mind?
  713. 08/03/2016 5:46AM
  714. Local Girl:
    Lol i went yo bed early
  715. Local Girl:
    I couldnt find the other 300 yesterday, still short 300.. Just so you know your the best. Thank you for this
  716. 08/03/2016 1:56PM
  717. Local Girl:
    I will let you contact me on here. I've tried.
  718. Sean Guard:
    No worries. Been working on a home project. Headed downtown for a 4 pm mtg, then.......?? Should have the $300 tomorrow. Not sure I can do the other $300
  719. Sean Guard:
    Once I finish my mtg, I need to grab a haircut and try and find a masseuse to work my shoulders and arms. They are just screaming
  720. Local Girl:
    Ummmmm I wish i could do that for you...I just don't know where
  721. Sean Guard:
    My office downtown, not city hall. I have a private office on main street
    Bring oul!
  722. Local Girl:
    Perfect. Towel?
    Time ?
  723. Sean Guard:
    Yes, towel. 5 pm?
  724. Local Girl:
    Tomorrow right?
    Please say we are on the same page
    You said thursday
  725. Sean Guard:
    Sorry, thought you meant the massaging. I need that tonight. Tomorrow for handing off cash
    I confused you
  726. Local Girl:
    You did. Im ready forr tomorrow though😇
  727. Sean Guard:
    Let's see what shakes out. I have got to get some hands on my shoulders and arms tonight
    Muscle spasms, etc.
  728. Sean Guard:
    So, not available today
  729. Local Girl:
    No but tomorrow i set aside for you.
  730. Sean Guard:
  731. Local Girl:
    You be a good boy tonight😜
  732. Sean Guard:
    Not worried on that
  733. 08/04/2016 8:13AM
  734. Local Girl:
    You up?
  735. Sean Guard:
    Y re s, ma'am
    I wake by 6 am no matter what
  736. 08/04/2016 9:36AM
  737. Sean Guard:
    Can you meet at 3 p.m. today?
  738. 08/04/2016 12:43PM
  739. Local Girl:
  740. Sean Guard:
    My office. 2011 Main Street. Old day care building
  741. Local Girl:
  742. Sean Guard:
    awesome. I will get up and check my mail
    Maybe closer to 3:15.....
    What do I need?
  743. Local Girl:
    You saved me this month. You have no idea how scared I was.
    What do you mean?
  744. Sean Guard:
    You re bringing oil and towel?
    do I need anything?
  745. Local Girl:
    I have towel....maybe oil but im looking.
  746. Sean Guard:
    How slippery do you want to get
    I have beer and wine here
  747. Local Girl:
    Not to slippery. Its in the middle of the day lol
    You make me smile
  748. Sean Guard:
    We'll turn the lights off
    what will you be wearing???
    You know I will want to feel your jugs and suck your nipples........
  749. Local Girl:
    Sun dress
  750. Sean Guard:
    Wish I had a masssage table here
  751. Sean Guard:
    What do you prefer to drink?
  752. Local Girl:
  753. Sean Guard:
    I have some good whites in the fridge and a few good reds as well.
  754. Local Girl:
    No dark wines...
  755. Sean Guard:
  756. Local Girl:
    Red is yucky to me
  757. Sean Guard:
    Red makes men..............hard
    and horny
    I'll stay with white with you...........
  758. Sean Guard:
    One staff member still here......
  759. Local Girl:
    How long???
    I have to be somewhere at 4:30
  760. Sean Guard:
    Working on it. Any minute
  761. Sean Guard:
    Get your ass in here!
  762. Sean Guard:
  763. Local Girl:
    On my wah
    Old school district office building right??
  764. Sean Guard:
    Closer to town
    Old preschool
    2011 main
    Has fenced yard next to it
  765. Sean Guard:
  766. Local Girl:
    I just saw you right?
  767. Sean Guard:
    Just doing a rub down, yes
  768. Local Girl:
    You made my day:-) i feel so much more comfortable
  769. Sean Guard:
    Promise! Your mouth, -------, is fucking magical!
    I am glad you are more comfy, know what to expect. It's just a guy.......
  770. Sean Guard:
    I know we can. Even without a live cock. Some toys, slippery oils, bathtubs.....
  771. Local Girl:
  772. Sean Guard:
    Good. Same here
  773. 08/05/2016 7:06AM
  774. Local Girl:
    Morning sunshine
  775. Sean Guard:
    Good morning!
  776. 08/05/2016 8:23AM
  777. Local Girl:
    How are we going to meet today. 50.00 short is all i am for rent after what i get from you;-) i did it.....almost all by myself;-)
  778. Sean Guard:
    Good deal. I will be going by city hall in about an hour to see if the mail has arrived.
