Saturday, April 13, 2013

Why the Newton Mommies don't move me.

Newton's Sandy Hook Elementary was an avoidable tragedy.

And nothing these poor, misguided people have said would have changed anything about any of it.

What's despicable about all of this is that the Scumbag-in-Chief would use these people like toilet paper to do his bidding; not because it would have changed anything, but because he's desperate for another political victory.

Here's the thing:  I will NEVER support laws that punish those of us who follow the law for the acts of those who will ignore it.

If scum like Obama are successful, government rights will displace more of our own.  And that's the thing, you see: government abilities encroach on us every day.  Expansion of government power is never-ending.  they push and push and push... and then push some more.

These scum would never come right out and demand a nation wide gun registry.  But they would not hesitate to put one together if they could.

And using grief stricken parents who's babies died because of THEIR "gun-free zone" nonsense is just a symptom of the lies government uses every day.

At the federal level: gun control and people control.

Folks, this isn't about hunting and sport shooting.  This is about out rights.  And our rights have not been increasing... they've been decreasing.

At the local level, years of lies on the CRC scam where those ostensibly working for us are full of arrogance and disrespect... the same kind of arrogance and disrespect the president and his minions are show us... the same kind of arrogance and disrespect he's showing to 20 babies and their teacher and those staff.


No, I am sorry for the pain those parents and siblings and so many other have gone through.  And I'd be the first to approve of steps taken within our Constitution to keep this kind of thing from happening.

But nothing any of those in government are proposing will accomplish that.  And until it does, I oppose ALL of it.

No matter who makes the speech.

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