Monday, September 17, 2018

Husky football is in trouble: Jake was a LITTLE better... but not nearly good enough.

A week ago, having thought about it for a day and a half,  I wrote my first "Husky football is in trouble" post.

Well, I thought about it a little longer and I'm watching the Utah replay for the second time... and while Jake was not as bad as he was against North Dakota, he isn't markedly better, either.

Another stupid interception.  Missed passes that shouldn't have been missed.  Threw off his back foot, missed a wide open Samples for 20  with about 8:30 left in the 2nd quarter.

Every once in awhile, Jake was on.  He'd throw the occasional laser, and it was like he'd gone back in time.

But then...

At one point, Browning was bum-rushed on 3 straight downs and he managed to lose almost 30 yards, taking the Dawgs out of the red zone and, in fact, even taking them out of field goal range. 4th and 39, late in the 2nd quarter.

On that series, he looked confused and terrified.  He picked up a stupid intentional grounding call.

He threw that interception to a defensive end or tackle that was the size of an aircraft carrier.  How could he have missed him?

Yes, the offensive line is in the hurt locker.  But these decisions where Jake screwed up were HIS decisions.

Yesterday, Sunday, the articles started coming out.

"Myles Gaskin defends Jake Browning."

Myles Gaskin quick to defend Jake Browning after No. 10 Huskies’ 21-7 victory at Utah 

Is this a good time to point out that if Jake were playing reasonably well, Miles wouldn't HAVE to "defend" Jake?

That, as a senior QB, Jake is playing like this is simply inexcusable.

Jake has thrown only 4 TD passes this season.

4.  In 3 games.

Which matches up very nicely with the 4 interceptions he's also thrown.

Is ANY other QB in the PAC12 doing this badly?

Not and starting they're not.

Sit him, coach.  He doesn't have "it" any more.  Give Jake2 a shot.

What's the worst he could do?  Throw interceptions?

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