Monday, April 15, 2013

My take on the bogus democratian poll?

Don't have one.  Generally, polls without crosstabs will say whatever you want them to say.  Polls these slimeballs have used in the past have, in fact, said that: elections; on the other hand, have, in fact, said something quite different.

Here's the thing:  there was nothing in the paper that would cause those in the Senate opposing this crap pile to change their positions.  And as far as that goes... lining birdcages and litter boxes, I suppose, does serve some usefrul purpose.

But there seems to be a reason they're withholding that information.

Why do you suppose that is?

Here was my prediction:
See, here's a brief look at the possible outcomes:

1.  It comes back "the people hate it."

Does anyone believe for one moment that these clowns are going to change their positions?

Of course not.

When a position is based on an agenda and their every effort has been to denigrate and belittle those opposed to that agenda, what are chances that any of this will make any difference?

Something less than zero.

They'll excuse it.  They might not even print it.  Or, they'll cherry-pick it.

They'll put out the parts they like and sit on the parts they don't like.

But it will change absolutely nothing with these clowns.

2.  It'll come back roughly even.

If the poll shows that their position is supported by even ONE person, these people will act like it's a crushing defeat of the anti-side.

If the poll comes back where the anti-side wins narrowly, this rag will find any way possible to claim it's ahem, you guessed it, as a crushing defeat for the anti-side.

3.  It comes back "the people love it."

As unlikely as any honest poll will return such a result is, you can then expect a massive, full court press against the legislators fighting this rip off to get them to change their minds, much like the massive, full court press going on in Olympia now.

The problem is one of credibility: this newspaper has lied about so many things they wanted... from the Pollard Hilton, to the Ballpark Scam, to the CRC rip off... that how can they be believed no matter WHAT their per-ordained findings are?

Years from now, we're likely to see some version of a headline from another scam rip of, the Wenatchee Toyota Town Center.  It was a beaut:

The palace in Wenatchee was bonded and built without asking the people presumptively on the hook for the costs of building it.  That lead to idiocy from the biggest cheerleaders when it failed, like this:
Someone should have stopped us
Saturday, December 10, 2011
If only ...
If only someone with sense and financial acuity could have dug through the wishful thinking and pipe dreams and told us it wasn’t going to work. Maybe a quick dose of sobriety might have saved us, and we would not have built Town Toyota Center. We would not be saddled with a $42 million debt and no means to pay it. We could not be blamed for financial contagion or embarrassed by our foolishness, lack of foresight, empty due diligence, poor judgment and pending insolvency. Maybe we would not be waiting for the lawyers of the world to scour us clean to satisfy part of our horrid debt. If only ...
The problem is that we will be buried in debt before this realization actually sinks in.

And by then, it will be far too late.

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