Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Big DiVide, another scummy propaganda piece.

One of the things the democratian has proven over the years is that no matter the lie, they are GOING to get busted.

Take this garbage for example:
The political power of CRC critics was amplified in last year's election of businessman David Madore, a staunch light-rail critic, to the Clark County Board of Commissioners. Madore associates Portland with high-density development, noise, gobs of traffic, skyscrapers. "We respect their freedom to be who they are," Madore said of Portland. "Let Portland be weird, Madore said. " That's OK. I'm OK with that. Just not over here."
It was also "amplified" with the unmentioned defeat of Pro-CRC Scammer democrat Marc Boldt and the victory of anti-CRC Champion Tom Mielke who was outspent roughly 5 to one but who also garnered around 21,000 more votes than democratian darling Boldt who was politically strangled by his democrat and fringe-left allies like Jim Moeller and the propaganda swindle sheet that put this puke video up in the first place.

The video itself is the usual trashing of the hated-by-the-downtown-mafia Commissioner David Madore.

The slimeball who put it together seemed compelled to get two pro-CRC Scamming lackeys to beat the hell out of Madore's position while seemingly unable to find even one additional opponent of the CRC Scam.

That's the kind of low-rent quality of what laughingly passes for journalism in the aptly-named Lazy C.

Not once has this despicable rag EVER demanded that this project be put to a vote.  Had they done so years ago, this thing would have been long-since dead and we could be discussing other, more viable options.

The entire point of the democratian's idiocy is to somehow put some sort of pressure on the 4 out of 5 senators representing Clark County to turn their backs on their relative constituencies and vote for the massive waste these slime so adore.

Ain't happening, kids... no matter how many lies you slime video.

And that's a shame.  A major part of the combative nature of this "diVide" results from the lies, insults and assaults against those of us wise enough to oppose their idiocy.  And this video does nothing to lessen any of that.


1 comment:

  1. The Columbian is the "wedge" dividing Clark County.


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