Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rep. Deb Wallace: The dimmest bulb on the 3rd Congressional tree?

Our own Deb Wallace added strength to my argument that a Clark County democrat will not win the election to Congress next November by adding to her dimbulb legend with the withdrawal of her bizarre sales tax bill that would have crippled south-north retail commerce by ending the level playing field we now have with Oregon on the sales tax issue.

Many people hammered her after her nonsensical grandstanding that led to a decision that would have hurt our economy locally and along with that, much of any incentive for Oregonians to shop here.

Of course, Wallace's insistence on slamming a toll on the bridges here locally to pay for what we can now begin to characterize as "Wallace's Folly" will have roughly the same impacts; the idea that Oregon shoppers would actually PAY to come over here and shop being just one of the unfactored aspects of her questionable decision-making processes.

Clearly, like the Obama Administration, Wallace has no idea what she's doing. Like the Obama Administration, she failed to seek out those most impacted by their decisions in advance. And, like the Obama administration, she was willing to throw our local economy under the bus.

Since the inauguration, democrats have shown a pathological ability to fail to consider impacts. And the time to consider those impacts is BEFORE YOU FILE THE BILLS.

Does she get credit for realize what a bad move the bill was?

Of course she does. But the best way to proceed is to avoid screwing up in the first place... like she has by wasting tens of millions of dollars on an unneeded and unwanted bridge replacement/loot rail scam while condemning our local economy to vaporizing a $100,000,000 in tolls each year if this massive waste is ever built.

Well done. I'm sure we have much more to see from her, and like Herrera, the best part of this is that come 1 Jan 2011, she'll be out of government... save for her non-elected job.

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