Monday, April 15, 2013

More idiocy from Mike Briggs, faux candidate.

  1. In a rare public comment Comm. Madore made a critical comment of the Columbian's current series on the CRC project. With regard to Madore's comment I said the following,

    "Comm. Madore, I am very surprised to see you post here.
Then you don't pay attention, idjit.  Madore comments frequently on a wide variety of subjects.
I sense that you are upset with this series of articles so far. While not perfect, what is?
Which, of course, excuses nothing.
I do think so far the Columbian has remained very objective in their story so far.
First lie: that you think.

Second lie: that the democratian has been objective.  But then, as a fringe left nutter, you've already proven that you only see what you want to see.
One thing however I would bet some money on... you were probably miffed you did not receive more press.
And, like the moron you are, you would lose.
And I think this is, in reality, about how much press a Clark County Commissioner should receive in the overall picture of this huge project.
But no one cares what you think about that, since it neither is about you nor involves you.
And I disliked how much pressure you brought to bear against my own city of Washougal recently with the Council and the resolution against the CRC project.
Which was precisely none, idiot.
But rest assured Commissioner not everyone will run scared of you come the next rounds of elections.
You will.
Not everyone believes that money runs everything.
Only fringe-left nutters drink that kool aid.
And I DO NOT believe the people of Clark County likes to see people intimidated with unfair advantage.
At this point, since it hasn't happened, you really don't know, do you?
It is true you can and will find people to go up against legitimate candidates for office.
Wow: typical leftist scummary to automatically label anyone Commissioner Madore supports as a NON-"legitimate candidate."
It is true you will finance these people...for you have said on video you would do as much to current Mayor Leavitt.
Yeah, Tim "The Liar" Leave-it has a major problem on his hands.  But then, since he lied the way YOU want, that's OK with you, right, Mikee?
But this does not mean a good and decent people will not still stand up, find their own champion, and to seek to bring about a positive and forward movement to the future."
Well, it looks like this disqualifies YOU, Briggs.

Here's the thing:  When you're at the bottom of a pit, try and stop digging.

Moronically supporting loot rail that doesn't work ANYWHERE and foisting the bill off on US because it's YOUR fetish just ain't the recipe for a long career in elective office.

Your well-known narcissism isn't going to get you elected to dog-catcher.  Frankly, what you think (None of which is supported by anything here) is as meaningless as a pro-CRC briefing.

So, keep babbling, Mikee.  You're grist grinds well in my mill.

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