Monday, July 04, 2016

It’s the 4th of July and I fear for my country.

It’s the morning of the 4th of July.  I’m watching an older movie on TCM, “The Scarlet Coat” (1955 - A vignette concerning the Benedict Arnold affair) one of the tales that Hollywood used to do back when they cared about anything but themselves. 

Now days, it’s typically something that tears this country down.  Or this society.  Or anyone not a real or perceived minority.

It’s a symptom of what troubles me.  When was the last time the media portrayed this country in a positive light?  In fact, when was the last time anyone of stature portrayed this country that way?

Up is down.  Left is right.  Right is left.

Truth is lie.  Lie is truth.

Our country is weakening from within and without.  People have become bereft of their common sense.  The only societal norm is that there are no societal norms.

We are drowning in debt as a country and as individuals.  The percentage of what we, as individuals, pay for this Titanic creep ever upward and it’s never enough.

At every level, government becomes something more to despise than to uphold.  Locally, government could care less what the people they govern want, need or desire: they rightfully count on our cynicism, our disinterest, our weariness when presented with discovery after discovery that those we’ve entrusted with elective office view us as useful idiots to keep them in office.

Locally, my state senator pledged to oppose gas tax and tab fee increases.  She did so as a part of her platform that got her elected.

When the time came, she voted for both and did nothing to enable us to vote on this increase, the largest in the history of the state; taking the GOP Senate position that such a vote would assuredly lose… so better not to chance it.

Additionally, she lied about the amount of money in her campaign account, in excess of $150,000… a scam she was getting away with until I nailed her to the Public Disclosure Commission wall.

And none of it will make any difference.

Having shown herself to be unfit for elective office by lying to get elected; having then doubled down on that lie claiming that, in effect, it was the lesser of two evils (“If I had voted “no,” it would have cost the taxpayers of Clark County $7 BILLION instead of $700 million…) ( none of it will make any difference.

Rivers will likely be re-elected, although not by such a large amount as last time.  I will be voting for her opponent and, in fact, sending him money, because while I do not support his politics, I cannot support a proven liar who disdains her constituency to this extent.

Locally, the county council, made up of two councilors lying about their party affiliation (claiming GOP) and one, my own brother-in-law, claiming no party affiliation was, correspondingly, elected by 39% of the vote… meaning 61% of the people of this county did not want him in office… but a RINO schism joined with leftist support and now we’re literally stuck with a government that lacks a single clue… or concern… as to what the people of this county want.

But the despicable nature of these governments does not end here in our little corner of heaven known as SW Washington State.

The people rose up and kicked the democrats out of power in the US House of Representatives.  The GOP then made a bumbling idiot Speaker, who proceeded to bend the entirety of this country over by aiding Obama’s efforts to bury us in debt, helping him to add 8 TRILLION dollars to an already out of control number that Obama himself called “unpatriotic.”

But nothing changed as a result.

Well, the RINOs told us, they couldn’t do anything unless the GOP controlled the Senate.

So, four years after giving the GOP control of the House and based on the hollow assurances of a RINO caste of politicians, the People again rose up and gave control of the Senate to the Republicans.

And what do we have to show for it?

The pledge, made by those GOP candidates for the Senate, running for election or reelection was to rid us of the yolk of Obamacare… to cut government spending, reduce taxes and to rein in the idiocy of an out-of-control president.

That, of course, has not happened.  Instead, the RINO coffee klatch has banded together to give Obama even more than he asked for… because those in office… from the local level to the highest, simply don’t give a damn about those they would govern.

That’s not how this is supposed to work.

Those paying attention are dispirited.   Those a part of the problem are overjoyed.

And the great, unwashed masses allow themselves to be manipulated and lied to, while failing to hold those who do it accountable.

I fear for my country.

Every day.

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