Thursday, November 03, 2011

Response to a Marc Boldt email to CDR Larry Patella.

In the interests of full disclosure, I worked for Marc Boldt for six years in the legislature and he is my brother-in-law.

Apparently, Marc sent out the following email in response to a missive from Larry Patella.  Larry has his answer: I have mine.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 12:14 PM
To: Local Mailing List
Subject: RE: Vote No on Prop 1 C-Tran's Sales Tax increase.

Larry. By this are you against any bus service or c-van. I realize you do not like me now because I accepted the responsibility to chair c-Tran. I did not ask for light rail to come across the bridge and have tried to put in place policies to keep money going to the CRC project.

Currently the only amount allocated is 100 thousand dollars 3 years ago.
I voted no. also I am the only recorded no vote from any elected for tolls. I did attend the bridge meeting 2 weeks ago and have offered tiffany counch a letter from the county demanding information she has not there something else you want me to do

Here's my response:

1.  Have you thought about resigning?

2.  Have you reconsidered your support of CTrans screwing us in part because of your vote to set up the gerrymandered taxing district that excluded the votes of tens of thousands of us while including every major retailer in the county... meaning that while we had no say on implementing the CTrans tax, we had no real way to avoid paying it?

3.  Have you reconsidered your lie to me, specifically, that you would, personally, see to it that there would be an advisory vote on the CRC in November of 2010?

4.  Have you thought about withdrawing the county from CTrans?

5.  Will you stop being disingenuous... as in failing to mention the numerous opportunities where you failed to second any of Tom Mielke's CTrans motions concerning votes and tolls?

THOSE are the things *I* want you to do... and in no particular order.

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