Monday, November 07, 2011

From the FWIW file: Who I would vote for.

Out here in the hinterland, we're not getting much of a chance to vote this time around... As I recall, it was 3 unopposed school board races, 3 initiatives and a couple of Resolutions.

Thanks to, among others, Marc Boldt who voted for the CTrans gerrymandering operation, I don't get to vote on Prop 1... I just get to pay the tax.

But were I a super-voter... if I could vote anywhere... here's who I would vote for.

49th District

Craig Riley.

Unfortunately, I don't believe Riley will win.

I have no faith in the GOP ground game, which showed itself to be essentially non-existent in 2010.  Riley is a non fringe-leftist, meaning he wouldn't babble GOP talking points that are laughingly false... like Wylie with her utterly nonsensical observation during the appointment process that "democrats were for transparency."

A total crock, actually.

I would vote for Riley in a heart beat.  But in the heavily dependent 49th, that thrives on income-redistribution, I don't so the soviet socialist republic of Vancouver voting that way.


Vancouver City Council

The incumbents and the wanna-be all support the scam that is the CRC and Prop 1.

In the Smith-Barnes race, unfortunately, Barnes has three strikes against him.

First, he's a big David Hedrick fan.

Second, he believes traffic laws are mere suggestions.

Smith is a proven war hero, and a former serving Army officer.

Those running Barnes should have done a better job of vetting him.  While the positions he claims are more favorable then Smith's rabid support of the CRC and loot rail, I would rather have a man of integrity hold the office and disagree with his political positions than have a Barnes in there who has no where near the record of sacrifice and service of Smith, and an apparent inability to understand that all laws, including speed limits, apply to us all.

Smith will win, going away, and as much as I disagree with him, I would vote for him in a second over a Barnes.


In the Hansen - Wentzel race, Hansen has proven himself to be One with the tinnest ears in politics.  He and Smith joined the cabal of Tim "The Liar" Leave-it and blocked the effort to hold a second vote on loot rail.

There's no excuse for that kind of nonsense... none.  And politically, when Hansen tries to move up out of Vancouver, that will come back to haunt him.

Wentzel, on the other hand, has been the recipient of Brancaccio's slaughter house efforts... with lies, distortions, exaggerations being the order of the day.

I expect that despicable rag of a paper to trash her and other GOP'ers because that's how they've rolled.  Van Nortwick, Boger, Madore... myself: oppose that moron running the paper... have an R after your name and, well, you know the rest.
On the other hand, Wentzel has not proven herself to be particularly politically adept.  I see occasional glimpses of disturbing elements that, well, bother me.

In this case, it's likely to be close... and it's likely to be...


In the Turley - McEnerny Ogle race, the most likely winner is Bill Turley.

McEnerny-Ogle, or "MO" as I call her, has the "help" of the same slimeballs that worked so hard to get Tim "The Liar" leave-it elected... the "UNITE Here" union out of New York City.

Money was laundered through them in a coordinated (and illegal) effort to get The Liar elected.  These same people are now shilling a truly bizarre set of mailers inferring that veterans, cops and fire fighters would support a non-serving union teacher hack over Turley, a combat pilot who is deserving of support.

MO is anything BUT a "people-person."  The last thing we need is another Jeanne Harris.

Sometimes, you've got to deal with a case of "with friends like that, who needs enemies."  This is one of those times.  And though the democratian did everything they could to trash both Wentzel and Turley over mailers sent out on their behalf, the differences in the two are that, except for a typo, the mailers sent out in support of the first two just happened to be 100% accurate, while the shlock sent out for MO was straight from Fantasy Island.


Camas Mayoral.

The appointed, incumbent mayor, Scott Higgins is who I would want as my mayor.

Hopefully, he'll run for the open 18th District seat because if he does run, he'll likely win.

That said, his opponent comes under the heading "disgruntled ex-city employee" and he will lose.


Camas City Council

I don't know much about those races... but the last second write in effort by Steve Bang is a scam being orchestrated by Jon Russell.  He's set up a bogus pac, with one of his more rabid campaign volunteers signed on as treasurer.  Russell's involved up to his earlobes, and if I lived in Camas, I'd have to be asking: why is Jon Russell interfering in our business?

Ignore this scam.  Vote for Linda Dietzman, because politics cannot be worth more then principle.


Washougal City Council

At least two of those running, Freeman and Plinski, are empty suited political neophytes who are Russell sock puppets.  One of them is such a clueless political idiot that she attended her FIRST city council meeting on the 19th of September.

The 19th of September.


Russell's close association with Delevar and the fact that he joined Russell in a democrat-style fleebagger walkout means he shouldn't be in elective office any more then Russell... which means, not at all.

In those 3 races, the choices are clear: anyone but a Russell sockpuppet.

The McDaniel-Anderson race is a no-brainer.  Anderson has only voted once in the last decade.  That disqualifies her from holding elective office.

Morris, Lindsay, McDaniel, Costin.

These are the outcomes I see.  Standard disclaimers apply.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Well, what do you know. I actually agree with most of your choices. And the ones where I might choose differently aren't that different.

    Greg Owens


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