Sunday, July 03, 2016

Trump's biggest problem today.

We have become a fragile people.

We have been promised so much and been lied to by so many for so long, that it's hard to believe in anyone anymore.

Politically, I had local heroes and national heroes.

One by one, their true selves became known to me. Their thirst for power, their demand for obedience, their arrogance and their disregard of the people they would govern.

I BELIEVED my brother-in-law when he came up with that "Servant Leader" shtick back in 94. Well, when was the last time you heard that from him?

I bought IN to the importance of GOP control over our legislature and our Congress.

What do we have to show for it?

The fragile nature of the American psyche is due in large part to our expectation and subsequent failure of those we elect to govern to keep their word, keep their promises and to make the will of those they would represent their primary goal in elective office.


Now we're too stupid. We just don't get it. "Business decisions" supersede the collective's thought, desires and demands because now?

They have all the answers and they know when they lie to us, that they will not be held accountable.

Just ask Sen. Rivers.

It's difficult for Trump to make the headway he needs because he must find a way to make the people understand that he will keep his word and he will do everything he has pledged to do.

So few in politics actually keep their word. Most at all levels disregard their primary duty to the people and make their primary duty their own self-enrichment and self-aggrandizement.

No more.

Never again.

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