Sunday, April 14, 2013

John "Cockroach" Laird doubles down on his Cockroach meme with even more lies.

It's got to be tough when you've both risen to your level of incompetence and you see the end of that effort looming up ahead.  For John "Cockroach" Laird, both of those things represent what passes for reality in his apparently drug-addled brain.

As one of the more prominent CRC Scammers, there's little doubt he's feeling it as much as, or more than, the rest.

Unfortunately for us, editorial page liar for the democratian was the best this moron could do.  It's unfortunate, because we've been subjected to his lies, exaggerations and playground punk attacks for several years now... most of them as the democratian sinks towards inevitable bankruptcy... all, no doubt, while the owner looks around, scratches his head and says, "Gee, I wonder why no one wants to buy my newspapers?"

Last week,  in possibly one of THE most moronic, idiotic columns to ever disgrace this community (and there have been several) Cockroach Johnnie Laird democratian pit yorkie, called those smart enough to oppose his hideous plan "cockroaches."


The fact is that this is how they view us.  This is how they view any of us who oppose them.


This is part and parcel of  Nazi-style groupthink: the way we can kill all the Jews and keep our sanity is to view them as less than we are; less than people: untermenschen.

Part of the process is to portray your opponents as inferior... racially back in the days of WW2, intellectually in the days of the CRC Scam.

That's why any high profile opponent of this rip off, from Larry Patella to Tom Mielke to David Madore... to me... has been subjected to repeated and multiple attacks... literally, for years.

We're all white, so they can't go racial.  Instead, they attack us personally while ignoring the issues that have led us all, independently, to conclude that this crap pile is just that.  A crap pile.

Cockroach, having gotten monumentally stupid to begin with, finds that, through his mask of arrogance and insipid superiority, that he now has to double-down.  He's trying... and failing... to ratchet up the pressure (against who isn't entirely clear) by spewing more lies such as this:
What are they worried about? Too much congestion relief? — Last week's column snarkily assigned bulletproof cockroach status to the discredited belief that a third bridge will solve all problems related to our too-narrow, too-old and too-dangerous Interstate 5 Bridge. Another misguided yet immortal belief is that we shouldn't build a new bridge because it will only expedite traffic to the Rose Garden bottleneck and make matters worse there.
To a simple scumbag like the Cockroach, that type of summation of those of us who believe a third bridge will have infinitely more impact on "congestion" then the idiocy Laird and his fellow CRC Scammers are shilling ignores reality


The scam the CRC Scammers are running does nothing to relieve "congestion," unless you call a 60 second reduction in commute times "congestion relief."

But the CRC Scammers don't concern themselves with the growing mountain of evidence that their positions... and conclusions... and project... are just flat out wrong.

One of their many problems is their policy, in place since 2005, of ignoring, and subsequently belittling, input from us, the public.

You know:  Us.

The Cockroaches.

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