Monday, September 17, 2018

When the leftist rag loves you, they love you.

I was sent a copy of the screed passing as the column by Jayne yesterday.

It was the usual mixture of arrogance, superiority, and revisionist history along with their run of the mill disregard for the expressed will of the people of this county.

Yeah, yeah, it was the usual "screw what the people want, ram the CRC down their throats" idiocy of the downtown mafia.

And, as always, our resident local leftist mouthpiece for the downtown mafia always takes a shot... rather stupidly, as it turns out... at the politicians who actually fought to implement the will of the people as expressed at the polls, the democratian's best efforts notwithstanding.

Well, ALMOST all of the politicians... all save one.... but I'll get to that in a minute.
You all remember, don't you?

The advisory vote held on the CRC.... that LOST IN EVERY PRECINCT IN CLARK COUNTY, save for the five or so that surrounded the north end of the I-5 bridge, 223 precincts out of 228.... made it clear that the CRC is not what the people of this county want.

There has been nothing to indicate that anything has changed in that regard.  And now, with Oregon's tolling fetish on full display, what Jayne and his ilk want is for us to pay tolls for an I-5 bridge replacement with loot rail; which, by itself, is unneeded, unwanted an unaffordable.... and THEN pay Oregon's extortion to Clark County residents on top of that.

Of course, what the people of this county want is a meaningless exercise to powers that be.  Their abuse of those who question them and their aims and motivations is the stuff of legend.

Even now, their hatred of Former County Councilor David Madore, Sen. Don Benton and Rep. Liz Pike is on full display.

And what crimes are these three "guilty" of?

1.  They're guilty of opposing the democratian's agenda.

That gets you a life sentence if you stay that way.

2.  They're guilty of representing the people of their district, who did not want the idiocy of the democratian's CRC scam.

Again, a life sentence unless you change your ways.

But what name is missing from their hatred list?

Who have they left off their list of infamy?

Why, Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers.

Rivers, who used to be a Republican even before the democrat campaign firm, Strategies 360 hired her while she was negotiating to sell us out to the WEA which led to massive property tax increases and this most recent wave of teacher strikes, was also instrumental in killing the CRC Scam.

So, why didn't Jayne throw a punch her way?

Rivers is just as guilty of killing the CRC as these other 3... and in fact, she USED to be called the "Bridge Killer."

But for WHATEVER the reason, the rag never seems to include her in the group they hate for standing up for the people like she used to do.... before she hung $700 million on us in gas tax and tab fee increases after pledging to oppose both in order to get elected... before she caused our property taxes statewide to explode for $6 billion or so.... unlike the politicians who actually represent the PEOPLE instead of the special interests the rag speaks for.

No, Rivers seems to get a complete pass for her part in killing their dream.

Odd, isn't it?  Why do you suppose that might be?

Not that Lefty Lou ever took much of a shot at her.  Because, after all: when they like you?

They like you.  And conservatives are the one's reserved for the democratian's hatred.
It's not that much different than their love affair with Marc Boldt.

Back when Marc actually WAS a conservative and a Republican (How does one even begin to describe what he is now, politically?) he hammered on Tommy Koenninger's favorite nail, the Columbia River Gorge Commission... a nasty little outfit that seemed to view the Constitution of the United States as their own personal roll of toilet paper when it comes to administering the Scenic Area.

The result?  Koenninger threw a hissy fit at Boldt and wrote his now infamous "Three nuts and a Boldt" column, wherein he demanded, with stupidity equal to Jayne at the time, that Boldt resign his position in the House of Representatives before the people threw him out.

Well, as long as the people believed Boldt to be a Republican, he just kept on winning, the democratian's best efforts notwithstanding.

That said, now, they hardly treat Boldt the same way they do other conservatives, do they?

So, yeah, Jayne's screed and slavish devotion to the hated and despised CRC Scam is not particularly surprising.  And, as the rag continues to attack anyone who stands in their way, will of the people notwithstanding; as they refuse to endorse anyone opposed to their scheme, one has to wonder:

If the rag is using support of their CRC Scam as their litmus test to endorse candidates... even more than their leftist bent... then are you, Dear Voter?

Do YOU know where the candidates you support are on the CRC Scam?

Does the idea of paying $2000 a year in tolls (to begin with) to cross a bridge (That you're now paying for the privilege to sit on) appeal to you... then to have the privilege of paying Oregon tolls on top of that?

Where are your candidates on that issue?

Do you know?

If not, why not?

Get to work, voters... and remember: VOTE Republican!

(Even if you don't want to.)

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