  779. Local Girl:
  780. 08/05/2016 11:17AM
  781. Local Girl:
    Everything ok? Im getting nervous 😞
  782. Sean Guard:
    Not in mail, so going to plan B. Are you at home?
  783. Local Girl:
    I am. But so are kids. Whats plan b?
    I can meet you anywhere
  784. Sean Guard:
    K. Headed to Riverview in just a few mins
  785. Local Girl:
  786. Sean Guard:
    5 mins
    Over by goodwill at safeway
  787. Local Girl:
  788. Sean Guard:
    I gotta go.....hurry
  789. 08/17/2016 9:47AM
  790. Local Girl:
    You make me smile with those post😉
    Hope you have a great day.
  791. Sean Guard:
    Humor. You have to have humor. God. Thinking about you on your knees oh my word
  792. 08/18/2016 8:41AM
  793. Local Girl:
    Awwwww I had fun with you thats for sure...
  794. Sean Guard:
  795. 08/28/2016 1:06PM
  796. Sean Guard:
    Did you ever find your oils?
  797. 08/29/2016 3:06PM
  798. Local Girl:
    What are you up to?
  799. Sean Guard:
    Thinking of you
  800. 08/29/2016 4:57PM
  801. Sean Guard:
    Did you??
    Are you?
    I'd like to spend some time with you
  802. 08/29/2016 7:24PM
  803. Local Girl:
  804. Sean Guard:
    Yes. What time is best for you?
    And where?
  805. 08/30/2016 9:55AM
  806. Sean Guard:
    You tell me. What do you have in mind?
  807. Sean Guard:
    floating the river?
    hot air balloon?
  808. 08/30/2016 1:22PM
  809. Sean Guard:
    Feel like being on your knees again?
    God I wish I could fuck you
    Both your puss and your ass
  810. Local Girl:
    I wish you could toooo....
  811. Sean Guard:
    have you ever been double-stuffed?
  812. Sean Guard:
    did you like it? Feel full?
    What WOULD you do if two cocks came at you?
    so, where to meet? and play.......
  813. Local Girl:
    Mmmmmm....i would love to be fucked and suck at the same time
  814. Sean Guard:
    and if we both wanted to fuck you at the same time, would you try it?
  815. 08/31/2016 10:43AM
  816. Sean Guard:
    Love to have you today!
  817. Local Girl:
    Thursday or friday works for me. I just dont know where
  818. Sean Guard:
  819. Sean Guard:
    We need another guy
    Or, girl?
  820. 08/31/2016 3:55PM
  821. Local Girl:
    Either would be fun
  822. Sean Guard:
    Have a friend who would be fun? And discreet
    Where to meet, where to meet?
  823. Local Girl:
  824. Sean Guard:
  825. Local Girl:
    You figure it out...Kids aren't back to school yet
  826. Sean Guard:
    Hmmm. Picnic table,at a park?
  827. 09/03/2016 12:30PM
  828. Local Girl:
    Hey...just so you know I changed my relationship status because I am being literally over whelmed by messages from men.
  829. Sean Guard:
    I was wondering
    Feeling sad for me and glad for you when I saw it
  830. Local Girl:
    You have no idea the creeps i deal with
  831. Sean Guard:
    I don't want to be one of them!
    I'd rather be the one who helps out now and then
    And hopefully gives you a bit of pleasure
  832. Local Girl:
    I know....i was literally going nuts with all the messages. I should show u
  833. Sean Guard:
    That's ok. Show me something else!
  834. 09/06/2016 8:53AM
  835. Local Girl:
    I need to see you. Need to talk to you.
  836. Sean Guard:
    What's up?
  837. Local Girl:
    Not serious. Give me a few. Ill be right back
  838. Sean Guard:
    ok. will be hre. Just working on computer stuff
  839. Sean Guard:
  840. 09/06/2016 11:10AM
  841. Sean Guard:
  842. 09/06/2016 3:52PM
  843. Sean Guard:
    all good?
  844. 09/06/2016 7:54PM
  845. Local Girl:
    Ill talk to you in the morning
  846. Sean Guard:
  847. 09/07/2016 5:52AM
  848. Local Girl:
    I need some finacial help one more time...i hate asking but I have no one else to ask. Im a good women...struggling for the first time as a single mom. But as of monday you can come to my house during school hours. My oldest son is leaving for 15 days hunting
  849. 09/07/2016 6:59AM
  850. Sean Guard:
    Good morning! I am sorry to hear that. I am not in a position to help this month. Matter of fact, Sept and October are,always very lean months,always all our deposits come due for our fall & winter events. Tens of thousands going out the door.
    I know you are a good person. Never doubted that, silly!
  851. 09/07/2016 10:46AM
  852. Local Girl:
    Could you help at all?
