Sunday, April 14, 2013

Tought times for the CScam Board: Leave-it panics at the loot rail hot potato dropping in his lap.

We all remember the scummery Tim "The Liar" Leave-it used to get elected; his very fake "I'm opposed to tolls" campaign that got him into office where he immediately flipped.

And now, with the writing on the wall, the CScam Board is trying to figure out what to do.

The answer, dumping the CRC scam like a bad habit, is obvious.  But that's not the hoot of it - this is:
C-Tran Executive Director Jeff Hamm laid out a wide range of options Saturday, from pursuing another vote to simply withdrawing support for the CRC entirely, or ceding authority to another entity, such as the city of Vancouver.

Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt, who supports the CRC, made it clear he's not interested in that option.
Doing so would only "shirk" the transit agency's responsibility, he said.

"C-Tran should be the one to take up that obligation, and nobody else," Leavitt said.
First of all, that's a stupid, no-where idea. "Ceding authority to Vancouver" would be like "ceding authority to a crack addict to run a pharmacy."

But more importantly, the LAST thing The Liar wants is to become a bigger poster boy for this losing scam then he already is, what with the election coming up and all.  HE doesn't want the entirety of this turd to blow up in HIS punch bowl.

OPB of all places, had even more of Leave-it's sniveling:
"If there is a failure of leadership at the CTRAN board to fulfill its obligations," Leavitt said, "to support more efficient, effective transit modes, then the city of Vancouver Council will have to make a serious decision about accepting responsibility community expects from its elected leaders. "

What a hoot.

CRC Scammers like Larry Smith are feeling it as "the clock runs down."  Like most Scammers, Smith doesn't care what the basis for "no," is.  Here's a memo, Smith: one week or one year, it's none of your business how long Madore takes to look this over: he doesn't represent you; he represents US and WE like what he's doing.

I love to see "confusion to our enemies."  And in this community, the CRC Scammers are just that:


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