Saturday, April 13, 2013

More scummery from the democratian.

Here's some tripe I overlooked this morning, for which I do apologize.
Jeers: To state Rep. Liz Pike, R-La Center. We get it: She opposes the Columbia River Crossing project. In fact, she thinks the state should throw out the $150 million worth of planning done so far, and in her words, "go back to the drawing board." Her bill, HB 2025, would order the state Department of Transportation to design a new bridge that does not include light rail, builds a third bridge and provides a bridge clearance that accommodates all future river users for the next 100 years or more. Should Pike's obviously political bill pass, the state would waste millions planning for things that will never come true -- Oregon fervently opposes any third automobile bridge in the metro area -- or pursuing the unknowable. Does anyone really know what some river user might want in 2113? Thankfully, the bill seems unlikely to receive a hearing, so Pike has mostly just wasted her time.
This looks like some of John Laird's asshattery.

These scum would bend us over because of something Oregon will or won't do.

The moron that wrote this crap apparently lives his life based on what others do, unconcerned with what we want or need.

As State Representative, which the scumbag who wrote this garbage inarguably has never been and never WILL be, Liz Pike has been nothing less than spectacular in her representation of the people of this district.  She will likely serve in the Legislature as long as she has a mind to do so.

Generally, if this despicable rag hates it, then it can't be too far wrong.

Here's the thing to the idiot-stick who wrote this tripe:

It is geometrically better to do nothing than it is to rape the people you would serve by deliberately doing the WRONG thing.

Your side lost.  Mass-suicide is likely not an option (Although in the writers case, one I would likely enjoy hearing about) but you scum need to find a way to get over it and move on.

Learn from this.  And remember: we're going to be here the next time you try and screw us as well.

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