    Even 300.00
    I could give you 150.00 pf it back by the 20th
    I dont know what else to scared to death
  853. Sean Guard:
    I wish I could. During these two months, I don't even take a salary out of the business. That is how much we are send OUT to others.
  854. 09/07/2016 8:12PM
    Sean Guard:
    You doing ok?
  855. 09/08/2016 10:05AM
  856. Local Girl:
    At this point I'm having to deal with things min by min. I have to get to gas in my truck is my main concern right now.
  857. 09/08/2016 1:27PM
  858. Local Girl:
    Cant figure it out....i just started this second job. I have no way to get to work by 7:30 tonight
  859. Sean Guard:
    Can you meet me at 5ish at Arco downtown to drop $10-$15 of gas in your truck.
  860. Local Girl:
    Thank you
    Do you want me there right at 5 or a lil after?
  861. Sean Guard:
    Will let you know. Keep your phone handy tgen
  862. Sean Guard:
    In 2 mtgs at city Hall right now
  863. Local Girl:
    Ok. If you can't get me on here my new number is (HIDDEN-FOR - PROTECTION).....changed phone companies...could have kept my old number but felt i needed a new start😘
  864. 09/20/2016 4:04PM
  865. Sean Guard:
    Hello??? What am I? Chopped liver?
  866. Local Girl:
  867. Sean Guard:
    Great sex and loyal!
  868. Local Girl:
    Lol sounded fantastic
  869. Sean Guard:
  870. Local Girl:
    You tell me
  871. Sean Guard:
    Tomorrow morning
  872. Local Girl:
  873. Sean Guard:
  874. Local Girl:
    That would work
  875. Sean Guard:
    Hot shower..........rub downs?
    Butt plug?
    Ok. See you then!
    Be ready
  876. Local Girl:
    Sorry talking to mom too
  877. Sean Guard:
    Don't invite mom.
    She would kill me!
    Need another 35 year old nymph
    We can direct her
    Your mom wouldn't want to know that you're having great sex with someone who's loyal to you
  878. 09/21/2016 8:53AM
  879. Local Girl:
    Lol so can you meet at a different time.
  880. Sean Guard:
  881. 09/22/2016 7:01AM
  882. Sean Guard:
    My day today is pretty packed
  883. 09/23/2016 7:12PM
  884. Local Girl:
    Are you busy
    Had a question? Were you ever an officer?
  885. Sean Guard:
    Yes, in Camas
  886. 10/06/2016 11:13AM
  887. Sean Guard:
    Doing ok?
  888. 10/07/2016 10:36AM
  889. Local Girl:
    Im ok
    Not great
  890. Sean Guard:
  891. 10/08/2016 2:21PM
  892. Local Girl:
    Whats going on?
  893. Sean Guard:
    Just getting ready for football
  894. 10/10/2016 9:56AM
  895. Sean Guard:
    Good. Did you have a good weekend?
  896. 05/10/17 WED 5:37AM
  897. Local Girl:
    This is absolutely ridiculous
    284.00 ???
  898. 05/10/17 WED 11:46AM
  899. Local Girl:
    Water bills are out of control in this town. 106.00 just to flush the toilet? Time for me and the kids to move up to bear prairie. Out of this messed up town. My opinion of this town I call my hometown, and use to be proud to be fro m m's going down the drain, right along side Longview.
  900. 05/11/17 THU 10:41AM
  901. Sean Guard:
    Actually, compared to costs in other cities, we are in a fortunate position. The requirements of operating a sewer department get more expensive every year. I was in meetings this week with some cities that are at $116 per MONTH just for sewer. Water was added to that.
  902. Local Girl:
    I have to apologise actually. I forgot it's for 2 months.
  903. Sean Guard:
    Yes. We are looking to go to monthly billing, if we can do it without costing a lot more.
    It is a rarity that any apologizes. Thank you.
  904. Local Girl:
    Although I think it's time for a "purge" to many able body young men in this house not working lol
    Your welcome
  905. Sean Guard:
    That part I cannot help you with
  906. Local Girl:
    Lol that the truth....but I on the other hand can. If they don't have jobs by the end of the month it's time to move on.
  907. Sean Guard:
    I hope you are doing well and the new job suits you
  908. Local Girl:
    Kids and I are moving up the river in July anyway but in the mean time I'm done feeding anyone over 19.
    I love my job
  909. Sean Guard:
    Wait, I am over 19!
  910. Local Girl:
    I'll tell you one thing ...I know ever alcoholic in this town from working at -------. Cheapest beer and booze in town.
  911. Sean Guard:
    Hmmm, I may need to start buying my beer there!
  912. Local Girl:
    You mean you didn't know we are the cheapest in town? I'm shocked how much I sell
  913. Sean Guard:
    I did not