Monday, September 17, 2018

Why President Trump has to stick with Kavanaugh

As I posited back in July (and actually, many times before that) because of GOP Establishment weakness, they handed the left a golden rod they can use to beat the hell out of any GOP candidate or nominee for anything... and watch us cave.

The irony of this is that the GOP can't politically win on this issue.

In fact, no matter what we do, the left is going to beat the hell out of us anyway.


Because every time THEY pull out the sexual impropriety scam card, the Establishment GOP pees their pants and dutifully does whatever the left tells them to do... no matter what.

Instead of counter-punching and coming back over the top, which is what they MUST do here.

There are two issues right there on the table, available to be picked up and wrapped around the skulls of these same sniveling democrats in the Senate who are in a full on stall pattern because Mitch McConnell allows them to be.

Issue 1:  Rep. Keith Ellison.

Allegations of the variety this fringe-left scumbag is pulling out have only one purpose and truth is nowhere in that equation.

This allegation is made up of whole cloth and it is designed to accomplish the end of the Kavanaugh nomination while simultaneously attempting to splatter the entirety of the GOP as we head into the midterm.  It's a typical leftist lie wrapped in an equally typical leftist fals4ehood, entirely political in nature, made by someone who's own political background could... and would... never withstand scrutiny, done entirely to stall the nomination and make the President look bad by costing him a court nomination.

Keep Kavanaugh or dump him, the willing slime in the media will treat this scam the exact same way.


In military terms, if you know you're going to die holding that hill, you might as well take as many of these scum with you as possible before you go.

The counter?

No one in the GOP should even begin to discuss this matter without beating the hell out of Ellison over the FAR more credible allegations against him by women who claim he has assaulted them.

Minnesota Republicans know what to do and, apparently, are doing it.  That needs to expand to ANY Republican asked about Kavanaugh.

THOSE allegations against Ellison are not almost 4 decades old, were not made by a confirmed leftist with a bone to pick with the Kavanaugh family and who would slit their own wrists before allowing President Trump to fill another Supreme Court vacancy.

If the allegations against Ellison were made against any Republican of any stature, we'd never hear the end of it.

Well, the reality is that the democrats, who continue to support that low life, SHOULD be the ones who never hear the end of it.

So, how come they haven't been hearing it?

Why haven't the same RINOs expressing "concern" over Judge Kavanaugh be expressing concern over Ellison?


Number 2: 200+ members of Congress who used taxpayer dollars to pay off staffers and other women as a result of THEIR impropriety.

EVERY member of Congress in the GOP (You listening, Herrera?) should be DEMANDING the release of the names of those who stole the taxpayer dollars used to keep these women quiet.

Where are they?

Our esteemed Congresswoman hasn't had any problem shooting off her mouth to trash our President.  How come she's not throwing a fit over both Ellison and the unnamed 200+ in Congress that apparently found it impossible to keep their hands to themselves and their mouths shut when it came to impropriety with women?

In fact, where is Carolyn Long in all of this?  You hearing anything out of her pie hole on what the left allows their own to get away with?


Why not?

So, here's the thing: No matter what the President does, he and our GOP are GOING to get hammered.

Well, we might as well get hammered with our guy sitting on the bench as opposed to allowing what appear to be MORE bogus allegations to derail another badly needed Republican from holding office; this time, the Supreme Court.

And as I have stated during the Judge Roy Moore matter, if they got away with that, there would be no end to who they would use this idiocy against because the morons running the GOP simply don't know what to do or how to react when confronted with these lies and fake allegations which are entirely politically motivated.

Don't hold your breath, however.  These things are so obvious a blind squirrel could see it in a minute.

If we were GOING to do it?

We WOULD be doing it.

And we're not.

Additional allegations are inevitable, because the democrats have a playbook that says they keep running this play and others like it until enough GOP RINOs grow a spine and figure out how to stop it

As if.

Good Luck, your Honor.  With friends like these?

You're gonna need it.

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