Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Another reason to despise the teacher's union: those idiots have ALREADY endorsed the empty suit for pres.


In a hopelessly stupid move that extends beyond reality, the NEA fringe leftists have ALREADY endorsed the worst president in the history of the United States for re-election.

It's just a damned shame they don't spend more time becoming better teachers and actually worrying about the horrific job they typically do educating our youth.

It's this kind of moronic politics that causes me to vote "no" on any levy and/or bond.  These overpaid prima-donnas whine about taking a minor pay cut when they make $85,000 plus per year as it is for their part time 183 day per year, 7 hour per day job.

And then they're going to go ahead and do this?  Screw them.

The failed teachers union has already backed failed president Barack Obama in the 2012 race.
Chicago Breaking News reported:
The nation’s largest teachers union voted Monday to support President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election bid, marking one of the earliest union endorsements for the administration.
About 72 percent of the National Education Association’s representative assembly voted to recommend the president’s candidacy to its 3.2 million members, despite past disagreements between the Obama administration and many rank-and-file teachers who dislike parts of the president’s reform agenda.
An estimated 5,414 members cast their support for the president while 2,102 members said no during the summer convention held in Chicago.
The NEA becomes one of the first labor unions to formally support the president in 2012.
“We have the same shared vision of America. (The president) has always talked about the importance of education from preschool to the graduate level,” said NEA President Dennis Van Roekel. ” I don’t mind fighting on how to get to that shared vision. I believe out of that discussion may come ideas that neither one of us thought about and may be better.”
It is the earliest endorsement ever made by the union, according to Van Roekel. Indeed, the Republican field of candidates has not winnowed to a single candidate to oppose the president.

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