Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Rumor has it that the current local GOP regime is going to make an effort to keep some elected PCO's from being seated.

It's looking like the latest PCO elections may very well have shifted the political geography from the insanity currently running the show in the local party to something actually... Republican.

I'm hearing from multiple sources that an effort will be made to insure that at least some PCO's are excluded from their positions by a process designed to keep these elected PCOs from being seated.

The "why" of it is obvious and two-fold: first, those with their RINO clutches around the throat of the local GOP very much want to maintain their control over the apparatus.

Second, many of those who've been outed in a variety of ways want to use their position to engage in payback.  And their variety of it is designed to keep Republicans in various precincts from having representation in the local GOP.

There are, a great many things going on that are locally earth shattering as well.  Things are not going as well as they had hoped.

The current local GOP scene is roiled by miserable showings in the primary thanks to the current GOP regime, their incompetence, their lack of understanding of the political lay of the land and their own goal of furthering their own enlightened self-interests as they forget why they were put there (to elect REPUBLICANS) in favor of their own concerns over maintaining their version of "power."

Political organizations generally are judged on their outcomes.  The playground bullying of the current regime, the bogus lawsuit designed to silence the opposition, the lies, the drugs, the theft issues, the exaggerations, the fact that THIS local GOP organization spends geometrically more time, effort, energy and resources attacking other Republicans than they actually use against those they, allegedly, are here to do political battle with, namely, democrats.

No one, for example, can name where the local party has actually taken steps to go after democrat candidates.  And when did the local party come out and take positions on the issues most important to the people of Clark County?

The new bridge/loot rail rip off that alleged Republican legislators helped resurrect?

The massive increases in our property taxes?

The teacher extortion that will cost the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars in Clark County alone?



The issue, you see, is going to be dressed up, I'm told, as a matter of party loyalty.

But its likely to be quite selective in it's application.

As I pointed out a few days ago, "party loyalty" means different things to different people:
Here locally, several PCO's for example, did not vote Republican in the last primary and, in fact, voted against the Republican by supporting Marc Boldt instead of Eileen Quiring for County Chair. 
None of those past chairs have, to date, appeared to have endorsed Quiring now that Boldt has lost, either.  Does that mean they'll be voting for the democrat? 
That's not the first time, of course; in the last election for county chair, five past county chairs voted against Republican candidate Rep. Liz Pike for that position... which included a Republican PCO setting up a fake Republican PAC to actually SUPPORT nonRepublican Boldt. 
Three of those same former chairs endorsed Marc Boldt in this most recent primary as well. 
And, in 2016, our own Congresswoman wrote in Speaker Paul Ryan for president.  Should anyone get upset if it was found that people wrote in Speaker Ryan for Congresswoman Herrera Buetler's seat in return?  Or some other Republican of note? 
How could anyone in the GOP regime get mad if I, for example, wrote in Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers for the local congressional seat? 
How could ANYONE in the GOP hierarchy declare such an action to be wrong in any way?
None of these people were held accountable for their actions so it's difficult to avoid the fact that what these people were doing is, well, setting the example.  How can anyone be upset if that example is followed?

Was any effort made to hold these people accountable?


But there is no end to the effort, apparently, that may be extended to hold those objecting to the actions of these party leaders by holding the objectors accountable... by using such a false claim as an excuse to keep them from being seated.

The claim will be made that those PCOs who don't align themselves with the RINO Establishment in every way simply are not Republican.

Oh, they may dress it up somehow, but that will be the gist of it.

Will I be among those on their list?

Does my record as a Republican qualify me any more than, say, a Brent Boger, whose public dismissal of the Party when Marc Boldt was sanctioned (which he richly deserved) pretty much should have buried his past tenure as a party chair.... dutifully trumpeted by the local democrat daily, who used that to smack the GOP around to beat us up?  (The rag's many and false predictions of political blowback against the local party notwithstanding.)

Having served the GOP as a PCO, District Chair, County Delegate, State Delegate and Executive Director of the State GOP; the campaigns I worked on (GOP only) including Benton, Rivers, Mielke, Linda Smith, Bob Williams and the like over the last 31 years spared me from such a claim?

How about my membership in Clark County Republican women?

My guess is no.

When you have a bully in charge, facts have no place in the discussion.

