Saturday, July 13, 2024

Media delusion v political reality.

Much has been made about the “pressure” Biden is allegedly under to get him to acknowledge reality (he has little to no chance of beating Trump) and the negative impacts for the rest of the ticket (it’s likely that if Biden stays, the dems will lose the Senate and have zero chance to take back the House; and negative impacts for democrats will likely be felt all the way down to the local level) must be considered.

That’s the media delusion.

This is the political reality:

“Pressure” is a force. Force is used to move something or cause something to happen.

What happens when force is applied to an immovable object?

Well, nothing.

Biden won the primary. No one knows anything now they didn’t know during his primary races.

That democrats refused to publicly acknowledge it; that they attacked anyone in any position pointing out his obvious dementia-related issues and his inability to string together and maintain a coherent thought is key.

As recently as June 16th, leftists at the White House lied to us about “cheap fake videos” for example.

They weren’t cheap. And they weren’t fake.

For months his obvious infirmities were characterized as “elder abuse” by many observers, including this one.

But none of that matters now.

Joe Biden has all, or the vast majority of all the delegates to the national convention.

Biden doesn’t HAVE to do anything. And it appears there’s nothing anyone can do about it, short of the unthinkable things leftists would really like to do to Trump. And let’s face it, if something bad were to happen to Trump, hatred-fueled leftists would be celebrating in the streets.

So when the media continues to insist there’s “pressure” being applied to Biden, it’s unlikely he knows the extent of it or cares. Because as damaged as his brain may be, there’s enough left for Biden and his handlers who would sell their own children to maintain their hold on power, he knows those delegates are chained to him, and there’s zero mechanism available to cut those chains unless HE, Biden, allows it.

The reality is that where it counts, there’s no pressure on him at all.

He owns those delegates. The democrats, refusing to acknowledge any remote reality insisted on voting for Biden in the primary.

What’s the upside for Biden if he withdraws?

People babble about “his legacy” but the guy is circling the drain and if there was a bulletin in the next minute that he had died during a nap, would any of us be surprised?

Conspiracy theorists would go nuts for obvious reasons. Leftist have shown a propensity to engage in 3rd world politics whenever the mood strikes vis Trump, why wouldn’t they do the same to this obstacle to continuing in power?

But regardless of how Biden “leaves this mortal coil,” it becomes apparent that he’s not long for remaining with us. How many 82 year olds in his condition do?

In short, does anyone really believe he cares about a “legacy” that he will only be aware of for a short time, win OR lose?

And do we not all know, if not admit to ourselves, what that legacy will be?

He will not be known for his incessant lies in office (Inflation reduction Act my right butt cheek.) He won’t be known for showering with his daughter or sexually assaulting Tara Reade or refusing to acknowledge a grandchild from the stripper Hunter “Laptop” Biden impregnated.

He will be known and remembered for his brain-damaged policies and his ACTUAL brain damage while the left continued to maintain HIS finger on the nuclear trigger.

And win or lose, that’s all he’ll be known for regardless.

There is no “pressure” on Biden to do anything. He’s surrounded by people far more concerned about THEIR best interests than they are the country’s. And it’s been that way since day one of his regime. And it will take decades to repair the damage he has caused.

So, no. No pressure, and that’s why he will be on the ballot this November. Looking at it from his perspective, which none of the naysayers do, what has he got to lose?

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