Wednesday, September 19, 2018

C'mon Larry Hoff, you can do better than this.

As we all know, Larry Hoff is doing his best to lose the 18th District seat now held by Rep. Liz Pike.

And if the primary was any indication, he's doing it brilliantly.

He's desperate.  And that led to this nonsense:

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people sitting
It was an honor to be joined by Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler on the campaign trail yesterday. More importantly, it was great to meet hard working voters, listen to what is most important to them, and learn what they expect from their elected representatives. #Hoff4House — with Samantha Adaire Moor Beeler and Jaime Herrera Beutler.
The problem?

I'm hearing this "hard working voter" that he's just met is apparently a worker on the Hoff campaign and a newly minted GOP PCO.

In the 18th District, setting this thing up with Herrera was likely not the smartest thing to do, given her somewhat less than conservative record.

Clearly, this is an act of desperation by Hoff's campaign who seems to believe that we were all born on a Saturday.... likely, LAST Saturday.

It's a pity he couldn't actually find a "hard working voter" that wasn't on his campaign involved as a volunteer... or so I'm told.

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