I freely admit that I have, and will continue to, hold the GOP organization accountable.

I did it before this regime; I'll do it after this regime, thankfully, ends in a few months.  When I see a train wreck coming, I can either stand by silently and watch it happen, or speak out in an effort to stop it before it starts.

Sometimes, those in charge have not and will not like it.

But what about the many, many, MANY others in the party who have spoken out when the mood has struck them?

I freely admit that I will speak out both for... and against... candidates claiming the GOP label... who act like democrats or who vote like democrats.

I, of course, am not the only one.

How much, for example, did Larry Hoff lose the primary by?  In arguably one of the most Republican districts in the state?

But to use your position to exercise a political vendetta against those who oppose you?  To use that position because you've been outed as someone with a past... and current... record that would keep you from getting a job in a Wendy's flipping burgers, let alone becoming chair of a county GOP organization?

I believe in accountability of our politicians.  I believe in reminding people of the reality of the record of those we've elected who've lied, exaggerated, attacked and ignored their constituents.

Obviously, those in office do not want me to remind the voters of their actions.

It's not like, for example, I made up the GOP Chair's use of illegal drugs while he was chair; his past criminal record or his DUI's.  Does anyone claim that those observations are not factual?

I did not make up the fact that when Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers ran for the Senate, she pledged to oppose any effort at increasing the gas tax or tab fees... only to yoke the people of Clark County with a $700 MILLION tax bill.

Nor did I make up the fact that while "negotiating" this horrific budget that has cost the citizens of Clark County tens of millions of dollars to pay off the teachers, Rivers was actually hired by a DEMOCRAT campaign firm... causing all of her constituents to suffer massive property tax increases, many over a thousand dollars.

It's not like the promises bother Rivers and Sen. "Lyin'" Lynda Wilson made to the PCO's of the GOP in Clark County in the Summer of last year that our property taxes would actually go DOWN this year didn't happen, right?

It's not like Scott Weber didn't promise to fight to do away with his job as County Clerk as an elected position.  No one is coming up on the net and saying that I made this stuff up, are they?

It's not like when I pointed out that every Senator in Clark County voted to oppose legislative transparency that it came to me in a dream.  Nor is it like that when I pointed out that Rep. Vicki Kraft was the only House member in Clark County to vote FOR transparency that it was all a lie, was it?

It's not like when I point out that our Congresswoman, who trashed our President both during the campaign and after, who doesn't know if she'd vote to impeach him or not and who has had EIGHT YEARS to address our cross-river transportation issues and has accomplished NOTHING, is some sort of fantasy of mine,

A large segment of the Party hierarchy doesn't care about any of that.  If anyone of these folks robbed 7-11's as a hobby, they'd still back them.

So who cares if they lie?  ALL politicians lie, or so many RINOs told me... what's wrong with that?

One, a former party chair, reminded us that even then Governor Reagan lied about some sort of budget issue in the California Soviet.

To that, I replied, "so what?"

A lie is a lie.  That the source of the lie was Reagan doesn't excuse it or make it acceptable.  And, of course, when the source of the lies and betrayals are friends of yours, there's no end to the justifications you can provide.

Right, Brent?

I demand accountability for those who have so much control and impact over our lives.  I demand that Republicans vote more like Republicans and less like downtown democrats.  I demand that when they betray the party and the tenets of Republican in favor of the special interests over their constituency that they hear about and we're constantly reminded of it.

Somehow, it would seem that if I do not slavishly support anyone with an "R" after their name, that *I* am to be excluded.

When 5 former Party Chairs do the exact, same thing, and a big mouth PCO who set up a fake Republican PAC to support a non-Republican in 2015 and again THIS year... and when 6 former Party chairs engage in that SAME sort of activity this year... well, that's all different.

That's not a problem.  For the RINO clique running the show.

The question de jour:  When this Party, which failed to even bother to find candidates in the 49th or for county treasurer so the democrats there could run unopposed, loses seats around the county.... then what?

The current regime claims credit for the few positive outcomes we're experiencing while they blame anyone and anything else for the overwhelming negative.

Will they take credit for what looks like an upcoming miserable outcome this next November?  Will they blame those who oppose them internally for their outcomes externally?

Stay tuned.

And remember: VOTE REPUBLICAN.

Even if you don't really want to.

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