Friday, September 14, 2018

The cowardice of local elected officials and the local GOP on teacher extortion: silence in the face of miserable academic outcomes.

Count on local elected officials to disappear when the WEA is at play.

THE biggest local political issue of the year outside of Rivers' Exploding Property Tax Show, and where are our elected leaders?

Most are silent.  Particularly two of those most responsible for this hideous situation, Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers and Sen. "Lyin'" Linda Wilson.

Rivers, of course, is the fake Republican who was hired by a democrat campaign firm (Strategies 360) while in the midst of bending us over (negotiating) during the 2017 legislative session when the GOP still controlled the Senate.

Wilson, for her part, lied to the people when she stated: "I just want you to know that everyone in Clark County will be receiving a property tax that's going down."

How'd that work out for us?

So, yes, Rivers and Wilson were out front in screwing us.... badly.... for millions of dollars to fill the hated Washington Education Association union's coffers.

So, during the strikes they enabled.... where were these people?  It's not like they didn't know this was going to happen:  The Seattle Times laid it all out on September 1.
Washington lawmakers knew school-contract chaos was coming — and not just in Seattle 
Over the weekend, a teacher's strike was avoided in Seattle. But the threat of work stoppages continues elsewhere in Washington — and that’s no surprise to lawmakers.  
Silence.  Crickets.

You'd THINK they'd be PROUD of their accomplishments and what they enabled the teacher's to do to us.

As for the local GOP, things looked bleak for several months, given the out-of-control regime of Gellatly and his sycophants.

Oddly for the chair, who has no problem running to the local media to trash conservatives and to shift blame to everyone else for his multitude of failures as party chair, there appears to be a black hole silence from the party on the current round of teacher extortion.

Given our exploding property taxes, most of which went to pay for these prima donnas, you'd THINK the local GOP would have been out front in the effort to educate the taxpaying voters as to the width and breadth of this massive extortion by the teacher class as they held and hold their academic guns to the taxpayer's heads by abandoning the children and their families that depend on them... for OUTRAGEOUS salary demands that are entirely both unsustainable and inexcusable.

Just today, the Times also showed the miserable academic outcomes these people who want to get paid more than doctors or lawyers for their part time, 183 day or so per year job.


This is what we've wasted our billions on.

This is what these teacher scum ignore as they demand ever larger amounts of our money.

This sort of thing could be used effectively to beat the WEA and their acolytes to political DEATH.

But instead, we're exhorted, through a horrific waste of money, to "Be Bold."

And how has that worked out for us?

Courage and integrity is rarely in the political lexicon.  For far too many of our local elected government officials generally and the local GOP particularly, it simply doesn't exist.

The outcomes posted by the Seattle Times make it clear that these thieves should not only NOT be getting raises, they should be giving money BACK in shame at what they charge NOW.

And the GOP, both locally and at the state level, sits quietly by... silent in the face of these efforts to rape the taxpayers of this county.

What's the worst that could happen?  We get clobbered at the polls?

Well, guess what's going to happen REGARDLESS.

Why are we not surprised?

1 comment:

  1. 'English language/arts' means proficiency at scribbling anti-gun and pro-LGBTQ posters, getting out of school to march in education association-led chanting at 'protests.'
    Math is a little harder to fake.
    Your 'education' tax dollars advance Leftist politics.
    You and your children are being robbed.
    It has been going on for Decades.


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