Sunday, April 14, 2013

Wylie cements her place as a lying scumbag.

Rep. Sharon Wylie (Communist - 49) cemented her legacy as but another lying CRC Scammer today with her op-ed full of outright falsity and claims of a "thorough process."

To the extent that what we have a plan... which is, essentially, NOTHING; there is an element of "thoroughness."

For example, they thoroughly ignored the people.

CRC Scammers cannot point to a single change of any kind they've made as a result of citizen input.


Because it was their policy to ignore the citizens.  That makes it easier to deal with their suggestions.

Wylie, of course, wasn't in office for the vast majority of the planning phase for this rip off, so everything she spews in her propaganda column was hand-fed to her through talking points: she has no idea what the hell she's babbling about.

Through it all, there has been a major, long-term effort to involve the public in each step of the process. I attended numerous public meetings on the CRC project over the past decade. The process was extensive and at times contentious. Everyone had opportunities to offer ideas and ask questions. Computer models and cost analyses were presented, and those who participated in the process made up their minds based on those analyses.
And the CRC had the opportunity... taken repeatedly, to ignore us.

Here's a copy of that memo, where every effort to minimize and ignore public input has been in place since 2005:

The approval of the locally preferred alternative by the PSC would trigger individual agency public hearings. Each elected official body (Board of Directors, Commission, City Council, and so on) would take action, presumably to endorse the locally preferred alternative recommended by the PSC. The PSC members would be entrusted to make the other decisions on behalf of their fellow elected officials with no need for public hearings or individual agency endorsements.
 • A summary of agency comment.  I am assuming the concurrence points (formal or informal) of the joint regulatory review group would precede the PSC decision points, but this bears more thought and discussion with Jeff and Heather. It seems risky to me to have the PSC decide something, only to discover that the joint agency group disagrees or wants a different wording of the document.
The decision meetings would be open to the public, but only minimum legal notices would be provided and no display advertising would be placed. We would not encourage public participation. The Task Force chairs would be expected to attend and respond to PSC questions concerning the Task Force recommendations. Task Force members would be made award of the meetings. Meeting notes would be prepared and posted on the website.
There is much more of this sort of thing in the memo.  So what that moron Wylie suggests has the grain of truth in it (there have been meetings) But only the minimum they can get away with AND the very clear policy of IGNORING WHAT THE PUBLIC WANTS SINCE THEY NEVER ENCOURAGED PUBLIC PARTICIPATION.

So, yeah.  There was a "thorough process."  A process where scum with Wylie's attitude thoroughly screwed us... until now.

Now, it's all coming apart.  Now, the CRC Scammers like Wylie are reduced to re-enforcing the lies.

Ten years of lies.  At least 8 years of deliberately ignoring the public.  Lies about this project having any impact on "gridlock," which it will not.  Lies about the non-existent requirement of loot rail when BRT will do. There's no lie this scumbag would not broadcast to get this garbage built.

And there's no lie this simple idiot won't spew that I won't call her dumb ass out for, either.

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