Monday, November 07, 2011

So, in addition to everything else, it looks like Boldt violated the Public Disclosure Commission rules with his robo call.

Listen carefully to the robo call (The nonsense within it aside.)

So... what wrong with it?

How about this, from the PDC:

The following statement must be clearly spoken, or for TV advertisements, appear in print and be visible for at least four seconds, appear in letters greater than 4% of the visual screen height, and have a reasonable color contrast with the background: “No candidate authorized this ad. Paid for by (name, city, state).” The Top 5 contributor names, as discussed under “written advertisements,” are necessary if the ad is sponsored by a political committee required to file with the PDC. The top 5 contributor names are also required for telephone transmissions.
Bona fide political parties are required to include the Notice to Voters statement in radio or TV ads that they sponsor, but not the Top 5 contributors. 
Independent expenditure advertising in the form of yard signs, bumper stickers, skywriting or other items exempt from sponsor ID (as discussed on the reverse), is also exempt from the Notice to Voters, Top Five Contributors, and controlling individual/entity ID requirements.
Odd.  Did you hear who paid for the robo call?

*I* didn't.

So, in addition to selling out anything close to a Republican principle, Boldt failed to include the mandatory disclosures, as required by law.

No lie the bridger/looters won't tell, and no law they won't break.

PDC complaint in the hopper?  We'll have to see.

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