Sunday, July 14, 2024

Wow. Leftists who've fomented political violence against Trump and his supporters are suddenly thrilled he survived an assassination attempt they've wanted for years.

I'm shocked at leftists who've called Trump everything from a dictator to Adolf Hitler are now expressing how happy they are that he survived an assassination attempt that they've been fomenting for years.

Trump with blood on his face, reacts to getting shot.

Their actions and characterizations, like Biden's remark that "It's time to put Trump in the bulls eye" in a private call to donors on July 8th are what's responsible here

Now these same people that have clearly wanted him out of the picture are suddenly concerned about political violence (which many, like Vice President Kamala Harris; among many, many others have supported in the past) after their concerted efforts to engage in it.

There are still many questions to answer. But there can be no doubt that the left's tepid response to riots, looting, arson, assaults and several murders in the past, their incessant fear mongering and lies about another Trump presidency and language like that used by Biden in "his official capacity" played a role in this horrific murder attempt and in the destruction of a totally innocent bystander and his family.

Can you imagine... even remotely... what would be happening today if roles were reversed.... if Biden had been wounded... and Trump would have been found out as saying ""It's time to put Biden in the bulls eye?"

Political violence is a leftist specialty in everything from antifa and BLM riots to the assassination of police around this country.

Yesterday, before any of this happened, I posted my perspective on the state of the race and efforts to get rid of Biden. Here's the money quote:

"Biden doesn’t HAVE to do anything. And it appears there’s nothing anyone can do about it (forcing Biden off the ticket), short of the unthinkable things leftists would really like to do to Trump. And let’s face it, if something bad were to happen to Trump, hatred-fueled leftists would be celebrating in the streets."

They didn't disappoint.

Now then, the question becomes, how are those who've been pining for Trump's blood to be held accountable now that they've got it?

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