Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Heh... Mike Heywood and the rest of the neo-communists are STILL pissed that Mielke beat Brokaw.

Unlike the Republicans, the democrats actually have a decent web site.  I make it a point to head on over there and check out their monthly newsletter, something else the backwards GOP leadership around here seems incapable of providing.

The fact is that the dem rag is a hoot.  Any time they mention anyone from the GOP, it always breaks out like a whine-fest.  This month's snivel session included this beauty, written by Porn aficionado Mike Heywood, fired from the democratian for engaging in his past time... while at work... and then given the job of editing yet another democrat newsletter, the first being the Columbian where he had the Pit Yorkie's job:
Three years ago now, Democrat Pam Brokaw looked like a shoo-in for election as the North County member of the Board of Clark County Commissioners. The other party, fearful that two Democrats and a soft-edged Republican on the board would put this county on a newly progressive track, hustled and bustled and squeezed until they had most of their friends marking ballots and delivering them to the Clark County Elections Department. Brokaw lost by fewer than two votes per precinct to a numb time server whose record in elective office should embarrass his Grand Old Party handlers.

Is there any question that Heywood and company still have their collective panties in a bunch?

In the interests of full-disclosure, I cannot tell a lie: I was Tom Mielke's consultant on that race, so I take a great deal of pride in the fact that I beat Brokaw... again... just like I did as Curtis's consultant when I beat her in 04.

That said, it's easy to take a shot when, like Heywood, the best you can claim is that you're a failed candidate.  And, unlike Mielke, Brokaw has precisely ZERO record in elective office... but that's OK... because she's a dem.

And, of course, Heywood and his trained ape called Marc Boldt a hell of a lot worse then "soft-edged Republican" while he was in the legislature... even though now, he's long since ended any pretense of being a conservative anything.

No, the ballot chase plan worked brilliantly; the dem clowns didn't even know we were doing one until it was far too late

And now... 3years later... Heywood still can't get over how an underfunded candidate... who was outspent about 3 to 1, managed to beat Brokaw in the midst of the Obama tsunami.

To the fringe-left nutters like Heywood, the fact is that they're incapable of understanding that running a gutless downtown liberal who favors gay marriage and partial birth abortion while refusing to take a position on the casino or the CRC is a ticket to failure.

That why Steve "The Liar" Stuart very nearly lost to a political neophyte.... who has now been tagged as a liar... for his false campaign promise of giving us a vote on loot rail THIS November.... used to get elected like his BFF's lies about bridge tolls... Tim "The Liar" Leave-it.

But the fringe left nutters don't see that or get it.

And I kinda like it that way.  Because political irrelevance looks good on Heywood and the rest of the fringers.

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