Thursday, September 13, 2018

Women in the Infantry? What could go wrong?

For years, I've been pointing out that, sadly, there is no place for women in ground combat.

Given that it seems I am unable to actually find any evidence that female "infantrypeople" have actually deployed into a combat situation, the military may have actually made the same decision, and all of this "women in the infantry" is all a kabuki dance to fool the masses.

But putting women together with men in ground combat units cannot help but degrade combat capabilities and negatively impact discipline.

And in this instance, the rumored fraternization of the very FIRST Marine female to become an "Infantryperson" is now confirmed and she's getting kicked out of the Marines for her inability to keep her clothes on.

And no, this isn't what you would expect... although much of that has happened as well.

This isn't the case of a rough, tough, senior male NCO taking advantage of a precious young female private.

On the contrary, this is a case of a rough, tough FEMALE NCO having a relationship with a MALE subordinate.

It does, in fact, work both ways… from pregnant Ranger students to, in fact, senior NCO's using their positions... or allowing their positions to be used, by junior ranking females looking for an advantage.

As time goes on, more and more we're seeing "what can go wrong."  Now, it's only a matter of how much blood is going to be spilled as a result of this insanity.

Trailblazing female who became infantry Marine is getting kicked out for fraternization

This is just one of the many signs of impending disaster.

A disaster that we'll see with our own eyes as soon as female infantry deploys... if they're ever allowed to deploy into combat.

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